Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...

Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...

Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...


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eixc TT'i&o? om. <strong>in</strong> lac. ||19 ovo.actC<strong>et</strong>v auTo ||21 fio'vw ||30 ovTa ||36 toutou;] to'jtuiv||7.?to-t3xo; add. is-i Z- ||9 ante ou Xtav add. xat |j11 xat (post sxt) om. ||12 Trapd om.||£poj|j.£v: suprascr. -£pi£-/_o[j.^vou Z'' ||31 (bs r.zfi ex waTtep Z^ ||37 xuiv Etowv xat yEvuivjjSUPPLEMENTUM PRAEFATIONISixLaurentianus 85,17 quadratus chartaceus fol. IGl s. XV, fol. 17 — U24 alia manii (s. XVI ?) suppl<strong>et</strong>a. uiliil cont<strong>in</strong><strong>et</strong> pra<strong>et</strong>er Tliemistiuni.iuspexit N. Festa. a coclice V proxime distat.p. 1,3 om. £x9Ea8at !|4 sTtta'jaTTjSat||p. 2,29 oaa] o-i ||p. 3,2 xdjv om. j]10 o'j]£v: corr. m. rec.||18 os om. ||24 f^v om. |]27 tov om. ||33 xal om.||p. 4,26 Toi3oXo'j om.IIp. 5,6 Tptytovou, corr. m. rec. ||14 xat (ante Suai'a;) om. ||25 eirt] iaxt||p. 0,2o'XA om. 117 post fxEzd add. too ||16 auT7)v v.al yiopi'CeaSai] -Av/Mpia^ai\\ViNDOBONENSis phil. gr. 139 quadratus chartaceus s. XIII vel XIV, Vex libris Sarabuei. fol. 197—249 exhib<strong>et</strong> Themistium; desiuit iu voceu-£p,3oXai p. 125,37. totum contuli. vide praef. p. V.p. 1,3 sx&EG&oti om.II4 Erta'js-^sat ||21 ctp/ooivr)||p. 2,23. 24 aXXtov y'ip aXkai\\29 ooot] oTt IIp. 3,27 TOV om. |j30 fAcTr/optEvou ex Tispu/Ofjivo'j \\33 xat om.||p, 4,26ToJ oXo'j om.IIp. 5,14 xal (ante ftuaia?) om.||p. 6,2 oux om. ||9 post si-sp add. ft |jIG a'JTTjv y.ai -/lopt'CsaSai] xsytopt'a&at||29 xr]? ^'J/^ic k'pyov ||39 |jlc(XXov — accv^ om.||p. 7,3 ante [Atastv add. to|j3. 4 post oia ts add. ecti||13 ivo/XcIxai ||34 xov Xoyov]z-q^uXrjVIIp. 8,10 sudciotv] atxtav [|14 6-o'oot] oaot ||36 to-jto-j?] to'jtwv || Osujpt'a?] Trpayaaxii'a?,sed corr. ||p. 9,1 aua-EpiXct^stv||7 t'j/(ov, sed corr. || 29 post xwv add. D' ||1>. 10,5 7:oXXa)(o'8sv ||29 cpuatxr^vLaurentianus 87,20 forma maxima chartaceus s. XIV, fol. 240, Wquorum 73— 114 exhibent Themistium <strong>in</strong>de a p. 4,21 /(opt'CsTat. iuspexitX. Festa. elassi priori adscribeudus vid<strong>et</strong>ur.p. 4,21 -9,27p. 4,24 xauxa ||26 TpoVjv xivd om. ||28 a-j xd] auxd||p. 5,19 6 om. ||23 paov||22 -poaorjXoijTott |j27 w'^sXioijisOa ex wcpsXo'jpie^a \\ p. 0,2. 3 ohv, svoo (lac. VI vel VIIlitt.) TOUTO dvsuII12 XsyovTo;, del. m. post., I- ... <strong>in</strong> extr. v. j|20 bis sb-Xoisai, corr.m. post.II38 suO'Js IIp. 7,3 ante .atasiv add. to ||12 u-oj d-6||13 oi] ofov ||14 ytvsxai||24. 25 Xoyot — sfiji om., Xoyot svjXoi add. m. post.||28 x6] xoO, corr. m. post. ||p. 8,18p. 9,1 post tk add. t))v ||4 zw (ante aiaSavsaftat)] "^o \\9 ^spp-^^v, corr. m. post. !| 14/.i\ TO GuJaa*. Iv T(u atopiaTt m. post. ||15 r'^j.ai-'x, corr. m. post. ||20. 21 a'jvotyovxo; — ix-OXt^ovTos om.II22 aiTiovMarcianus 261 forma maxima chartaceus s. XV (?); contiu<strong>et</strong> j)ra<strong>et</strong>er ZThemistium (fol. 202''^—2380 Alexandri Aphrodiensis scripta (cf. Bruus 1praef. p. X;2 praef. p. XIX) <strong>et</strong> Simplicii exegesiu enchiridii Epict<strong>et</strong>ei. librariesquattuor distiuxit Guilelmus Kroll, qui totum contulit, correctores duos,alterum (Z") aequalem fere scripturae ])rimariae, alteram ('//) recentiorem.classis bouae exemplum non magui pr<strong>et</strong>ii; iuitio affiuitas ([uaedam cumCH deprehenditur.p. 1,3 ivMo^ai om. ||4 fjiTj] xat ||5 xat i^spya'aaa&ai] £-£;£pYa'aaa&at ||7 cJJ a; ||8l;txotvxo : corr. 7J ||14 t£ om. ||18 dijicpm om. ||21 dpyop-Evrj] rj ex ? Z'^||p. 2,5 post14 -cpl om.jl15 xoiv om. ||16 xd? om.||yaXETiojT/jTa : corr. Z-||18 xoOxo] xo ex ?Z- 25 auxat] a-jxuiv ||34 ante l^eupstv add. to 36 to (ante dvojTdxu)) ex ? Z- 41II || ||6 ex ^ Z-IIOEvopov] C

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