行政院消費者保護委員會我國籌設優良企業組織可行性之研究結案 ...

行政院消費者保護委員會我國籌設優良企業組織可行性之研究結案 ... 行政院消費者保護委員會我國籌設優良企業組織可行性之研究結案 ...

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to set one up, does a set of standard operating procedures exist for expenditures,human resources, and so on?BAnswer: BBBs were not created from the “top down” (in which a centralauthority determined where to place individual local BBB offices). Rather,BBBs evolved as “grassroots” organizations. As such, their geographiclocation was not really based upon some ideal that related population (andproximity) of businesses and consumers to individual local offices. Instead,it was usually based on whether a particular community expressed both adesire to have a BBB in its community and a willingness to raise the fundsnecessary to support such an office. In some areas (the states of Texas andOhio, for example), there are between 9 (Ohio) and 19 (Texas) BBBs andbranch offices. In other areas such as Minnesota (where the first BBB officewas opened in 1912), there is only one BBB serving that entire state.Since every square mile of U.S. and Canadian territory is now assigned tosome local BBB office, there is no set of specific operating procedures and no“benchmarks” for such things as expenditures, human resources, etc.However, the BBB system can see the need for such procedures, benchmarksand “how to” manuals specifically for areas outside North America whichmight entertain the idea of formally establishing BBB-type self-regulatoryorganizations.Question 5. Does the BBB have plans for possible international cooperation orexpansion in the future? For example, the BBBOnLine program cooperates with theSecure Online Shopping Association (SOSA). Does it plan to expand into areasoutside of the realm of e-commerce?Answer: As reflected in our answer to Question 4 (above), the Council ofBetter Business Bureaus is actively exploring how best to create workingpartnerships and promote the establishment and growth of BBB-typeorganizations outside North America.We should note that cross-border electronic commerce opens many newpossibilities for smaller businesses in a global economy, easy cross-bordertravel and “flatter” global commerce (including Business-to-Businesscommerce) make it desirable – and more likely – that any such BBB plans toencourage BBB-type organizations outside North America would include bothtraditional commerce as well as electronic commerce.199

五 、 期 末 報 告 委 員 意 見行 政 院 消 費 者 保 護 委 員 會「 我 國 籌 設 優 良 企 業 組 織 可 行 性 之 研 究 」 期 末 報 告回 覆 委 員 意 見張 科 長 展 鏡 ( 經 濟 部 商 業 司 ):( 一 ) 綜 觀 經 濟 部 商 業 司 推 動 GSP 認 證 之 經 驗 , 國 內 企 業 組 織 規 模 中 小 企 業 比例 較 高 , 參 與 GSP 認 證 動 機 在 「 取 得 資 源 」─ 提 高 曝 光 率 、 提 振 商 機 、建 立 服 務 流 程 之 標 準 作 業 流 程 (SOP)。 加 以 商 業 司 職 掌 係 商 機 之 提 振 ,故 GSP 認 證 推 動 過 程 中 , 廠 商 對 消 費 者 權 益 維 護 之 態 度 較 被 動 , 於 消 費爭 議 或 消 費 者 權 益 相 關 問 題 著 墨 較 少 , 以 致 消 費 者 對 GSP 品 牌 價 值 信 任度 偏 低 。 由 於 消 費 者 對 GSP 認 同 度 不 高 , 對 商 機 之 提 振 效 果 亦 隨 之 不佳 , 此 經 驗 提 供 推 動 BBB 制 度 之 參 考 。回 覆 委 員 意 見 : 感 謝 委 員 寶 貴 意 見 , 本 研 究 已 蒐 集 GSP 認 證 相 關 資 料 、 訪 問GSP 推 動 小 組 、 邀 請 經 濟 部 工 業 局 長 官 出 席 座 談 會 , 並 將 相 關 資 料 與 意 見 納 入報 告 中 。( 二 ) 諸 多 領 域 知 名 品 牌 業 者 之 服 務 SOP 已 建 立 , 加 以 消 費 者 辨 識 度 高 , 申 請GSP 認 證 並 無 加 分 效 果 , 故 多 未 加 入 。 就 此 推 動 經 驗 而 言 , 如 欲 推 動BBB, 企 業 觀 念 之 強 化 相 當 重 要 。 此 外 , 經 濟 部 尚 有 其 他 獎 項 ( 如 : 工業 局 之 國 家 品 質 獎 、 中 小 企 業 處 之 國 家 磐 石 獎 與 臺 灣 企 業 獎 ) 以 及 連 鎖商 店 或 優 良 服 務 品 牌 認 證 等 , 地 方 縣 市 政 府 亦 有 ; 故 推 動 BBB 或 可 就 現階 段 既 有 認 證 加 以 整 合 , 以 之 作 為 推 動 基 礎 並 提 高 會 員 數 量 。回 覆 委 員 意 見 : 感 謝 委 員 寶 貴 意 見 , 本 研 究 已 將 既 有 認 證 資 料 整 理 分 析 於 報 告中 , 做 為 未 來 推 動 BBB 與 建 立 整 合 資 訊 平 台 之 基 礎 , 詳 見 報 告 第 三 章 。吳 組 長 正 中 ( 行 政 院 消 保 會 ):( 一 ) 請 就 國 內 各 種 認 證 及 各 種 獎 項 選 拔 進 行 資 料 蒐 集 , 加 入 期 末 報 告 作 為 平台 建 立 之 基 礎 。回 覆 組 長 意 見 : 本 研 究 已 加 強 既 有 認 證 與 各 項 獎 項 選 拔 的 資 料 蒐 集 與 分 析 於 報告 中 , 做 為 未 來 推 動 BBB 與 建 立 整 合 資 訊 平 台 之 基 礎 , 詳 見 報 告 第 三 章 。200

to set one up, does a set of standard operating procedures exist for expenditures,human resources, and so on?BAnswer: BBBs were not created from the “top down” (in which a centralauthority determined where to place individual local BBB offices). Rather,BBBs evolved as “grassroots” organizations. As such, their geographiclocation was not really based upon some ideal that related population (andproximity) of businesses and consumers to individual local offices. Instead,it was usually based on whether a particular community expressed both adesire to have a BBB in its community and a willingness to raise the fundsnecessary to support such an office. In some areas (the states of Texas andOhio, for example), there are between 9 (Ohio) and 19 (Texas) BBBs andbranch offices. In other areas such as Minnesota (where the first BBB officewas opened in 1912), there is only one BBB serving that entire state.Since every square mile of U.S. and Canadian territory is now assigned tosome local BBB office, there is no set of specific operating procedures and no“benchmarks” for such things as expenditures, human resources, etc.However, the BBB system can see the need for such procedures, benchmarksand “how to” manuals specifically for areas outside North America whichmight entertain the idea of formally establishing BBB-type self-regulatoryorganizations.Question 5. Does the BBB have plans for possible international cooperation orexpansion in the future? For example, the BBBOnLine program cooperates with theSecure Online Shopping Association (SOSA). Does it plan to expand into areasoutside of the realm of e-commerce?Answer: As reflected in our answer to Question 4 (above), the Council ofBetter Business Bureaus is actively exploring how best to create workingpartnerships and promote the establishment and growth of BBB-typeorganizations outside North America.We should note that cross-border electronic commerce opens many newpossibilities for smaller businesses in a global economy, easy cross-bordertravel and “flatter” global commerce (including Business-to-Businesscommerce) make it desirable – and more likely – that any such BBB plans toencourage BBB-type organizations outside North America would include bothtraditional commerce as well as electronic commerce.199

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