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VID ha?nrnapacla?Jalso. I hope, however, that it may prove of some use tothe Asiatic students of Buddhism and Pali literature.I have collated my manuscript with Sinhalese, Siamese,and Burmese editions, as well as with the second Fausbolledition, and also with two reliable manuscripts in my possession.Reference to these is indicated by the followingabbreviations:Br. = Burmese printed edition, Hantha waddy Press,Rangoon.Sc. = Sinhalese printed edition, Granthaprakasa Press,Colombo.Sd = Devamitta's Sinhalese edition.K. = the Siamese printed edition.F.=Fausb611's second edition.Cn refers to readings adopted by the late H. C. Normanin his edition of the Commentary, published by the PaliText Society.In some instances I have also consulted the ancientSinhalese glossary to the <strong>Dhammapada</strong> Commentary,which was written by Aba Salamevan Kasup V. (AbhayaSilameghavaJ;ll).a Kassapa), King of Ceylon, who flourishedA.D. 929-939. This book is held in high esteem in Ceylonas a classical work.In conclusion, I take this opportunity of expressing mydeep indebtedness to my beloved preceptor, the VenerablelVL Siri Nal]-issara, High Priest and Principal of the VidyodayaOriental College, for his invaluable advice andsuggestions.s. s.PARAMA DHAMlIIA CETIYA ORIENTAL COLLEGE,RATMALANE, MT. LAVINIA, CEYLON,J am,ary 20, Hit.

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