evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS

evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS

evsjv‡`k Dbœq b mgx¶v - BIDS


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160<strong>evsjv‡`k</strong> <strong>Dbœq</strong>b mgxveQimviwY-4wj½ I cÖe„w× Abymv‡i cÖexY RbmsL¨vi kZKiv web¨vmcÖexY RbmsL¨v(000)cÖexY RbmsL¨vikZKiv web¨vm`yB Av`gïgvixiga¨eZ©x mg‡qRbmsL¨vi cÖe„w×i nvicÖexY RbmsL¨v †gvURbmsL¨vi kZKivnvi wnmv‡ecyi“l gwnjv cyi“l gwnjv cyi“l gwnjv cyi“l gwnjv1951 1,022 836 55.01 44.99 4.66 4.171961 1,462 1192 55.09 44.91 4.31 4.27 5.55 4.861974 2,291 1,769 56.43 43.57 4.36 3.72 6.18 5.131981 2,749 2,156 56.04 43.96 2.86 3.13 6.12 5.101991 3,207 2,492 56.27 43.73 1.67 1.60 5.86 4.842001 4,208 3,382 55.44 44.56 1.02 3.66 6.59 5.642010 (A) 4,368 4,501 49.25 50.75 2.48 3.57 5.59 5.982020(A) 6,318 6,649 48.72 51.25 4.46 4.77 7.20 7.812030(A) 9,616 10,239 48.43 51.57 5.22 5.38 9.95 10.832040(A) 14,414 15,764 47.76 52.24 4.99 5.41 14.01 15.522050(A) 19,216 21,298 47.43 52.56 3.33 3.51 17.61 19.59gš—e¨: ÕAÕ Awf‡c wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|Durm: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Population Census of Bangladesh, different issues; UN, WorldPopulation Projections, 2001.4.4| cÖexY RbmsL¨vi AvÂwjK Ae¯’vbevsjv‡`‡k eZ©gv‡b 80 kZvs‡kiI ‡ewk cÖexY cj−x A‡j evm K‡ib| 1961 mv‡j cj−xI kniv‡j cÖexY‡`i emev‡mi nvi wQj h_vµ‡g 96.08 kZvsk I 3.92 kZvsk, hv µgvš^‡qe„w× ‡c‡q 1981 mv‡j G‡m `uvovq h_vµ‡g 86.77 kZvsk I 13.23 Ges 2001 mv‡j AviIe„w× †c‡q `uvovq 82.06 kZvsk I 17.94 kZvs‡k| Zzjbvg~jK wePv‡i MZ 40 eQ‡i cÖexY‡`iknigyLx emev‡mi nvi 3.92 kZvsk †_‡K e„w× †c‡q 17.94 kZvsk n‡q‡Q Ges cj−x A‡jemev‡mi nvi wbgœgyLxiƒc aviY K‡i‡Q| Giƒc MwZaviv Pj‡Z _vK‡j fwel¨‡Z AviI cwieZ©bn‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv hvq| cyi“l I gwnjv‡`i g‡a¨ Zyjbv Ki‡j †Zgb D‡j−L‡hvM¨ †Kv‡bv cv_©K¨cwijwZ nq bv (mviwY 5)|mviwY 5AvÂwjK Ae¯’vb (kni AÂj I cj−x AÂj) I wj½‡f‡` cÖexY RbmsL¨vi kZKiv web¨vmeQi †gvU cÖexY cÖexY RbM‡Yi AvÂwjK cyi“l cÖexY (%) gwnjv cÖexY (%)RbmsL¨v (000) Ae¯’vb (%)cj−x AÂj knivÂj cj−x AÂj knivÂj cj−x AÂj knivÂj1961 2,654 96.08 3.92 96.17 3.83 96.22 3.781974 4,060 93.47 6.53 93.37 6.63 93.61 6.391981 4,905 86.77 13.23 86.32 13.68 87.48 12.521991 5,699 84.24 15.76 83.82 16.18 86.32 13.682001 7,950 82.06 17.94 81.55 18.44 82.67 17.33Durm: BBS, Population Census of Bangladesh, different years.

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