Mehanika loma - FESB

Mehanika loma - FESB Mehanika loma - FESB


Poslijediplomski studij strojarstvaMehanika loma[16] Irwin, G.R., Onset of Fast Crack Propagation in High Strength Steel and Aluminum Alloys,Sagamore Research Conference Proceedings, 2, pp. 289-305, 1956[17] Nuismer, R.J., An Energy release Rate Criterion for Mixed Mode Fracture, InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 11, pp. 245-250, 1975.[18] Wang, C.H., Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, DSTO-GD-0103, Department of Defence,1996.[19] Yishu, Z., Griffith’s Criterion for Mixed Mode Crack Propagation, Engineering FractureMechanics, 26(5), pp. 683-689, 1987.[20] Ichikawa, M., A Note on Mixed Mode Energy Release Rate, Engineering FractureMechanics, 26(2), pp. 311-312, 1987.[21] Wang, M.H., A Theory for the Mixed Energy Release Rate, Engineering Fracture Meshanics,22(4), pp. 661-671, 1985.[22] Andersen, M.R., Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth in Ship Structures, PhD Thesis,Technical University of Denmark, 1998.[23] Yan, X., Du, S., Zhang, Z., Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction in BiaxiallyStreched Sheets, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 43(3), pp. 471-475, 1992.[24] Tanaka, K., Fatigue Crack Propagation from a Crack Inclined to the Cycle Tensile Axis,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 6, pp. 493-507, 1974.[25] Sih, G.C., Barthelmy, B.M., Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction, EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 13, pp. 439-451, 1980.[26] Abdel Mageed, A.M, Pandey, R.K., Studies on Cyclic Crack Path and the Mixed-Mode CrackClosure Behaviour in Al Alloy, International Journal of Fatigue, 14(1), pp. 21-29, 1992.[27] Pavlou, D.G., Labeas, G.N., Vlachakis, N.V., Pavlou, F.G., Fatigue Crack PropagationTrajectories under Mixed-Mode Cyclic Loading, Engineering Structures, 25, pp. 869-875,2003[28] Kujawski, D., Enhanced Model of Partial Crack Closure for Correlation of R – Ratio Effectsin Aluminum Alloys, International Journal of Fatigue, 23, pp. 95-102, 2001.[29] Newman, J.C. Jr., The Merging of Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Concepts: a HistoricalPerspective, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 34, pp. 347-390, 1998.[30] Elber, W., Fatigue Crack Closure under Cyclic Tension, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2,37-45, 1970.42

Poslijediplomski studij strojarstvaMehanika loma[31] Budiansky, B., Hutchinson, J.W., Analysis of Closure in Fatigue Crack Growth, Journal ofApplied Mechanics, 45, pp. 267-276, 1978.[32] Ibso, J.B., Agerskov, H., An Analytical Model for Fatigue Life Prediction Based on FractureMechanics and Crack Closure, Journal Construct. Steel Res., 37(3), pp. 229-261, 1996.[33] Kim, J.H., Lee, S.B., Prediction of Crack Opening Stress for Part-Through Cracks and itsVerification using a Modified Strip.Yield Model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 66, pp. 1-14, 2000.[34] Solanki, K., Daniewicz, S.R., Newman, J.C. Jr., A New Methodology for Computing CrackOpening from Finite Element Analyses, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, ...,2003.[35] Kujawski, D., K eff Parameter under Re-examination, International Journal of Fatigue, 25(9-11), pp. 793-800, 2003.[36] Paris, P.C., Tada, H., Donald, J.K., Service Load Fatigue Damage – a Historical Perspective,International Journal of Fatigue, 21, pp.S35-S46, 1999.[37] Kujawski, D., Utilization of Partial Crack Closure for Fatigue Crack Growth Modeling,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 69, pp. 1315-1324, 2002.[38] Taylor, D., Fatigue Threshold, Butterworths & Co., 1989.[39] Xu, Y., Gregson, P.J., Sinclair, I., Systematic Assessment and Validation of Compliance-Based Crack Closure Measurements in Fatigue, Materials Science and Engineering, A284, pp.114-125, 2000.[40] Llorca, J., Roughness Induced Fatigue Crack Closure: a Numerical Study, Fatigue FractEngng Mater Struct, 15, pp.665-669, 1992.[41] Zhang, X.P., Li, J.C., Wang, C.H., Ye, L., Mai, Y.W., Prediction of Short Fatigue CrackPropagation Behaviour by Characterization of Both Plasticity and Roughness Induced CrackClosures, International Journal of Fatigue, 24, pp. 529-536, 2002.[42] Newman, J.A., Riddell, W.T., Piascik, R.S., A Threshold Fatigue Crack Closure Model: Part I– Model Development, Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 26, pp. 603-614, 2003.[43] Newman, J.A., Riddell, W.T., Piascik, R.S., A Threshold Fatigue Crack Closure Model: PartII – Experimental Verification, Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct, 26, pp. 615-625, 2003.[44] Harter, J.A., AFGROW Users Guide and Technical Manual, Air Force Research LaboratoryReport, 2002.[45] Harter, J.A., Comparison of Contemporary FCG Life Prediction Tools, International Journalof Fatigue, 21, pp.S181-S185, 1999. Literatura – duljina inicirane pukotine43

Poslijediplomski studij strojarstva<strong>Mehanika</strong> <strong>loma</strong>[16] Irwin, G.R., Onset of Fast Crack Propagation in High Strength Steel and Aluminum Alloys,Sagamore Research Conference Proceedings, 2, pp. 289-305, 1956[17] Nuismer, R.J., An Energy release Rate Criterion for Mixed Mode Fracture, InternationalJournal of Fatigue, 11, pp. 245-250, 1975.[18] Wang, C.H., Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, DSTO-GD-0103, Department of Defence,1996.[19] Yishu, Z., Griffith’s Criterion for Mixed Mode Crack Propagation, Engineering FractureMechanics, 26(5), pp. 683-689, 1987.[20] Ichikawa, M., A Note on Mixed Mode Energy Release Rate, Engineering FractureMechanics, 26(2), pp. 311-312, 1987.[21] Wang, M.H., A Theory for the Mixed Energy Release Rate, Engineering Fracture Meshanics,22(4), pp. 661-671, 1985.[22] Andersen, M.R., Fatigue Crack Initiation and Growth in Ship Structures, PhD Thesis,Technical University of Denmark, 1998.[23] Yan, X., Du, S., Zhang, Z., Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction in BiaxiallyStreched Sheets, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 43(3), pp. 471-475, 1992.[24] Tanaka, K., Fatigue Crack Propagation from a Crack Inclined to the Cycle Tensile Axis,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 6, pp. 493-507, 1974.[25] Sih, G.C., Barthelmy, B.M., Mixed Mode Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction, EngineeringFracture Mechanics, 13, pp. 439-451, 1980.[26] Abdel Mageed, A.M, Pandey, R.K., Studies on Cyclic Crack Path and the Mixed-Mode CrackClosure Behaviour in Al Alloy, International Journal of Fatigue, 14(1), pp. 21-29, 1992.[27] Pavlou, D.G., Labeas, G.N., Vlachakis, N.V., Pavlou, F.G., Fatigue Crack PropagationTrajectories under Mixed-Mode Cyclic Loading, Engineering Structures, 25, pp. 869-875,2003[28] Kujawski, D., Enhanced Model of Partial Crack Closure for Correlation of R – Ratio Effectsin Aluminum Alloys, International Journal of Fatigue, 23, pp. 95-102, 2001.[29] Newman, J.C. Jr., The Merging of Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Concepts: a HistoricalPerspective, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 34, pp. 347-390, 1998.[30] Elber, W., Fatigue Crack Closure under Cyclic Tension, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2,37-45, 1970.42

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