Afleiðsla og samsetning - Orðabók Háskólans

Afleiðsla og samsetning - Orðabók Háskólans

Afleiðsla og samsetning - Orðabók Háskólans


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HEIMILDASKRÁ 191Williams, Edwin. 1981a. Argument structure and morphol<strong>og</strong>y. The Linguistic Review1:81–114.Williams, Edwin. 1981b. On the Notions ‘Lexically Related’ and ‘Head of a Word’.Linguistic Inquiry 12:245–274.Williams, Edwin. 1994. Thematic Structure in Syntax. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.Zwanenburg, W. 1988. Morphol<strong>og</strong>ical Structure and Level Ordering. Everaert, Martin,Arnold Evers, Riny Huybregts & Mieke Trommelen (ritstj.): Morphol<strong>og</strong>y andModularity, bls. 395–410. Foris, Dordrecht.Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 1994. Regluvirkni í orðasafni <strong>og</strong> utan þess. Um lexíkalskahljóðkerfisfræði íslensku. Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands, Reykjavík.Þórhallur Eyþórsson. 1990. Aspects of the Lexical Phonol<strong>og</strong>y of Icelandic. Óprentaðhandrit, Cornell University.

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