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Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseology in Formal Academic Prose. In: Aarts, Jan; de Mönnink, Inge;Wekker, Herman: Studies in English Language and Teaching. In Honour of Flor Aarts.Amsterdam, Atlanta (Rodopi) 1997, S. 43-56.Cowie, Anthony P.: Creativity and Formulaic Language. In: Linguistica e Filologia. 8. Jg. (1998),S. 159-170Cowie, Anthony P.: Introduction. In: Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseology. Theory, Analysis, andApplications. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1998 ( = Oxford Studies in Lexicographyand Lexicology.), S. 1-20.Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseological Dictionaries. Some East-West Comparisons. In: Cowie,Anthony P.: Phraseology. Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford (Oxford UniversityPress) 1998 ( = Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology.), S. 209-228.Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseology and Corpora. Some Implications for Dictionary-Making. In:International Journal of Lexicography. 12. Jg. (1999), Heft 4, S. 307-323.Cowie, Anthony P.: Exploring Native-Speaker Knowledge of Phraseology. Informant Testing orCorpus Research? In: Burger, Harald; Häcki-Buhofer, Annelies; Gréciano, Gertrud: Flut vonTexten – Vielfalt der Kulturen. Ascona 2001 zur Methodologie und Kulturspezifik derPhraseologie. Baltmannsweiler (Schneider Verlag Hohengehren) 2003 ( = Phraseologie undParömiologie. 14), S. 73-82.Cowie, Anthony P.; Howarth, Peter A.: Phraseology – a Select Bibliography. In: InternationalJournal of Lexicography. 9. Jg. (1996), Heft 1, S. 38-51.Cowie, Anthony P.; Mackin, Ronald: Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Volume 1.Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1975.Cowie, Anthony P.; Mackin, Ronald: Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Volume 2.Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1983.Cowie, Anthony P; Mackin, Ronald; McCaig, Isabel R (Hrsg.): Oxford Dictionary of EnglishIdioms. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1993.Čermák, František: Combination, Collocation and Multi-word Units. In: Heid, Ulrich; Evert,Stefan; Lehmann, Egbert u. a.: Proceedings on the Ninth EURALEX International Congress.EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart, Germany, August 8th – 12th , 2000. Stuttgart (UniversitätStuttgart) 2000, S. 489-495.Čermák, František: Abstract nouns collocations: their nature in a parallel English-Czech corpus. In:Barnbrook, Geoff; Danielsson, Pernilla; Mahlberg, Michaela (Hrsg.): Meaningful Texts: TheExtraction of Semantic Information from Monolingual and Multilingual Corpora.Birmingham (Birmingham University Press) 2005.Čermák, František: Statistical Methods for Searching Idioms in Text Corpora. In: Häcki-Buhofer,Annelies; Burger, Harald (Hrsg.): Phraseology in Motion 1. Methoden und Kritik.Baltmannsweiler (Schneider Verlag Hohengehren) 2006 ( = Phraseologie und Parömiologie.19), S. 33-42.99

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