evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS

evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS

evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS


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Bmjvg: wek¦ RbmsL¨vq `ª“Z ea©bkxj cÖexY Rb‡Mvôx 165MÖš’cwÄBmjvg, GweGg kvgmyj (2000): Óevsjv‡`‡k cÖexY Rb‡Mvôxi Av_©-mvgvwRK I RbwgwZK †cÖvcU:<strong>Dbœq</strong>bg~jK wKQz cÖ¯—vebv,Ó <strong>evsjv‡`k</strong> <strong>Dbœq</strong>b mgxv, mß`k LÊ, evwl©K msL¨v, XvKv,†deª“qvwi|Bmjvg, GweGg kvgmyj (2007): Óevsjv‡`‡k cÖexY RbM‡Yi A_©‰bwZK Kg©Kv‡Ê mwµq AskMÖnY:GKwU †RÊviwfwËK we‡k−lY,Ó †RÊvi I Av_©-mvgvwRK <strong>Dbœq</strong>b (†mwjbv †nv‡mb, FZv AvdmviI gvmỳ y¾vgvb KZ©„K m¤úvw`Z, gvIjv eªv`vm©, XvKv, †deª“qvwi|ingvb, Wv: †kL jyrdi (1996): Óeq¯‹‡`i K‡qKwU ¯^v¯’¨ mgm¨v,Ó Bangladesh Journal ofGeriatrics, July-December|wi‡mvm© Bw›U‡MÖkb †m›Uvi (2002): ÓAwbðqZvB Avgv‡`i Rxeb: evsjv‡`‡k cÖexY‡`i Ae¯’v,Ó XvKv,†deª“qvwi|Asian Productivity Organization (2001) Improvement Program for the Rural Elderly inAsia and the Pacific, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, (Country Reportby Different Authors).BBS Bangladesh Population Census, (different years).HelpAge International, 2003/2004.HelpAge International (2009): The Rights of Older Persons in Asia. InternationalFederation on Ageing and HelpAge International, January.HelpAge International (undated) “Strategy to 2015.”Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters (2010): “Suicide a Risk in Retirement, NursingCommunities.” Global Action on Aging, May 19.UN (2001): World Population Projections. Population Division, DESA, New York.UN (2002): “World Population Ageing 1950-2050.” Population Division, Department ofEconomic and Social Affairs, New York.Wesumperuma, Dharmapriya (2001): “Demographic Analysis and Issues in theImprovement Program for the Rural Elderly.” In Improvement Program for theRural Elderly in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.cwiwkó

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