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30 K. Rybka, G. ¯urek[31] Kim T.-H., Bohmer M., Hu H., Nishimura N., Schroeder J.I. 2010. Guard cell signal transduction network:Advances in understiing Abscisic Acid, CO 2 , and Ca 2+ signaling. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61: 561–591.[32] Kondou Y., Higuchi M., Matsui M. 2010. High-throughput characterization of plant gene functions by usinggain-of-function technology. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61: 373–393.[33] Krishnan A., Guiderdoni E., An G., Hsing Y., Han C., Lee M.C., Yu S.-M., Upadhyaya N., Ramachiran S.,Zhang Q., Sundaresan V., Hirochika H., Leung H., Pereira A. 2009. Mutant resources in rice for functionalgenomics of the grasses. Plant Physiol. 149: 165–170.[34] Langridge P., Paltridge N., Fincher G. 2006. Functional genomics of abiotic stress tolerance in cereals. BriefFunct Genomic Proteomic 4: 343–354.[35] Logan B.A., Kornyeyev D., Hardison J., Holaday A.S. 2006. The role of antioxidant enzymes inphotoprotection. Photosynt. Res. 88: 119–132.[36] Lorenz H. 2005. Atlas Klimatu Polski. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa: 116 ss.[37] Maseda P.H., Ferniez R.J. 2006. Stay wet or else: three ways in which plants can adjust hydraulically to theirenvironment. J. Exp. Bot. 57: 3963–3977.[38] Miazek A., Zagdañska B. 2008. Involvement of exopeptidases in dehydration tolerance of spring wheatseedlings. Biol. Plantarum 52: 687–694.[39] Miyazono K., Miyakawa T., Sawano Y., Kubota K., Kang H., Asano A., Miyauchi Y., Takahashi M., Zhi Y.,Fujita Y., Yoshida T., Kodaira K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K., Tanokura M. 2009. Structural basis of abscisicacid signalling. Nature 462: 609–614.[40] Moradi F., Ismail A.M. 2007. Responses of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence i ROS-scavengingsystems to salt stress during seedling and reproductive stages in rice. Ann. Bot. 99: 1161–1173.[41] Morgan J.M. 1984. Osmoregulation and water stress in higher plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 35: 299–319.[42] Mostowska A., GwóŸdŸ E.A. 1998. Reakcje aparatu fotosyntetycznego na stres oksydacyjny. Post. Biol. Kom.22: 43–63.[43] Murkowski A. 2002. Oddzia³ywanie czynników stresowych na luminescencjê chlorofilu w aparacie fotosyntetycznymroœlin uprawnych. Acta Agroph. 61: 1–158.[44] Noctor G., Paepe R.D., Foyer C. 2007. Mitochondrial redox biology and homeostasis in plants. Trends PlantSci. 12: 125–134.[45] Reynolds M., Tuberosa R. 2008. Translational research impacting on crop productivity in drought-proneenvironments. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 11: 171–179.[46] Richards R.A., Rebetzke G.J., Watt M., Condon A.G., Spielmeyer W., Dolferus R. 2010. Breeding for improvedwater productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selectionenvironment. Funct. Plant Biol. 37: 85–97.[47] Rybka K. 2009. TILLING i FOX-hunting: nowe metody analizy funkcjonalnej genów. Post. Biol. Kom. 36:539–554.[48] Rybka K., Or³owska R. 2010. Metody oceny odpornosci roslin na suszê. Monografia. Radzików InstytutHodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roœlin: w przygotowaniu.[49] Salekdeh G.H., Reynolds M., Bennett J., Boyer J. 2009. Conceptual framework for drought phenotyping duringmolecular breeding. Trends Plant Sci. 14: 488–496.[50] Santiago J., Rodrigues A., Saez A., Rubio S., Antoni R., Dupeux .F., Park S.-Y., Márquez J.A., Cutler S.R.,Rodriguez P.L. 2009. Modulation of drought resistance by the abscisic acid receptor PYL5 through inhibition ofclade: A PP2Cs. Plant J. 60: 575–588.[51] Schachtman D.P, Goodger J.Q.D. 2008. Chemical root to shoot signaling under drought. Trends Plant Sci. 13:281–287.[52] Shao H.-B., Chu L.-Y., Jaleel C.A., Manivannan P., Panneerselvam R., Shao M.-A. 2009. Understanding waterdeficit stress-induced changes in the basic metabolism of higher plants – biotechnologically and sustainablyimproving agriculture and the ecoenvironment in arid regions of the globe. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 29: 131–151.[53] Shao H.-B., Chu L.-Y., Jaleel C.A., Zhao C.-X. 2008. Water-deficit stress-induced anatomical changes inhigher plants. CR Biol. 331: 215–225.[54] Shinozaki K., Doi M., Assmann S.M., Kinoshita T. 2007. Light regulation of stomatal movement. Annu. Rev.Plant Biol. 58: 219–47[55] Sirichira C., Wasilewska A., Vlad F., Valon C., Leung J. 2009. The guard cell as a single-cell model towardsunderstiing drought tolerance and abscisic acid action. J. Exp. Bot. 60: 1439–63

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30 K. Rybka, G. ¯urek[31] Kim T.-H., Bohmer M., Hu H., Nishimura N., Schroeder J.I. 2010. Guard cell signal transduction network:Advances in understiing Abscisic Acid, CO 2 , and Ca 2+ signaling. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61: 561–591.[32] Kondou Y., Higuchi M., Matsui M. 2010. High-throughput characterization of plant gene functions by usinggain-of-function technology. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 61: 373–393.[33] Krishnan A., Guiderdoni E., An G., Hsing Y., Han C., Lee M.C., Yu S.-M., Upadhyaya N., Ramachiran S.,Zhang Q., Sundaresan V., Hirochika H., Leung H., Pereira A. 2009. Mutant resources in rice for functionalgenomics of the grasses. Plant Physiol. 149: 165–170.[34] Langridge P., Paltridge N., Fincher G. 2006. Functional genomics of abiotic stress tolerance in cereals. BriefFunct Genomic Proteomic 4: 343–354.[35] Logan B.A., Kornyeyev D., Hardison J., Holaday A.S. 2006. The role of antioxidant enzymes inphotoprotection. Photosynt. Res. 88: 119–132.[36] Lorenz H. 2005. Atlas Klimatu Polski. Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej, Warszawa: 116 ss.[37] Maseda P.H., Ferniez R.J. 2006. Stay wet or else: three ways in which plants can adjust hydraulically to theirenvironment. J. Exp. Bot. 57: 3963–3977.[38] Miazek A., Zagdañska B. 2008. Involvement of exopeptidases in dehydration tolerance of spring wheatseedlings. Biol. Plantarum 52: 687–694.[39] Miyazono K., Miyakawa T., Sawano Y., Kubota K., Kang H., Asano A., Miyauchi Y., Takahashi M., Zhi Y.,Fujita Y., Yoshida T., Kodaira K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K., Tanokura M. 2009. Structural basis of abscisicacid signalling. Nature 462: 609–614.[40] Moradi F., Ismail A.M. 2007. Responses of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence i ROS-scavengingsystems to salt stress during seedling and reproductive stages in rice. Ann. Bot. 99: 1161–1173.[41] Morgan J.M. 1984. Osmoregulation and water stress in higher plants. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 35: 299–319.[42] Mostowska A., GwóŸdŸ E.A. 1998. Reakcje aparatu fotosyntetycznego na stres oksydacyjny. Post. Biol. Kom.22: 43–63.[43] Murkowski A. 2002. Oddzia³ywanie czynników stresowych na luminescencjê chlorofilu w aparacie fotosyntetycznymroœlin uprawnych. Acta Agroph. 61: 1–158.[44] Noctor G., Paepe R.D., Foyer C. 2007. Mitochondrial redox biology and homeostasis in plants. Trends PlantSci. 12: 125–134.[45] Reynolds M., Tuberosa R. 2008. Translational research impacting on crop productivity in drought-proneenvironments. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 11: 171–179.[46] Richards R.A., Rebetzke G.J., Watt M., Condon A.G., Spielmeyer W., Dolferus R. 2010. Breeding for improvedwater productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selectionenvironment. Funct. Plant Biol. 37: 85–97.[47] Rybka K. 2009. TILLING i FOX-hunting: nowe metody analizy funkcjonalnej genów. Post. Biol. Kom. 36:539–554.[48] Rybka K., Or³owska R. 2010. Metody oceny odpornosci roslin na suszê. Monografia. Radzików InstytutHodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roœlin: w przygotowaniu.[49] Salekdeh G.H., Reynolds M., Bennett J., Boyer J. 2009. Conceptual framework for drought phenotyping duringmolecular breeding. Trends Plant Sci. 14: 488–496.[50] Santiago J., Rodrigues A., Saez A., Rubio S., Antoni R., Dupeux .F., Park S.-Y., Márquez J.A., Cutler S.R.,Rodriguez P.L. 2009. Modulation of drought resistance by the abscisic acid receptor PYL5 through inhibition ofclade: A PP2Cs. Plant J. 60: 575–588.[51] Schachtman D.P, Goodger J.Q.D. 2008. Chemical root to shoot signaling under drought. Trends Plant Sci. 13:281–287.[52] Shao H.-B., Chu L.-Y., Jaleel C.A., Manivannan P., Panneerselvam R., Shao M.-A. 2009. Understanding waterdeficit stress-induced changes in the basic metabolism of higher plants – biotechnologically and sustainablyimproving agriculture and the ecoenvironment in arid regions of the globe. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 29: 131–151.[53] Shao H.-B., Chu L.-Y., Jaleel C.A., Zhao C.-X. 2008. Water-deficit stress-induced anatomical changes inhigher plants. CR Biol. 331: 215–225.[54] Shinozaki K., Doi M., Assmann S.M., Kinoshita T. 2007. Light regulation of stomatal movement. Annu. Rev.Plant Biol. 58: 219–47[55] Sirichira C., Wasilewska A., Vlad F., Valon C., Leung J. 2009. The guard cell as a single-cell model towardsunderstiing drought tolerance and abscisic acid action. J. Exp. Bot. 60: 1439–63

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