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Mel'cuk, Igor A.: Collocations and Lexical Functions. In: Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseology.Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1998 ( = OxfordStudies in Lexicography and Lexicology.), S. 23-53.Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Wanner, Leo: Towards an Efficient Representation of Restricted LexicalCooccurrence. In: Martin, Willy; Meijs, Willem; Moerland, Margreet u. a.: EURALEX 1994Proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th EURALEX International Congress on Lexicographyin Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit) 1994, S. 325-338.Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Zolkovskii, Aleksandr K.: The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary. In: Evens,Martha: Relational Models of the Lexicon. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1988, S.41-74.Mittmann, Brigitta: The Treatment of Collocations in OALD5, LDOCE3, COBUILD2 and CIDE.In: Herbst, Thomas; Popp, Kerstin: The Perfect Learners' Dictionary? Tübingen (MaxNiemeyer) 1999 ( = Lexicographica. Series Maior. 95), S. 101-111.Mittmann, Brigitta: A Method for Finding and Assessing Differences in Lexical Clusters andCluster Frequencies Between Spoken British and American English. In: Heid, Ulrich; Evert,Stefan; Lehmann, Egbert u. a.: Proceedings on the Ninth EURALEX International Congress.EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart, Germany, August 8th – 12th , 2000. Stuttgart (UniversitätStuttgart) 2000, S. 579-590.Nesselhauf, Nadja: Collocations in a learner corpus. Amsterdam u.a. : Benjamins, 2005. - XII, 331S. Studies in corpus linguistics ; 14 ISBN 90-272-2285-1.Ooi, Vincent B. Y.: Computer corpus lexicography. Edinburgh : University Press, 1998. - X, 243S. ISBN 0-7486-0996-2 - ISBN 0-7486-0815-X pbk SIG: ME 1366Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. Oxford : University Press, 2002. - XIII,897 S. ISBN 0-19-431243-7.Pajzs, Júlia: A Corpus Based Investigation of Collocations in Hungarian. In: Braasch, Anna;Povlsen, Claus: Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress. EURALEX2002 in Copenhagen – Denmark, August 13-17, 2002. Copenhagen (Center forSprogteknologi) 2002, S. 831-840.Polguère, Alain: Towards a Theoretically-Motivated General Public Dictionary of SemanticDerivations and Collocations for French. In: Heid, Ulrich; Evert, Stefan; Lehmann, Egbert u.a.: Proceedings on the Ninth EURALEX International Congress. EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart,Germany, August 8th – 12th , 2000. Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart) 2000, S. 517-527.Prescher, Detlef; Heid, Ulrich: Probabilistisches Clustering zur Identifikation von Nomen-Verb-Kollokationen. Präsentation bei der DGfS-Jahrestagung 2000, Arbeitsgruppe 7:Kollokationen, linguistische Beschreibung und Akquisition aus Texten. Marburg 2000.Quasthoff, Uwe: Kookkurrenzanalyse und korpusbasierte Sachgruppenlexikographie. In: W. Hessund W. Lenders (Hrsg.) Sprache, Sprechen und Computer/Computer Studies in Languageand Speech und Proceedings of GLDV-Frühjahrstagung, Seiten 244-248, Bonn, 2005. Peter-Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.107

Mel'cuk, Igor A.: Collocations and Lexical Functions. In: Cowie, Anthony P.: Phraseology.Theory, Analysis, and Applications. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 1998 ( = OxfordStudies in Lexicography and Lexicology.), S. 23-53.Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Wanner, Leo: Towards an Efficient Representation of Restricted LexicalCooccurrence. In: Martin, Willy; Meijs, Willem; Moerland, Margreet u. a.: EURALEX 1994Proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th EURALEX International Congress on Lexicographyin Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit) 1994, S. 325-338.Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Zolkovskii, Aleksandr K.: The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary. In: Evens,Martha: Relational Models of the Lexicon. Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 1988, S.41-74.Mittmann, Brigitta: The Treatment of Collocations in OALD5, LDOCE3, COBUILD2 and CIDE.In: Herbst, Thomas; Popp, Kerstin: The Perfect Learners' Dictionary? Tübingen (MaxNiemeyer) 1999 ( = Lexicographica. Series Maior. 95), S. 101-111.Mittmann, Brigitta: A Method for Finding and Assessing Differences in Lexical Clusters andCluster Frequencies Between Spoken British and American English. In: Heid, Ulrich; Evert,Stefan; Lehmann, Egbert u. a.: Proceedings on the Ninth EURALEX International Congress.EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart, Germany, August 8th – 12th , 2000. Stuttgart (UniversitätStuttgart) 2000, S. 579-590.Nesselhauf, Nadja: Collocations in a learner corpus. Amsterdam u.a. : Benjamins, 2005. - XII, 331S. Studies in corpus linguistics ; 14 ISBN 90-272-2285-1.Ooi, Vincent B. Y.: Computer corpus lexicography. Edinburgh : University Press, 1998. - X, 243S. ISBN 0-7486-0996-2 - ISBN 0-7486-0815-X pbk SIG: ME 1366Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. Oxford : University Press, 2002. - XIII,897 S. ISBN 0-19-431243-7.Pajzs, Júlia: A Corpus Based Investigation of Collocations in Hungarian. In: Braasch, Anna;Povlsen, Claus: Proceedings of the Tenth EURALEX International Congress. EURALEX2002 in Copenhagen – Denmark, August 13-17, 2002. Copenhagen (Center forSprogteknologi) 2002, S. 831-840.Polguère, Alain: Towards a Theoretically-Motivated General Public Dictionary of SemanticDerivations and Collocations for French. In: Heid, Ulrich; Evert, Stefan; Lehmann, Egbert u.a.: Proceedings on the Ninth EURALEX International Congress. EURALEX 2000, Stuttgart,Germany, August 8th – 12th , 2000. Stuttgart (Universität Stuttgart) 2000, S. 517-527.Prescher, Detlef; Heid, Ulrich: Probabilistisches Clustering zur Identifikation von Nomen-Verb-Kollokationen. Präsentation bei der DGfS-Jahrestagung 2000, Arbeitsgruppe 7:Kollokationen, linguistische Beschreibung und Akquisition aus Texten. Marburg 2000.Quasthoff, Uwe: Kookkurrenzanalyse und korpusbasierte Sachgruppenlexikographie. In: W. Hessund W. Lenders (Hrsg.) Sprache, Sprechen und Computer/Computer Studies in Languageand Speech und Proceedings of GLDV-Frühjahrstagung, Seiten 244-248, Bonn, 2005. Peter-Lang-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.107

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