YENİ KİTABLAR Annotasiyalı biblioqrafik göstərici - Prezident ...

YENİ KİTABLAR Annotasiyalı biblioqrafik göstərici - Prezident ...

YENİ KİTABLAR Annotasiyalı biblioqrafik göstərici - Prezident ...

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Azərbaycan Respublikası <strong>Prezident</strong>inin İşlər İdarəsininP R E Z İ D E N T K İ T A B X A N A S Iмодернизации и одновременно- характеристику общего ее состояния вмире и Китае на соответствующий год.Xarici dillərdə458. 66.3(5Aze)8A 36Heydar Aliyev and Religious Policy in Azerbaijan: realities and prospects:the İnternational Conference: 3-4 April, 2007: Baku, "Gulistan" Palace / StateCommittee on the Works with Religious Organizations of the AzerbaijanRepublic; trans. F. Karimov; comp. G. Ismayiov; ed. S. Nazarli.- Baku: Abilov,Zeynalov & Sons, 2007.- 399 p.- İngilis dilindəInternational conference documents involved the letter, congratulations,speeches, reports and official records adopted in the conference addressed by thePresident of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the conference participants- regarding"Heydar Aliyev and Religion Policy in Azerbaijan: realities and prospects" heldat the organization of the State Committee of the work with religiousorganizations on April 3-4 2007. Conference documents are of great significanceconcerning irreplaceable roles of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev's in thenational moral values restoration, the experience of Azerbaijan in ensuringreligious belief freedom, propaganda of the tolerance in our country at aninternational scale.459. 66.3(5Aze)8O-81460. 66.3(5Aze)8W 70Orucov, Hidayet Xuduş oğlu. Haydar Aliyev ve Azerbaycan'da Millî Siyaset/ H. X. Orucov; azer. terc. A. Üregen; ed. M. Saatçı.- İstanbul: Da Yayınçılık,2010.- 208 s.- Türk dilində.Wilson, Graeme. Ilham: Portrait of a President / G. H. Wilson; ed. B. Saunders[et al.].- London: Media Prima, 2011.- 520 p.- İngilis dilindəIn October 2003 Ilham Aliyev became President of Azerbaijan. After a career asa scholar and historian, businessman and oil executive, his sudden rise to politicalpower caught many by surprise. Yet eight years on, Azerbaijan is on the crest ofan economic wave despite the global recession. The newly independent nation isbuilding a robust civil society, democracy has taken root, poverty rates havedropped dramatically and Azerbaijan is winning international plaudits fortransparency and good governance. "Ilham: Portrait of a President" is the firstinternational bioqraphy of this intriguing statesman.137

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