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54 J. Szumigaj-Tarnowska, Cz. Œlusarski[58] Potoènik I., Vukojeviæ J., Stajiæ M., Rekanoviæ E., Stepanoviæ M., Milijaševic S., Todoroviæ B. 2010. Toxicity ofbiofungicide Timorex 66 EC to Cladobotryum dendroides and Agaricus bisporus. Crop Protection 29: 290–294.[59] Raziq F., Fox R.T.V. 2006. The integrated control of Armillaria mellea. 1. Glasshouse experiments. Biol. Agric.Hortic 23: 225–234.[60] Raziq F., Fox R.T.V. 2006. The integrated control of Armillaria mellea. 2. Field experiments. Biol. Agric.Hortic. 23: 235–249.[61] Sharma S.R., Satish K. 2005. Determination of thermal death point of different mushroom moulds. W:Challenging problems in horticultural and forest pathology. Integrated plant disease management. Sharma R.C.,Sharma J.N. (red.), Solan, India: 349–353.[62] Sharma S.R., Satish K. 2006. Diseases of mushrooms and their management. W: Challenging problems inhorticultural and forest pathology. Integrated plant disease management. Sharma R.C., Sharma J.N. (red.),Solan, India: 13: 246–286.[63] Shatzman A.R., Kosman D. 1977. Regulation of galactose oxidase synthesis and secretion in Dactyliumdendroides: Effects of pH and culture density. J. Bacteriol. 130: 455–463.[64] Sinden J.W. 1956. Chloride of lime – Dactylium. MGA Bull. 73: 24.[65] Sinden J.W. 1971. Ecological control of pathogens and weed moulds in mushroom culture. Annu. Rev.Phytopathology 9: 411–432.[66] Singh M., Chaube H.S., Singh R.P. 2000. Effect of fluorescent pseudomonads on primordia formation, yieldand control of pathogenic fungi of Agaricus bisporus (LANGE) IMBACH. J. Mycol. Plant Pathol. 30: 313–326.[67] Zaayen A. Van, Rutjens A.J. 1981. Thermal death points for two Agaricus species and for the spores of somemajor pathogens. Mushroom Science 11: 393–402.[68] Zaayen A. van, Adrichem J.C.J. van. 1982. Prochloraz for control of fungal pathogens of cultivated mushrooms.Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 88: 203–213.[69] Zare R., Khabbaz-Jolfaei H. 2005. Fungi isolated from Agaricus bisporus in Teharan Province, with specialreference to Verticillium fungicola. Rostaniha 6: 5–7.[70] Ziombra M. 1994. Choroby i szkodniki boczniaka. BPP „Pieczarki” 2: 31– 36.Cladobotryum dendroides and its effecton cultivation of Agaricus bisporus mushroomsKey words: white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, Cladobotryumdendroides, cobwebSummaryThe characteristics of cobweb diseases of white button mushroom Agaricusbisporus LANGE (IMBACH) was described. The casual agents of the disease is pathogenicfungus Cladobotryum dendroides. White, webby mycelium of the pathogen onthe casing, which grows very fast and covers the mushrooms, is a typical symptom ofdisease. Optimal condition for disease development, infection sources and methods ofdisease control were also presented. The best method of reducing the risk of infectioncaused by Cladobotryum spp. is good hygiene in a mushroom growing room.

Postêpy Nauk Rolniczych nr 4/2010: 55–65Alternaria solani – patogen pomidorai perspektywy hodowli odmian odpornychEl¿bieta U. Kozik, Izabela Ostrzy¿ek, Wojciech SzczechuraZak³ad Genetyki, Hodowli i BiotechnologiiInstytut Warzywnictwa im. Emila Chroboczka w Skierniewicachul. Rybickiego 15/17, 96-100 Skierniewicee-mail: elzbieta.kozik@iwarz.plS³owa kluczowe: Alternaria solani, alternarioza, pomidor, dziedziczenie,odpornoœæ, hodowla odpornoœciowa, testy odpornoœciWstêpAlternaria solani SORAUER powoduje du¿e straty gospodarcze w wielu krajach.W Polsce choroba jest szczególnie szkodliwa w uprawach polowych pomidora.Alternarioza jest najbardziej rozpowszechniona w regionach o czêstych, obfitychopadach deszczu, wysokiej wilgotnoœci powietrza i wysokiej temperaturze (24–29°C),zw³aszcza na glebach lekkich. Ciep³a i wilgotna pogoda latem sprzyja du¿emunasileniu choroby w rejonach, gdzie dodatkowo zalegaj¹ stosunkowo d³ugo i cykliczniemg³y, szczególnie w nocy.W Kanadzie, Indiach, USA i Nigerii straty plonów spowodowane pora¿eniemliœci roœlin pomidora siêgaj¹ do oko³o 80%, natomiast straty spowodowane pora¿eniemsiewek wynosz¹ w tych krajach 20–40% [8]. Alternarioza atakuje roœlinypomidora we wszystkich stadiach wzrostu. Pierwsze objawy mog¹ wyst¹piæ ju¿w fazie siewki i rozsady, a na owocach s¹ czêsto widoczne nawet w fazie zawi¹zków.Du¿e nasilenie choroby czêsto prowadzi do ca³kowitej defoliacji i zamierania roœlin.Pierwotnym Ÿród³em infekcji s¹ najczêœciej pora¿one nasiona oraz nie roz³o¿oneprzez 2–3 lata resztki roœlinne w wierzchniej warstwie gleby, na których zimujegrzybnia lub zarodniki przetrwalnikowe A. solani [4, 29]. W trakcie wegetacjizarodniki konidialne grzyba przenoszone s¹ z kroplami deszczu i z wiatrem [8].Rozwój choroby nastêpuje w zakresie temperatury 10–35°C (temperatura optymalna24–29°C) i zró¿nicowanej wilgotnoœci wzglêdnej powietrza.Szkodliwoœæ alternariozy pomidora zwi¹zana jest zarówno ze spadkiem plonuwskutek zniszczenia liœci przez grzyb, jak i bezpoœrednim pora¿eniem owoców.

54 J. Szumigaj-Tarnowska, Cz. Œlusarski[58] Potoènik I., Vukojeviæ J., Stajiæ M., Rekanoviæ E., Stepanoviæ M., Milijaševic S., Todoroviæ B. 2010. Toxicity ofbiofungicide Timorex 66 EC to Cladobotryum dendroides and Agaricus bisporus. Crop Protection 29: 290–294.[59] Raziq F., Fox R.T.V. 2006. The integrated control of Armillaria mellea. 1. Glasshouse experiments. Biol. Agric.Hortic 23: 225–234.[60] Raziq F., Fox R.T.V. 2006. The integrated control of Armillaria mellea. 2. Field experiments. Biol. Agric.Hortic. 23: 235–249.[61] Sharma S.R., Satish K. 2005. Determination of thermal death point of different mushroom moulds. W:Challenging problems in horticultural and forest pathology. Integrated plant disease management. Sharma R.C.,Sharma J.N. (red.), Solan, India: 349–353.[62] Sharma S.R., Satish K. 2006. Diseases of mushrooms and their management. W: Challenging problems inhorticultural and forest pathology. Integrated plant disease management. Sharma R.C., Sharma J.N. (red.),Solan, India: 13: 246–286.[63] Shatzman A.R., Kosman D. 1977. Regulation of galactose oxidase synthesis and secretion in Dactyliumdendroides: Effects of pH and culture density. J. Bacteriol. 130: 455–463.[64] Sinden J.W. 1956. Chloride of lime – Dactylium. MGA Bull. 73: 24.[65] Sinden J.W. 1971. Ecological control of pathogens and weed moulds in mushroom culture. Annu. Rev.Phytopathology 9: 411–432.[66] Singh M., Chaube H.S., Singh R.P. 2000. Effect of fluorescent pseudomonads on primordia formation, yieldand control of pathogenic fungi of Agaricus bisporus (LANGE) IMBACH. J. Mycol. Plant Pathol. 30: 313–326.[67] Zaayen A. Van, Rutjens A.J. 1981. Thermal death points for two Agaricus species and for the spores of somemajor pathogens. Mushroom Science 11: 393–402.[68] Zaayen A. van, Adrichem J.C.J. van. 1982. Prochloraz for control of fungal pathogens of cultivated mushrooms.Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 88: 203–213.[69] Zare R., Khabbaz-Jolfaei H. 2005. Fungi isolated from Agaricus bisporus in Teharan Province, with specialreference to Verticillium fungicola. Rostaniha 6: 5–7.[70] Ziombra M. 1994. Choroby i szkodniki boczniaka. BPP „Pieczarki” 2: 31– 36.Cladobotryum dendroides and its effecton cultivation of Agaricus bisporus mushroomsKey words: white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, Cladobotryumdendroides, cobwebSummaryThe characteristics of cobweb diseases of white button mushroom Agaricusbisporus LANGE (IMBACH) was described. The casual agents of the disease is pathogenicfungus Cladobotryum dendroides. White, webby mycelium of the pathogen onthe casing, which grows very fast and covers the mushrooms, is a typical symptom ofdisease. Optimal condition for disease development, infection sources and methods ofdisease control were also presented. The best method of reducing the risk of infectioncaused by Cladobotryum spp. is good hygiene in a mushroom growing room.

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