IDK0071 Tarkvaratehnika Loeng 1: Sissejuhatus tarkvaratehnikasse

IDK0071 Tarkvaratehnika Loeng 1: Sissejuhatus tarkvaratehnikasse

IDK0071 Tarkvaratehnika Loeng 1: Sissejuhatus tarkvaratehnikasse


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THERAC-25 (1)Therac 25 was engineered by Atomic Energy CanadaLimited (AECL) in conjunction with a French companyCGR. It was an advancement in the fight againstcancer. The million dollar, dual-mode linear acceleratorwas first developed in 1976 and the commercial versionwas available in 1982The machine had two settings, a low energy, 200-radmode, and a x-ray mode of 25 million electron voltcapacity. The low setting could be directly aimed at thepatient whereas the high-energy mode had to aim at thepatient through a thick tungsten shield. It was controlledthrough a terminal

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