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The Dhammapada - MyWebSpace

The Dhammapada - MyWebSpace


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Indexe8 77tanhakkhayo, 354tai?-halJ, 416tanha, 180, 334, 335, 349ta~hanalJ, 154tallhanusaye, 338tai?-habbavaparikkhinalJ, 416tar,lhaya, 216, 337tanhasama, 251tatiyalj, 309tato, 1, 2, 6, 42, 43, 243tatto, 308tattha, 6, 58, 249, 303taka, 88, 375tatha, 159, 220,282tathagata, 254, 276tathanlpassa, 105taduH,haya, 240tanuko,174tapati, 314, 387tapo, 184, 194tappati, 17, 136tamha, 336tamhi,117tayo, 281tasanti, 129, 130tasinalj, 343tasinaya, 342, 343tasesu, 405tasma, 211, 302, 310, 356-59, 381, 388, 343ta::1sa, 93, 94, 152, 253, 260,335, 363tavata, 288tal~aya, 288tani, 149tadi, 95tadino, 94, 95tadisalj, 76, 208tadise, 196tava, 284tavata, 259,266titthati, 340titthasi, 235ti~'adosani, 356-59til~J?asokapariddave, 195tiJ;ll,lalJ, 157tit.wo, 414titikkhati, 321, 399titikkba, 184titikkhissa~J, 320titti, 186tibbaragassa, 349tlralj, 85tihi, 224, 391tutthi, 331tu~bJ:maslna~J, 227tumhe, 274, 275tulalJ, 268te, 11, 12, 23, 154, 22;\ 234,235, 237, 341, 369, 371,.394tejanalj, 33, 80, 145tejasa, 387tena, 63, 177, 256, 258, 260,-266, 269, 270, 328tesa~l, 3, 4, 57, 92, 181,292Thal,lc,lilasayika, 141thale, 34thavaresu, 405thUla~J, 31, 409thiilani, 265thero, 260, 261thokathokalj, 121, 239thokika, 310Dajja, 224dal,lc,lalj, 142, 310, 405dal!c:lassa, 129, 130da1).c,lena, ] 31, 132, 135,137dadato,242dadiiti, 249dantalj, 35, 321, 400danta, 322dantena, 323dan to, 142, 321, 323dandhalj, 116dabbl, 64

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