Debat midis Imam Albanit rahimehullah dhe nje anetari te ... - Mburoja

Debat midis Imam Albanit rahimehullah dhe nje anetari te ... - Mburoja

Debat midis Imam Albanit rahimehullah dhe nje anetari te ... - Mburoja


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1 MBUROJA.net<strong>Debat</strong> <strong>midis</strong> <strong>Imam</strong> <strong>Albanit</strong> <strong>rahimehullah</strong> <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>nje</strong> <strong>anetari</strong> <strong>te</strong>organiza<strong>te</strong>s se xhihadit<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne nuk kemi as<strong>nje</strong> dyshim se ti je prej dijetareve <strong>te</strong> pare <strong>te</strong> ketij shekulli qetherret per kthimin ne kuptimin e selefeve. Nuk ka dyshim se çeshtja e xhihadit esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong>çeshtje mosmarreveshjeje mes atyre qe ndjekin menhexhin e selefus-salih. Ne çeshtjen exhihadit ne i therrasim <strong>nje</strong>rezit qe <strong>te</strong> luftojne ne xhihad ne dy kush<strong>te</strong>: i pari esh<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong>kryhet me nijetin e pas<strong>te</strong>r per hir <strong>te</strong> Allahut; <strong>dhe</strong> i dyti esh<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong> kryhet nen flamurin eIslamit. Sidoqof<strong>te</strong> ne kemi degjuar prej muslimaneve <strong>te</strong> rinj e <strong>te</strong> devotshem kush<strong>te</strong> <strong>te</strong>tjera <strong>te</strong> cilat ata i rrefejne prej jush, <strong>te</strong> cilat ne nuk i kemi degjuar kurre ne hadijthe, <strong>te</strong>tilla siç esh<strong>te</strong> dija islame (ose edukimi e<strong>dhe</strong> pastrimi), e<strong>dhe</strong> pasja e khalifit apo <strong>te</strong> sh<strong>te</strong>titislamik. Keto kush<strong>te</strong> i kemi degjuar prej shume vellezerve <strong>te</strong> cilet ndjekin menhexhin eselefeve, e<strong>dhe</strong> une insha'all-llah jam prej atyre qe e ndjekin ke<strong>te</strong> menhexh. Pyetja imeesh<strong>te</strong>: A kane keto kush<strong>te</strong> ndo<strong>nje</strong> lidhje ne sunnet? Apo ato jane thjesht <strong>nje</strong> ixhtihad nelidhje me situa<strong>te</strong>n aktuale. Dhe para kesaj a therret ti ne <strong>te</strong> ver<strong>te</strong><strong>te</strong> ne keto kush<strong>te</strong>?Shejhu: Para se gjithash ne rame dakord qe <strong>te</strong> diskutojme ke<strong>te</strong> problem me ty qe <strong>te</strong>zbulojme rreth dawas suaj.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Une <strong>te</strong> tregova ty rreth saj.Shejhu: A<strong>te</strong>here, shpjegoje dawan <strong>te</strong>nde. Pyetjet e tua jane <strong>te</strong> parakohshme, sepse unedua <strong>te</strong> kuptoj se ne çfare konsiston dawa juaj?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Dawa ime esh<strong>te</strong> e qar<strong>te</strong>, <strong>te</strong> besh xhihad sipas kush<strong>te</strong>ve qe une permenda.Qellimi, sepse profeti Muhammed (salallahu alejhi ue selam) tho<strong>te</strong>,"Kushdo qe lufton qefjala e Allahut <strong>te</strong> je<strong>te</strong> me e larta, kjo esh<strong>te</strong> ne rruge <strong>te</strong> Allahut." Nen flamurin e Islamitsepse Profeti (salallahu alejhi ue selam) tho<strong>te</strong>:"Kushdo qe lufton per hir <strong>te</strong> partishmerise(asabijeh) duke perkrahur <strong>nje</strong> grup apo duke luftuar <strong>nje</strong> tje<strong>te</strong>r e<strong>dhe</strong> vdes, ai ka vdekurme vdekje xhahilijeti."Shejhu: Ne rregull. A kemi ne nevoje per <strong>nje</strong> Emir per <strong>te</strong> bere xhihad?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Jo.Shejhu: Pra, ne do <strong>te</strong> bejme xhihad ne <strong>nje</strong> rremuje <strong>te</strong> ma<strong>dhe</strong> e <strong>te</strong> shthurur (fewda)?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Jo… por...Shejhu: Gjithashtu, kushti yt i pare, i cili esh<strong>te</strong> qellimi i pas<strong>te</strong>r. Ky kusht esh<strong>te</strong> per ç'dolloj adhurimi, pra ne e mbyllem me ke<strong>te</strong>. Kushti juaj i dy<strong>te</strong>: nen flamurin e Islamit; a e

3 MBUROJA.net<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Po sigurisht, sepse kjo nenkupton qe ne <strong>te</strong> duam <strong>te</strong> marrim frutat perpara se<strong>te</strong> mbjellim pemet.Shejhu: Kjo esh<strong>te</strong> ajo ç'ka une po ju shoh <strong>te</strong> beni. Ti thua qe do <strong>nje</strong> emir per <strong>te</strong> gjithegrupin e muslimaneve qe <strong>te</strong> u<strong>dhe</strong>heqe xhihadin e<strong>dhe</strong> ne <strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong>j<strong>te</strong>n kohe ti nuk do qe ai <strong>te</strong>je<strong>te</strong> khalif. A esh<strong>te</strong> kjo ajo ç'fare do ti?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Mire, po.Shejhu: Ne rregull, a<strong>te</strong>here kush esh<strong>te</strong> ky emir? Dhe a mund <strong>te</strong> kemi me shume se <strong>nje</strong>emir? Ne jemi ne kushtin qe rame dakord me pare, i cili esh<strong>te</strong> ai qe ne kemi nevoje per<strong>nje</strong> emir, e<strong>dhe</strong> ti pre<strong>te</strong>ndon se ne kemi nevoje per <strong>nje</strong> emir qe <strong>te</strong> u<strong>dhe</strong>heqe ke<strong>te</strong> grup nexhihad pa u bere ai khalif. Cilin duhet <strong>te</strong> kemi ne fillim, emirin apo xhihadin? Kjo esh<strong>te</strong>sikurse <strong>te</strong> pyesesh, a <strong>te</strong> fu<strong>te</strong>mi para ezanit apo pas tij. Cili vjen i pari?... (debatojne pakkohe rreth kesaj)...<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull, ne kemi nevoje per <strong>nje</strong> emir per xhihadin farz ajn para se <strong>te</strong>fillojme xhihadin.Shejhu: Shkelqyeshem. A<strong>te</strong>here do <strong>te</strong> therrasim per <strong>te</strong> patur emirin ne fillim, apo do <strong>te</strong>therrasim per xhihadin <strong>te</strong> parin?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: A<strong>te</strong>here <strong>te</strong> dy ne <strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong>j<strong>te</strong>n kohe.Shejhu: La hawla we la kuwe<strong>te</strong> ila bilah. Ne sapo rame dakord se ne kemi nevoje peremirin per xhihadin ajn, perpara se ta nisim xhihadin. Pyetja tje<strong>te</strong>r esh<strong>te</strong> se a duhet ne <strong>te</strong>therrasim per emirin ne fillim, apo per xhihadin? Ky grup e<strong>dhe</strong> grupet e tjera kanenevoje per prijes. Per <strong>te</strong> thirrur ne ke<strong>te</strong> lloj xhihadi ne kemi nevoje per emirin ne fillim.Esh<strong>te</strong> ai qe do <strong>te</strong> therrase muxhahidinet e<strong>dhe</strong> do t'i dergoje keta ketu, e<strong>dhe</strong> keta atje.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull, po sikur <strong>nje</strong> grup muslimanesh lexojne ne Kur'an rreth xhihadit<strong>dhe</strong> duan <strong>te</strong> bejne xhihad, keshtu qe ata bashkohen per xhihad e<strong>dhe</strong> caktojne <strong>nje</strong> emirmes tyre.Shejhu: O vella, ajo ç'ka ti po pershkruan esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> rast i xhihadit farz kifaje. Perfarzin kifaje esh<strong>te</strong> ne rregull qe ai grup i vogel <strong>te</strong> bashkohet e<strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> beje xhihad. Perfarzin ajn ne kemi nevoje per <strong>te</strong> gjithe grupin e muslimaneve. Si mund <strong>te</strong> kemi ne gjithegrupin e muslimaneve nese nuk kemi <strong>nje</strong> u<strong>dhe</strong>heqje <strong>te</strong> perbashket per ke<strong>te</strong> lloj xhihadi.Per ke<strong>te</strong> lloj emiri une nuk shoh ndo<strong>nje</strong> prej muxhahidineve <strong>te</strong> therrase per <strong>te</strong>. Perse nuktherrisni ju per ke<strong>te</strong> emir?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull, a<strong>te</strong>here na ler qe <strong>te</strong> therrasim per ke<strong>te</strong> emir.Shejhu: Ne rregull, a<strong>te</strong>here cilat jane karak<strong>te</strong>ristikat e ketij emiri sipas mendimit <strong>te</strong>nd?

4 MBUROJA.net<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: [jep disa karak<strong>te</strong>ristika].Shejhu: Dhe ti a po e sheh ndo<strong>nje</strong> emir me keto cilesi?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Po, shume.Shejhu: Ku?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Kudo.Shejhu: Ne thame se na nevoji<strong>te</strong>t <strong>nje</strong> emir per <strong>te</strong> gjithe grupin, pra per <strong>te</strong> gjithemuslimanet. Si mund <strong>te</strong> kemi ne me shume se <strong>nje</strong> emir per <strong>te</strong> gjithe muslimanet?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: [duke biseduar me <strong>te</strong>j...]Shejhu: A e di ti se ç'fare tho<strong>te</strong> per ke<strong>te</strong> hadithi i Hu<strong>dhe</strong>jfetu ibn Jeman (radiall-llahuanhu) [fein-lem jekun-lehum xhema'a we la imam] nese aty nuk ka xhemat e<strong>dhe</strong> nuk kaprijes, pra a nuk <strong>te</strong> çon kjo ne perfundimin se ky xhihad ka nevoje per <strong>nje</strong> khalif, apodiçka ndryshe? [Hadijthi transmetohet prej imam Bukharit, ne Kitab el Munakib, nr.3338: Kur <strong>nje</strong>rzit e pyesnin pejgamberin (salallahu alejhi ue selam) per khajrin, une po epyesja per sherrin nga frika se mund <strong>te</strong> me bjere, e<strong>dhe</strong> e pyeta: “O profeti i Allahut, neishim ne xhahilijet, e Allahu na e pruri ke<strong>te</strong> miresi, a do <strong>te</strong> ke<strong>te</strong> pas kesaj sherr?” Profetisalall-llahu alejhi ue selam tha:”Po, do <strong>te</strong> ke<strong>te</strong>.” E une i thashe:”A do <strong>te</strong> ke<strong>te</strong> khajer mbasketij sherri?” Ai (alejhi salatu ue selam) tha: “Po, por do <strong>te</strong> ke<strong>te</strong> ne <strong>te</strong> papas<strong>te</strong>rti.” Une epyeta:”Ç’fare jane ato?” Ai (salall-llahu alejhi ue selam) tha:”Njerez <strong>te</strong> cilet u<strong>dhe</strong>zojne jome u<strong>dhe</strong>zimin tim. Do t'i njihni ata e<strong>dhe</strong> do t'i mohoni.” Une e pyeta:”A ka sherr paskesaj <strong>te</strong> mire?” Ai salall-llahu alejhi ue selam tha: “Po, thirresa per ne dyert exhehenemit, kushdo qe i pergjigjet atyre do ta hedhin ne <strong>te</strong>.” E une i thashe:”O i derguari Allahut, na i pershkruaj ata neve.” Ai salall-llahu alejhi ue selam tha:”Ata jane prej jush<strong>dhe</strong> flasin gjuhen tone.” Dhe une e pyeta:”Ç'<strong>te</strong> bej une nese e deshmoj ke<strong>te</strong>? Pejgamberisalall-llahu alejhi ue selam tha:”Ngjitu (kapu fort) me xhematin e muslimaneve <strong>dhe</strong>prijesit <strong>te</strong> tyre.” E une e pyeta: “Po nese nuk ata nuk kane prijes?“ A<strong>te</strong>here, Ai alejhisalatu ue selam tha:“Nese ata nuk kane prijes apo imam, a<strong>te</strong>here largohu prej <strong>te</strong> gjitheketyre grupeve, e<strong>dhe</strong> nese e kafshon pemen (e<strong>dhe</strong> mbahesh <strong>te</strong>k ajo me <strong>dhe</strong>mbet e tu)deri sa <strong>te</strong> <strong>te</strong> vije vdekja.“]<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ç’hyn ky hadijth ne diskutimin tone?Shejhu: A nuk e pyeti Hu<strong>dhe</strong>jfja, radiall-llahu anhu, profetin salall-llahu alejhi ue selamse çfare <strong>te</strong> ben<strong>te</strong> kur <strong>te</strong> ke<strong>te</strong> thirresa per ne dyert e zjarrit <strong>te</strong> xhehennemit? Profeti (salallllahualejhi ue selam) iu pergjigj se ai duhej <strong>te</strong> ngji<strong>te</strong>j pas imamit <strong>te</strong> xhematit, <strong>dhe</strong> neseata nuk kane imam, a<strong>te</strong>here ai duhej <strong>te</strong> qendron<strong>te</strong> larg ç'do lloj xhemati. A zbatohen ketokush<strong>te</strong> sot? A nuk kemi ne <strong>nje</strong>rez <strong>te</strong> cilet pre<strong>te</strong>ndojne se jane muslimane, porse janethirresa per ne zjarrin e xhehennemit? A nuk mungon khalifi?

5 MBUROJA.net<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Une preferoj qe <strong>te</strong> diskutoj hadijthe <strong>te</strong> tjera , si p.sh.: "Do <strong>te</strong> vazhdoje <strong>te</strong> je<strong>te</strong><strong>nje</strong> grup <strong>nje</strong>rezish ne Ummetin tim <strong>te</strong> cilet luftojne per <strong>te</strong> drej<strong>te</strong>n, e<strong>dhe</strong> nuk i bejne dematyre ata qe nuk pajtohen me ta, e<strong>dhe</strong> as ata qe i braktisin ata."Shejhu: Po ç’hyn ky hadijth ne diskutimin tone? Ne nuk jemi ne mosmarreveshje mbithirrjen ne xhihad. Ne jemi dakord se xhihadi esh<strong>te</strong> obligim sot (farz ajn), por ajo ç’farene nuk biem dakord esh<strong>te</strong> se a nevoji<strong>te</strong>t per ne <strong>nje</strong> khalif ne fillim apo jo. Ajo ç’fare ticitove nuk i shton asgje argumentit. Ne dy jemi dakord se xhihadi esh<strong>te</strong> farz. Kupton?Ajo ç’fare nuk biem dakord esh<strong>te</strong> çeshtja e nevojes per khalif per <strong>te</strong> filluar ke<strong>te</strong> xhihad.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull.Shejhu: Kushtoji vemendje se si Profeti (salall-llahu alejhi ue selam) e keshilloiHu<strong>dhe</strong>jfen, radiall-llahu anhu, qe <strong>te</strong> ngji<strong>te</strong>j pas imamit <strong>te</strong> muslimaneve <strong>dhe</strong> grupit <strong>te</strong> tyrekryesor. Ti i ke <strong>te</strong> gjitha kush<strong>te</strong>t ne ke<strong>te</strong> hadijth <strong>te</strong> ver<strong>te</strong>ta ne kohen e tashme.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: E ver<strong>te</strong><strong>te</strong>…Shejhu: Dhe Profeti (salall-llahu alejhi ue selam) tha: Nese muslimanet nuk kane imamapo xhemat, <strong>te</strong> lihen <strong>te</strong> gjitha grupet. Pra ç’fare do <strong>te</strong> besh ti tani?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull, do <strong>te</strong> perpiqemi <strong>te</strong> shohim per xhematin e muslimaneve <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong>gjejme <strong>nje</strong> imam per <strong>te</strong>.Shejhu: Kjo esh<strong>te</strong> pra ajo per ç’ka therrasim ne. Xhihadi esh<strong>te</strong> farz, porse tani nuk esh<strong>te</strong>koha per <strong>te</strong>. Neve na nevoji<strong>te</strong>t imami ne fillim e<strong>dhe</strong> pastaj Profeti Muhammed [salallllahualejhi ue selam] <strong>te</strong> ur<strong>dhe</strong>ron qe <strong>te</strong> ndjekesh e<strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> ngji<strong>te</strong>sh ne xhematin e tij.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Si mund ta dime ne se nuk mund <strong>te</strong> bejme xhihad derisa <strong>te</strong> gjejme ke<strong>te</strong>khalif, i cili ver<strong>te</strong>t esh<strong>te</strong> i domosdoshem?Shejhu: Hadijthi tho<strong>te</strong>, 'nese muslimanet nuk kane prijes, a<strong>te</strong>here leri <strong>te</strong> gjitha grupet.'Dhe ne sapo thame me lart se xhihadi per farzin ajn duhet <strong>te</strong> behet prej xhematit <strong>te</strong>u<strong>dhe</strong>hequr prej <strong>nje</strong> prijesi per <strong>te</strong> gjithe muslimanet, <strong>nje</strong> emir. Nese muslimanet nuk kaneprijes, a<strong>te</strong>here qendro larg prej <strong>te</strong> gjitha grupeve. Si mund <strong>te</strong> bejne xhihad ata ne <strong>te</strong><strong>nje</strong>j<strong>te</strong>n kohe kur duhet <strong>te</strong> qendrojne larg prej <strong>te</strong> gjitha grupeve??? Ti po bie nekundershtim me a<strong>te</strong> qe sapo re dakord. Ne islam ne kemi ve<strong>te</strong>m <strong>nje</strong> flamur, <strong>nje</strong> grup,e<strong>dhe</strong> <strong>nje</strong> prijes. Ne kemi nevoje per ke<strong>te</strong> grup <strong>te</strong> ve<strong>te</strong>m per <strong>te</strong> filluar xhihadin farz ajn.<strong>Debat</strong>uesi:…Shejhu: Ajo ç’ka une dua tani, esh<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong> <strong>te</strong> ver<strong>te</strong>toj ty se ky emiri i xhihaditfarz ajn duhet <strong>te</strong> je<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> khalif, <strong>dhe</strong> jo thjesht <strong>nje</strong> emir. Argumenti esh<strong>te</strong> perseri hadijthi iHu<strong>dhe</strong>jfes radiall-llahu anhu. Shpeshhere, siç e di ti, deshmia esh<strong>te</strong> e qar<strong>te</strong> <strong>dhe</strong> shpesh

6 MBUROJA.netnuk esh<strong>te</strong> e qar<strong>te</strong>. Le <strong>te</strong> marrim parasysh shembullin e <strong>nje</strong> shejhu qe e keshillon taleben etij rreth u<strong>dhe</strong>zimeve <strong>te</strong> ketij hadijthi. Talebja (studenti) e pyet shejhun e tij: ç’fare <strong>te</strong> bejper <strong>te</strong> shmangur <strong>te</strong> keqen; <strong>dhe</strong> shejhu i tho<strong>te</strong>: ngjitu pas imamit <strong>te</strong> muslimaneve. Talebjapergjigjet se muslimanet nuk kane khalif, keshtu qe shejhu e keshillon a<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong> qendrojelarg prej <strong>te</strong> gjitha grupeve. Ky student esh<strong>te</strong> i bindur ndaj shejhut <strong>te</strong> tij <strong>dhe</strong> ky shejkhesh<strong>te</strong> duke ndjekur Profetin [salall-llahu alejhi ue selam]. Çfare duhet <strong>te</strong> beje ky student?Ai mund <strong>te</strong> shkoje perpara, <strong>te</strong> jetoje je<strong>te</strong>n e tij ne <strong>nje</strong> lendine duke pare delen e tij apoç’faredo gjeje tje<strong>te</strong>r, duke adhuruar Allahun. Ku esh<strong>te</strong> xhihadi? Nese do <strong>te</strong> ish<strong>te</strong> uaxhibper ke<strong>te</strong> musliman qe <strong>te</strong> lufton<strong>te</strong>, a<strong>te</strong>here shejhu do t'i thosh<strong>te</strong> atij qe <strong>te</strong> lufton<strong>te</strong>, <strong>dhe</strong> jo <strong>te</strong>qendron<strong>te</strong> larg ç’do grupi. A ka xhihad ketu? Per sa kohe qe nuk ka imam, a<strong>te</strong>here nukka xhihad. Deshmia esh<strong>te</strong> e qar<strong>te</strong>. Xhihadi duhet <strong>te</strong> je<strong>te</strong> nen mbikqyrjen e imamit ose <strong>te</strong>khalifit. Por me ler <strong>te</strong> <strong>te</strong> tregoj per diçka qe i shqe<strong>te</strong>son shume prej studen<strong>te</strong>ve <strong>te</strong> dijes, sejane shume grupe qe luftojne, si Afganet apo ata ne Siri, qe prej <strong>nje</strong> dekade apo e<strong>dhe</strong> me<strong>te</strong>per. Keta <strong>nje</strong>rez, nese duan <strong>te</strong> luftojne, ata duhet <strong>te</strong> jene nen u<strong>dhe</strong>heqjen e <strong>nje</strong> emiri, qenuk do <strong>te</strong> tho<strong>te</strong> se Sirianet <strong>te</strong> luftojne ne Afganistan e<strong>dhe</strong> Afganet ne Siri, jo… Do <strong>te</strong>tho<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong> dy grupet luftuese duhet <strong>te</strong> jene nen mbikqyrjen e <strong>nje</strong> imami <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>nje</strong> khalifi.Nese nuk ka aty as<strong>nje</strong> imam e<strong>dhe</strong> as<strong>nje</strong> xhemat, [jo ne kuptimin e dy grupeve luftuese,por ne kuptimin e <strong>nje</strong> grupi ne bashkimin e tyre <strong>te</strong> u<strong>dhe</strong>heqjes, por mund <strong>te</strong> jene me<strong>te</strong>per se <strong>nje</strong> grup luf<strong>te</strong>taresh <strong>dhe</strong> ç’do <strong>nje</strong>ri lufton ne <strong>nje</strong> pjese <strong>te</strong> bo<strong>te</strong>s islame], <strong>te</strong> dyjagrupet do <strong>te</strong> vepronin per hesab <strong>te</strong> vet. Per <strong>te</strong> bere ke<strong>te</strong> xhihad farz ajn, uaxhibi permuslimanet esh<strong>te</strong> bashkimi, e bashkimi ka nevoje per khalif. Per <strong>te</strong> vendosur ke<strong>te</strong> gje, neduhet <strong>te</strong> fillojme me edukimin e<strong>dhe</strong> pastrimin. Ne nuk mund <strong>te</strong> fillojme tani mexhihadin. Ti the se jane shume grupe per xhihad, <strong>dhe</strong> akoma keto grupe jane nemosmarreveshje <strong>dhe</strong> ashtu sikurse tho<strong>te</strong> Allahu, subhanehu ue <strong>te</strong>ala, ne Kur’an: "Mos ukundershtoni (me <strong>nje</strong>ri tjetrin) qe <strong>te</strong> mos humbni kurajon e<strong>dhe</strong> fuqine." [el-Enfal 46]. Nejemi shume sot, si rrjedha e lumit, e ajo ç’fare kerkon <strong>te</strong> besh ti esh<strong>te</strong>, ti japesh legjitimi<strong>te</strong>tketyre grupeve <strong>te</strong> perhapura (gutha’).<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull. Si do <strong>te</strong> na shpjere ky edukim e<strong>dhe</strong> pastrim drejt khalifit?Shejhu: Historia riperserit vetve<strong>te</strong>n. Ç’do <strong>nje</strong>ri pre<strong>te</strong>ndon se Profeti esh<strong>te</strong> modeli i tyre iveprimit. Profeti yne [salall-llahu alejhi ue selam], (ne fillim) shpenzoi gjysmen e pare <strong>te</strong>mesazhit <strong>te</strong> tij ne berjen e dauas/ thirrjes, <strong>dhe</strong> nuk e filloi me xhihad. Profeti [salall-llahualejhi ue selam] ne fillim i ngriti shoket e tij me eduka<strong>te</strong>n islame ashtu sikurse ai i edukoiata qe <strong>te</strong> thone fjalen e se ver<strong>te</strong><strong>te</strong>s <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> mos frikesoheshin prej saj. E ai [salall-llahualejhi ue selam], gjithashtu u mesoi atyre mesimet islame. Ne e dime se islami yne sotnuk esh<strong>te</strong> siç ish<strong>te</strong> a<strong>te</strong>here kur Allahu shpalli, “… Sot persosa per ju fene tuaj…,” ne <strong>te</strong>ver<strong>te</strong><strong>te</strong> shume gjera i jane shtuar islamit, a nuk je dakord?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Po, plo<strong>te</strong>sisht dakord, por jane shume aje<strong>te</strong> Kur’anore <strong>te</strong> cilat argumentojnese xhihadi esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> obligim i rendesishem.

7 MBUROJA.netShejhu: Po une nuk po e mohoj ke<strong>te</strong>. Por, or vella, pyetja esh<strong>te</strong>:“… prej ku duhet <strong>te</strong>fillojme ne…?” Daua ime esh<strong>te</strong>: qe <strong>te</strong> bejme ke<strong>te</strong> xhihad, neve na nevoji<strong>te</strong>t <strong>nje</strong> emir, porqe <strong>te</strong> gjejme ke<strong>te</strong> emir, ne duhet <strong>te</strong> punojme me eduka<strong>te</strong>n <strong>dhe</strong> pastrimin. Mendoje ke<strong>te</strong>me ve<strong>te</strong>n <strong>te</strong>nde, duke marre per konsidera<strong>te</strong> hadijthin e Hu<strong>dhe</strong>jfes radiall-llahu anhu, secili na nevoji<strong>te</strong>t si fillim, xhihadi apo emiri?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: A ka thirrur ndo<strong>nje</strong> me pare per edukim <strong>dhe</strong> pastrim para xhihadit?Shejhu: Allahu <strong>te</strong> meshirof<strong>te</strong>, me thuaj kur nuk kane patur muslimanet <strong>nje</strong> khalif <strong>te</strong>unifikuar (<strong>te</strong> ve<strong>te</strong>m)?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Po per kohen e Aliut e<strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> Muauijes, radiall-llahu <strong>te</strong>ala anhum?Shejhu: Ti do <strong>te</strong> thuash se Aliu radiall-llahu anhu ish<strong>te</strong> i drej<strong>te</strong> <strong>dhe</strong> Muauija radiall-llahuanhu ish<strong>te</strong> i keq?<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Jo… por…Shejhu: Jo "por." Sa khalife ishin atje?… [ pas <strong>nje</strong> periu<strong>dhe</strong> kohe debatimi]…<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: Ne rregull, ne rregull, <strong>nje</strong>.Nje degjues: Te tregohem i sinqer<strong>te</strong>, shejhu im, ky diskutim nuk po shkon asgjekund.Nese dikush nuk pastron qellimin <strong>dhe</strong> mendjen e tij, ai nuk ka per <strong>te</strong> kuptuar kurre.Shejhu: Ver<strong>te</strong>t kjo esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> keshille e mire. Ne jetojme ne <strong>nje</strong> epoke ku <strong>nje</strong> prejkarak<strong>te</strong>ristikave fatale qe esh<strong>te</strong> gjeresisht e perhapur, esh<strong>te</strong> ajo qe ç'do<strong>nje</strong>ri pelqenmendimin e tij. Sot ç'dokush i cili lexon pak Kur’an apo meson ndopak ahkame(gjykime) <strong>dhe</strong> hadijthe, ai mendon se ai esh<strong>te</strong> dikush ne dije, e<strong>dhe</strong> pse ai nuk mund t'ilexoje hadijthet pa kryer gabime, <strong>dhe</strong> pastaj kerkon <strong>te</strong> debatoje me gjithçka që sheh…<strong>Debat</strong>uesi: …perpiqet ta nderprese…Shejhu: Koha per debatin mbaroi. Po e marr keshillen e vellait. Keshilla ime perstuden<strong>te</strong>t e dijes esh<strong>te</strong> qe <strong>te</strong> mos vazhdojne t'u predikojne <strong>nje</strong>rezeve diçka qe mund t'ishpjere ata ne humbje. Ai duhet <strong>te</strong> kontrolloje me <strong>nje</strong>rezit e dijes perpara se <strong>te</strong> hi<strong>dhe</strong>t neperfundim. Esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> prej fatkeqesive <strong>te</strong> rinise muslimane sot qe <strong>te</strong> perve<strong>te</strong>sojnenxitimthi opinionet pa vezhguar ne brendesi <strong>te</strong> mendimeve <strong>te</strong> selefeve (<strong>te</strong> pareve) <strong>dhe</strong>khalefeve (<strong>te</strong> mevonshmeve) ne lidhje me keto çeshtje. Une i keshilloj muslimanet qe <strong>te</strong>arrijne ke<strong>te</strong> veçanerisht per çeshtjet qe li<strong>dhe</strong>n me grupe si ato <strong>te</strong> xhihadit. Xhihadi esh<strong>te</strong>padyshim krenaria e islamit <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>nje</strong> nga bazat e tij, <strong>dhe</strong> aje<strong>te</strong>t <strong>dhe</strong> hadijthet ne lidhje meke<strong>te</strong> jane <strong>te</strong> njohura nga <strong>te</strong> gjithe insha’all-llah. Por ky xhihad ka kush<strong>te</strong>t e<strong>dhe</strong> kerkesat etij. Prej kush<strong>te</strong>ve <strong>te</strong> tij baze esh<strong>te</strong> se grupi qe e ben a<strong>te</strong>, domosdoshmerisht duhet <strong>te</strong> je<strong>te</strong>dakord qe t'i kthehet Kur’anit e<strong>dhe</strong> Sunnetit ne gjykimet e tyre. Kjo ne fakt kerkon <strong>nje</strong>

8 MBUROJA.netkohe <strong>te</strong> ma<strong>dhe</strong> edukimi, pastrimi, <strong>dhe</strong> dijetare e thirresa, ashtu siç Profeti [salall-llahualejhi ue selam] i edukoi sahabet e tij. Ne u bejme <strong>te</strong> ditur se muxhahidinet therrasin çdomusliman qe <strong>te</strong> bashkohet ne luf<strong>te</strong>, <strong>dhe</strong> kur ata shkojne <strong>te</strong> luftojne gjejnemosmarreveshje mes tyre ne çeshtje <strong>te</strong> besimit e<strong>dhe</strong> ne bazat e islamit. Si mund <strong>te</strong> jeneketa <strong>nje</strong>rez gati per xhihad kur ata ende nuk po e kuptojne se ç’ka esh<strong>te</strong> e obligueshmeper ta ne akide????!!! Kjo, o vellezerit e mi, na shpie ne <strong>te</strong> kuptojme se xhihadi nuk esh<strong>te</strong>per t'u diskutuar, por ne duhet <strong>te</strong> diskutojme kerkesat e tij. Kerkesa e pare esh<strong>te</strong>, khalifi,sepse nese emiri nuk ekziston sot, <strong>dhe</strong> marreveshja per <strong>te</strong> cilen une fola nuk ekzistonmes tyre, a<strong>te</strong>here ata do <strong>te</strong> kthehen kunder <strong>nje</strong>ri-tjetrit <strong>dhe</strong> do <strong>te</strong> luftojne mes veti. Ataduhet <strong>te</strong> jene <strong>te</strong> gjithe per <strong>nje</strong> menhexh e<strong>dhe</strong> <strong>nje</strong> kuptim. Prandaj une e keshilloj ç’domusliman qe <strong>te</strong> punoje sipas hadijthit <strong>te</strong> Ibnul Jemanit radiall-llahu anhu: t'i leje <strong>te</strong> gjithagrupet <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> qendroje ve<strong>te</strong>m. Dhe kjo nuk do <strong>te</strong> tho<strong>te</strong> <strong>te</strong> jetoje ne izolim. Jo. Do <strong>te</strong> tho<strong>te</strong>qe <strong>te</strong> mos hyje ne ke<strong>te</strong> apo a<strong>te</strong> grup. Ti mund <strong>te</strong> punosh mire ve<strong>te</strong> <strong>dhe</strong> <strong>te</strong> gjithemuslimanet me dijen qe keni. Ky esh<strong>te</strong> <strong>nje</strong> perkujtim, <strong>dhe</strong> "Perkujtimi u ben dobibesimtareve."Shejh Muhamed Nasirudin el Albani, rahimehull-llahu <strong>te</strong>ala.Perktheu: Hatab Ebu Sami

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