Postepy nauk rolniczych - Instytucja Naukowa - Polska Akademia ...

Postepy nauk rolniczych - Instytucja Naukowa - Polska Akademia ...

Postepy nauk rolniczych - Instytucja Naukowa - Polska Akademia ...


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Biotesty w badaniach toksykologicznych … 131[62] Wolska L., Miñkowski M., Kuczyñska A., Namieœnik J. 2003. Wykorzystanie testu toxalert do oceny stanu wódpowierzchniowych wokó³ zak³adu przemys³owego. Chemia i In¿ynieria Ekologiczna 10(6): 575–586.[63] Wolska L., Sagajdakow A., Kuczyñska A., Namieœnik J. 2007. Application of ecotoxicological studies inintegrated environmental monitoring: Possibilities and problems. Trends Anal. Chem. 26(4): 332–344.[64] Yamamoto Y., Rajbhandari N., Xiaohong L., Bergmann B., Nishimura Y., Stomp A-M. 2001. Genetictransformation of duckweed Lemna gibba and Lemna minor. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant 37(3): 349–353.Biotests in toxicological and ecotoxicologicalresearchKey words: biotest, bioindicator, environmentSummaryThe dynamic progress of science in the field of environment protection causedbiotests to become a crucial bioanalytical tool. The review presents current knowledgeon methods of ecotoxicological analyses based on exploiting them. It is an attempt tocomprehensive portray their diversified classification and advancement tendencies.The article discusses possibilities of using biotests to evaluate the degree of environmentpollution, as well as lists impediments and diagnostic inconsistencies. Modernanalysis methods are compared to the conventional ones, and selected legal aspectsare discussed.

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