stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...

stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ... stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...


Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011BendingMPaPressureMPastrength,strength,Sample 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days 28 dayscement I 3,9 6,6 9,4cement II 3,6 6,9 8,9Sample 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days 28 dayscement I 16,1 32,0 47,3cement II 14,7 30,0 44,7Quality estimationAccording to JUS. B. C1. 011, cements belong to the class of 45. (JUS)6.0. CONCLUSIONSummarising all technological research works and test results of mechanical properties of ash andgypsum pellets and finished concrete samples, the following can be concluded: Pellets made from waste gypsum and ash with 5 % of cement as binder meet the requirements interms of mechanical properties; Cement in which the powdered waste material (ash and gypsum) has been replaced by pellets, hasphysical and mechanical properties, i.e. technological properties during cement production similarto those of cement made in standard way (without pellets); The lab tests showed that the dissipation has been reduced significantly which makes handling ofthese materials in the plant much easier and that was one of the main objectives of the research.7.0. REFERENCESAnon., (1956). "The Pelletizing of Raw Materials", Cement Lime Manufakturer, Vol. 24,.Baker A. F., Mc Keever R. E., Deurbrouck A. W. (1982). Development and demonstration of aLignite Pelletizing, U. S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh.Jovanović, V. (2002). Report on usage of pelletized mixture of gypsum and ash in cementindustry, ITNMS, Belgrade.Jovanović, V. (2000). Correlation between pelletization conditions and quality of fluoriteflotational concentrate pellets, Master degree thesis, Belgrade.Jovanović V., Radulović D., Martinović S. (2001). Application of molasses and lime mixture as abinding agent in the agglomeration of different powdered materials and their usage inmetallurgy, IX BMPC, Istanbul, Turkey.JUS. B.C1.011Ţivanović, B. (1981). Materials in Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad.675

Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011KVALITET I MOGUĆNOSTI PRIMENE GABRA IZ LEŢIŠTAUKRASNOG KAMENA “CRNA REKA” KOD ŢAGUBICEŢQUALITY AND COMMERCIAL USE POSSIBILITIES OF GABROFROM DEPOSIT “CRNA REKA” NEAR THE ŢAGUBICAMilenko Jovanović 1 , Miroslava Maksimović 1 , Vladan Marinković, Goran Paĉkovski,Sneţana Ignjatović 1ABSTRAKTINSTITUT ZA RUDARSTVO I METALURGIJU – BOR 1Na podruĉju leţišta ukrasnog kamena ―Crna reka‖ – gabro, koje se nalazi na oko 10 km jugozapadno odŢagubice, izveden je ĉitav niz razliĉitih istraţnih radova: geološka istraţivanja, istraţno-rudarski radovi, kao ilaboratorijska i tehnološka ispitivanja. Na osnovu dosada izvršenih radova i obrade uzoraka, te analize dobijenihrezultata moţe se zakljuĉiti (a u cilju definisanja kvalitativnih svojstava i mogućnosti primene samog ―gabra‖) dau leţištu preovlaĊuje varijetet – crni gabro, dobrih fiziĉko-mehaniĉkih karakteristika. Dekorativna svojstvastenske mase, nakon tehnološke obrade (seĉenja, glaĉanja, poliranja), prvenstveno se ogledaju u: visokom sjajupovršina ploĉa, tamnoj (crnoj) osnovi stene i pravilnom, ravnomernom i ujednaĉenom rasporedu oblika i veliĉinazrna (strukturno-teksturne karakteristike). Na osnovu laboratorijskih kao i tehnoloških ispitivanja utvrĊeno je dase ova mineralna sirovina – ―gabro‖ iz leţišta ukrasnog kamena ―Crna reka‖ kod Ţagubice, moţe uspešnoupotrebiti za više namena (komercijalna primena).Kljuĉne reĉi: Gabro, geološko istraţivanje, geološke karakteristike, fiziĉko-mehaniĉke karakteristike, leţišteukrasnog kamenaAbstractGabbro-deposit „Crna reka― exist about 10 km far-off, at south-west side from Ţagubica. The deposit is near theriver „Crna reka―, which flow into „Velika Tisnica― river. Geological research work‘s and investigation oflargest area, show us a simple geological bild–litology, entire this interesting zone.There are three basiclitological elements: granitoids, gabbro‘s and metamorphed argillaceous sediments (corneits). With newgeological investigation work‘s on gabbro-deposit „Crna reka―, we got relevant (precise) geologicalcharacteristic‘s (data-information‘s) and mineralogy-petrological characteristic‘s, which compact (basic)description is object of this work (text).Key words: Gabbro, geological research, geological characteristics, physsicaly-mechanic characteristics,deposit.Geološke karakteristike leţišta „gabra“ – Crna reka – kod ŢagubiceIstraţivano podruĉje nalazi se na oko 10 km jugozapadno od Ţagubice. Podruĉje leţišta injegove bliţe okoline izgraĊeno je od:- granitoida- gabrova- metamorfisanih glinovito-laprovitih sedimenata – kornitaIdući od zapada ka istoku kroz bliţu okolinu leţišta i samo leţište, prolazio bi geološki profilu kome se moţe izdvojiti ĉitav niz razliĉitih mineraloških ĉlanova, kao i njihovih varijeteta ito:- metamorfisani glinovito-laporoviti sedimenti (korniti)- sitnozrni gabro (kontaktna zona)- gabrovi-srednjezrni (stene u kojima su smešteni ekonomski interesantni blokovi itomboloni)676

Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011BendingMPaPressureMPastrength,strength,Sample 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days 28 dayscement I 3,9 6,6 9,4cement II 3,6 6,9 8,9Sample 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days 28 dayscement I 16,1 32,0 47,3cement II 14,7 30,0 44,7Quality estimationAccording to JUS. B. C1. 011, cements belong to the class of 45. (JUS)6.0. CONCLUSIONSummarising all technological research works and test results of mechanical properties of ash andgypsum pellets and finished concrete samples, the following can be concluded: Pellets made from waste gypsum and ash with 5 % of cement as binder meet the requirements interms of mechanical properties; Cement in which the powdered waste material (ash and gypsum) has been replaced by pellets, hasphysical and mechanical properties, i.e. technological properties during cement production similarto those of cement made in standard way (without pellets); The lab tests showed that the dissipation has been reduced significantly which makes handling ofthese materials in the plant much easier and that was one of the main objectives of the research.7.0. REFERENCESAnon., (1956). "The Pelletizing of Raw Materials", Cement Lime Manufakturer, Vol. 24,.Baker A. F., Mc Keever R. E., Deurbrouck A. W. (1982). Development and demonstration of aLignite Pelletizing, U. S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh.Jovanović, V. (2002). Report on usage of pelletized mixture of gypsum and ash in cementindustry, ITNMS, Belgrade.Jovanović, V. (2000). Correlation between pelletization conditions and quality of fluoriteflotational concentrate pellets, Master degree thesis, Belgrade.Jovanović V., Radulović D., Martinović S. (2001). Application of molasses and lime mixture as abinding agent in the agglomeration of different powdered materials and their usage inmetallurgy, IX BMPC, Istanbul, Turkey.JUS. B.C1.011Ţivanović, B. (1981). Materials in Civil Engineering, University of Novi Sad.675

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