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stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...

stanje i perspektive u rudarstvu i odrţivi razvoj mining present state ...


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Rudarstvo 2011 / Mining 2011zemljišta u pogledu obetbedjenosti hranljivim materijama ubuduće odredjuje odnos izmedju brojаProteobаcteriа i Acidobаcterium.LITERATURA1. De Fede KL, Panaccione DG, Sexstone AJ (2001) Characterization of dilution enrichmentcultures obtained from size-fractionated soil bacteria by BIOLOGR community-levelphysiological profiles and restriction analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Soil Biol Biochem33:1555-1562.2. Grayston, S.J., Griffith, G.S., Mawdsley, J.L., Campbell, C.D., Bardgett, R.D. (2001)Accounting for variability in soil microbial communities of temperate upland grasslandecosystems. Soil Biol Biochem 33:533-551.3. Grubišić, M. et al. (2010) Stanje, nove mere I tehnologije u biološkoj rekultivaciji zemljišta naspoljnom odlagalištu Drmno, ELEKTRA VI: 274-279 (in press)4. Hobbs, R.J. & Harris, J.A. (2001) Restoration ecology: repairing the Earth‘s ecosystems in thenew millennium. Restoration Ecology, 9, 239–246.5. Insam, H. & Domsch, K.H. (1988) Relationship between soil organic carbon and microbialbiomass chronosequences of reclamation sites. Microbial Ecology, 15, 177–188.6. MAFF (2000) Towards Sustainable Agriculture: A Pilot Set of Indicators. MAFFPublications, Her Majesty‘s Stationery Office, London.7. Ranjard L, Richaume A (2001) Quantitative and qualitative microscale distribution of bacteriain soil. Res Microbiol 152:707-716.8. Sessitsch A, Weilharter A, Gerzabek MH, Kirchmann H, Kandeler E (2001) Microbial9. population structures in soil particle size fractions of a long-term fertilizer field experiment.Appl Environ Microbiol 67:4215-4224.10. Singh, B.K., Millard, P., Whiteley, A.S. and Murrell, J.C. (2004) Unravelling rhizospheremicrobialinteractions: opportunities and limitations. Trends Microbiol. Aug;12(8):386-9311. Smit E, Leeflang P, Gommans S, van den Broek J, van MS, Wernars K (2001) Diversity andseasonal fluctuations of the dominant members of the bacterial soil community in a wheatfield as determined by cultivation and molecular methods. Appl Environ Microbiol 67:2284-2291.12. Society for Ecological Restoration (2002) The SER Primer on Ecological Restoration.http://www.ser.org/.13. Tiedje JM, Cho JC, Murray A, Treves D, Xia B, Zhou J (2001) Soil teeming with life: newfrontiers for soil science. In Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter. Edited by ReesRM, Ball BC, Campbell CD, Watson CA. CAB International: 393-412.563

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