Publikacija - Monstat

Publikacija - Monstat

Publikacija - Monstat


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IntroductionStatistical Office of Montenegro and other producers of official statistics tend to, through their regular activities, whereverpossible, collect and process statistical data disaggregated by sex. The aim of this publication is to present, in one place,most of the characteristics disaggregated by sex. Data from the records kept by the authorities contributed to the richnessand diversity of data.This publication illustrates the important differences between women and men, both in economic and in other spheresof life. Thus, for example, in recent years, more women are educated, and it is also evident that women are less convictedfor criminal offenses. On the other hand, employment was higher when it comes to men. Also, there are less illiterate menthan women.Of course, we are aware that this is not enough space to display all the indicators that reflect gender equality status in Montenegro.For this reason, the Statistics Office began making thematic gender publications and press releases, in presentingdata related to a particular area of life of women and men.Both in the preparation for this publication, organizing workshops, and in the process of development, and in particular,design and printing, support have been provided by the Department for Gender Equality in the Ministry of Justice andHuman Rights.77

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