Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...

Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...

Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca. Edita consilio et auctoritate ...


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184 THEMISTII IN PHYSIC. Z 1 [Arist. p. 232*3-22]xivr^ais Ei'rj. ttw? 8e oXou?d[X£pE'av ofxoXo-cEixai "^dp^ oxi rav xo laoxayE? sv xm iXdxxovi ypovtosXaxxov xivsTxat Sia'axr^jxa. ei xoi'vuv xal ouxo? 6 /povo? Ei'rj oiaipsxoc, ev lo1 uTictp^ei Tiij W TO yip scripsl: to M (xoiJTo yip to Laur. 85,! 4) WS: zl to Lo(<strong>in</strong> Lj to p.r]— xEvctvr^aSodom.) a [x/j o<strong>in</strong>. \V eaxt] <strong>et</strong>c W o] w M3(item V. 4) G TrEptTzctTElv S 7 <strong>et</strong> 8 auToj xm WLja <strong>et</strong> Laur. 85,14: ocjtw to MSL,9 'Eraxoupos] Usener Epiciir. fr. 2.78 p. 197,17 9. 10 ata/6vEa&at L 11 Tipo-jTro-OEi'lavTos W T7)s oXtj? ttj; SL, Arist. 232»G, SimpL 934,5: oXr^s ttj? W, PhilopouiExc. Yen. 862,30: ttjs M 16 fj (cf. Sirapl. 934,14)] ei Usener 17 xivEraftai WSj:xivEiTai MS]: xE7-iv£iai}at Lcf. Simpl. 935,1 sqq.20 ifi] o Moe to W <strong>et</strong>2185,14-^v] av L 23w'eJL.a:add.p'Usener;MWSLito] Laur. ii](item V. 27) 26. 27 urctpyEi L, <strong>et</strong> Laur. 85,14 man. 1 27 to MW <strong>et</strong> siccorrectum <strong>in</strong> Ald<strong>in</strong>ae exemplo Graecensi : toj SL 28 <strong>et</strong>j xal xtX.] cf. Alexanderapud Simpl. 936,25 sqq. 31 Tipoa/jaETai W 33 xstTat S eI't]] EGTat FIAristot. 232 a 22: om. EHK

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