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Nr 7-8 / 2008dostarcza tylko pojedynczych doniesień o możliwym histologicznym16. Tanaka Y.O.,przejściu od łagodnego mięśniaka do mięśniako-mięsaka gładkiego [31,32]. Nie udowodniono hipotezy, żemaciczne mięśniako-mięsaki wynikają lub są powodowanetransformacją złośliwą łagodnych mięśniaków macicy. 17.muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential and leiomyosacomasof the uterus: MR findings. J Magn ResonImaging 2004; 20: 998-1007.Cooley H.MChemosensitivity testing of fresh and continuous tumorPiśmiennictwo.cell cultures using lactate dehydrogenase. AnticancerRes 1997; 17: 231-236.1. -Cramer 18. Goto S.F., A., Patel Takeuchi A.: The S., freguency Sugimura of S., uterine et al.: leiomy Usefulness ofomas. Am J Clin Pathol1990; 94: 435-438.Gd-DTPA contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI and serumdiagnosis of leiomyosarcoma from degenerated leiomyoma2. S.M., of the Marshall uterus. In L.M., J Gynecol Baird D.D.: Cancer Epidemiolo 2002; 12: 47-52.-Schwartz gic contributions to understanding the etiology of uterineleiomyomata. Environ Heaalth Perspect 2000; 108(Suppl5): 821-827.19. -Meyer W.R., Med leiomyosarcoma: treatment with a gonadotropin-releasinghormone analoge. Obstet Gynecol 1990; 75: 529-532.3. Schwartz 20. P.E., Kelly M.G.: Malignant transformation -Milman D., Zof myomas: myth or reality. Obstet Gynecol Clin N Am2006; 33: 183-198.ine leiomyosarcoma discovered during treatment with agonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue: a case report4. Harlow and B.L., literature Weiss review. N.S., Lofton Eur J Obstet S.: The Gynecol epidemiology Reprod Biolof sarcomas of the uterus. J Natl Cancer Inst 1986; 76: 1998: 76: 237-240.399-402.21. -Schwartz L.B5. -Gadduci sarcomas: A., Landoni clinical F., Sartori presentation. E., et al.: Am Uterine J Obstet leioGynecolmyosarcoma :analysis of treatment failures and survival. 1993; 168: 180-183.Gynecol Oncol 1996; 62: 25-32.22. -Nordal N.N.,6. -Leibshon nostic S., significance d’Ablaing G., of Mishell stage, tumor D.R., size, et al.: cellular Leio atypiamyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performed forpresumed uterine leiomyomas. Am J Obstet Gynecol1990; 162: 968-976.23.and DNA pliody in uterine leiomyosarcoma. Acta Oncol1995; 34: 797-802.-Larson B., So7. -Wysowski tic factors D.: Uterine uterine sarcoma leiomyosarcoma: associated with a clinicopathologictamoxifen use. N Engl J Med 2002; 46: 1832-1833.study of 143 cases. The Radiumhemmet series 1936-8. -Giuntoli 1981. R.L., Acta Metzinger Oncol 1990; D.S., Di 29: Marco 185-191. C.S., et al.: Retrospective review of 208 patients with leiomyosarcomaof the uterus: prognostic indicators, surgical managementand adjuvant therapy. Gynecol Oncol 2003; 89:460-469.24. -Major F.J., Bmyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performedfor presumed uterine liomyomas. Am J Obstet Gynecol1990; 162: 968-976.9. Hendrickson 25. M.R., Tavassoli F.A., Kempson R., et al.: Friedrich M.Mesenchyme tumors and related lesions. In: TavassoliF.A., Devilee P., editors. Pathology and genetics oftumors of the breast and female genital organs. Lyon:IARC Press; 2003; pp.223-249.leiomyomata with subsequent pregnancy. Zentralbl Gynekol1998; 70: 348-350.26. Van Dinh T.uterus. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982; 144: 817-823.10. -Nordal 27. R.R., Kristensen G.B., Kaern J., et al.: The pro -Davis A.M.:gnostic significance of stage, tumor size, cellular atypiaand DNA ploidy in uterine leiomyosarcoma. Acta Oncol1995; 34: 797-802.28.sults in a series of 1150 cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol1952; 63: 592-604.Spies J.B., S11. Bell S.W., after Kempson uterine artery R.L., embolization Hendricson M.R.: for leiomyomas. Problematic Obstetuterine smooth muscle neoplasm: a clinicopatholigic studyof 213 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 1994; 74: 196-201. 29. -Dinh T.A., OGynecol 2002; 100: 873-880.12. Parker ment W.H., of Fu uterine Y.S., leiomyosarcoma: Berek J.S.: Uterine results sarcoma for a in 10-yearpatients operated on for presumed leiomyoma and rapidlygrowing leiomyoma. Obstet Gynecol 1994; 82:414-418.30.experience (1990-1999) at the Massachusetts GeneralHospital. Gynecol Oncol 2004; 92: 648-652.-Mayerhofer K13. Lefebvre myosarcoma G., Vilos G., of the Allaire uterus: C., a et clinicopathologic al.: The management multicenterof uterine leiomyomas. J Obstet Gynecol Can 2003; 25: study of 71 cases. Gynecol Oncol 1999; 74: 196-201.396-418.31. Clement P.B14. -Kido A., PB, Togashi Young K., RH, Koyama editors, T., Tumors et al.: and Diffusely tumor-like enlar lesionsged uterus: evaluation with MR imaging. Radiographics2003; 23: 1423-1439.of the uterine corpus and cervix. New York: ChurchillLivingstone, 1993; pp. 265-328.15. Szklaruk 32. J., Tamm E.P., Choi H., et al.: MR imaging of -Rotmensch Jcommon and uncommon large pelvic masses. Radiographics2003; 23: 403-424.tion of uterine leiomyomata. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1993;42: 47-59.42 FarmaceutycznyPrzegląd Naukowycopyright © 2008 Grupa dr. A. R. KwiecińskiegoISSN 1425-5073

AMINY KATECHOLOWEI „Zarys właściwości biochemicznych”CATECHOLAMINESI „The Outline of Biochemistry Properities”Mgr analit. med. Marcin Dziedzic,Lek. med. Ewa Czukiewska,Prof. dr hab. n. farm. Janusz SolskiKatedra i Zakład Diagnostyki Laboratoryjnej AM w LublinieKierownik Katedry: Prof. dr hab. n. farm. Janusz SolskiStreszczenieKatecholaminy (KA): dopamina, adrenalina i noradrenalinaodgrywają w organizmie człowieka istotną rolęjako neurotransmitery i hormony. Pod względem chemicznymkatecholaminy są pochodne beta - fenyloalaniny,zaś substancją wyjściową do ich produkcji jesttyrozyna. Po raz pierwszy szlak biosyntezy amin katecholowychzaprezentował Blaschko. Zsyntetyzowanekatecholaminy są magazynowane w ziarnistościachzakończeń nerwowych (pęcherzykach ziarnistych)i komórkach rdzenia nadnerczy. Z tych struktur aminykatecholowe są uwalniane, przy czym na ten proceswpływa wiele czynników w tym gradient błony jonówsodowych. Amminy katecholowe będące neuroprzekaźnikami,metabolizowane są pod wpływem dwóchenzymów: oksydazy monoaminowej (MAO) i tlenowejmetylotransferazy katecholowej (COMT). Ponadto sąinaktywowane po przez sprzęganie z kwasem glukuronowymi siarkowym. Prawidłowa czynność układuadrenergicznego zależy od równowagi pomiędzy procesamisyntezy, uwalniania, wychwytu zwrotnego i unieczynnianiakatecholamin.AbstractCatecholamines (CA) play an important role in thehuman body as neurotransmitters and hormones. Catecholaminesare derivatives of beta - phenylalanine, andtyrosine is an initial substrate for their production in thehuman organism. Biochemical pathway of synthesis ofCatecholamines was proposed by Blachko. Previouslysynthesized CA are stored in subcellular structures– chromaffin granules. However, despite a general unitythat increased neurotransmitter release is an effect of regressionof sodium pump.Monoamine oxidase (MAO), and catecholo-O-methyltransferase(COMT) are the main enzyme responsiblefor degradation of catecholamines. Catecholamines areeliminated as a complex with sulphuric or glucuronicacid. The correct function of adrenergic system dependson balance between synthesis, releasing, uptake, anddegradation of catecholamines.Keywords: catecholamines, adrenaline, noradrenaline,dopamine, structure, biosynthesis, degradation of catecholamines,catecholamine biochemistry.Słowo kluczowe: aminy katecholowe, adrenalina, noradrenalina,dopamina, budowa, biosynteza, biodegradacjakatecholamin,biochemia amin katecholowych.copyright © 2008 Grupa dr. A. R. KwiecińskiegoISSN 1425-5073FarmaceutycznyPrzegląd Naukowy43

Nr 7-8 / 2008dostarcza tylko pojedynczych doniesień o możliwym histologicznym16. Tanaka Y.O.,przejściu od łagodnego mięśniaka do mięśniako-mięsaka gładkiego [31,32]. Nie udowodniono hipotezy, żemaciczne mięśniako-mięsaki wynikają lub są powodowanetransformacją złośliwą łagodnych mięśniaków macicy. 17.muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential and leiomyosacomasof the uterus: MR findings. J Magn ResonImaging 2004; 20: 998-1007.Cooley H.MChemosensitivity testing of fresh and continuous tumorPiśmiennictwo.cell cultures using lactate dehydrogenase. AnticancerRes 1997; 17: 231-236.1. -Cramer 18. Goto S.F., A., Patel Takeuchi A.: The S., freguency Sugimura of S., uterine et al.: leiomy Usefulness ofomas. Am J Clin Pathol1990; 94: 435-438.Gd-DTPA contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI and serumdiagnosis of leiomyosarcoma from degenerated leiomyoma2. S.M., of the Marshall uterus. In L.M., J Gynecol Baird D.D.: Cancer Epidemiolo 2002; 12: 47-52.-Schwartz gic contributions to understanding the etiology of uterineleiomyomata. Environ Heaalth Perspect 2000; 108(Suppl5): 821-827.19. -Meyer W.R., Med leiomyosarcoma: treatment with a gonadotropin-releasinghormone analoge. Obstet Gynecol 1990; 75: 529-532.3. Schwartz 20. P.E., Kelly M.G.: Malignant transformation -Milman D., Zof myomas: myth or reality. Obstet Gynecol Clin N Am2006; 33: 183-198.ine leiomyosarcoma discovered during treatment with agonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue: a case report4. Harlow and B.L., literature Weiss review. N.S., Lofton Eur J Obstet S.: The Gynecol epidemiology Reprod Biolof sarcomas of the uterus. J Natl Cancer Inst 1986; 76: 1998: 76: 237-240.399-402.21. -Schwartz L.B5. -Gadduci sarcomas: A., Landoni clinical F., Sartori presentation. E., et al.: Am Uterine J Obstet leioGynecolmyosarcoma :analysis of treatment failures and survival. 1993; 168: 180-183.Gynecol Oncol 1996; 62: 25-32.22. -Nordal N.N.,6. -Leibshon nostic S., significance d’Ablaing G., of Mishell stage, tumor D.R., size, et al.: cellular Leio atypiamyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performed forpresumed uterine leiomyomas. Am J Obstet Gynecol1990; 162: 968-976.23.and DNA pliody in uterine leiomyosarcoma. Acta Oncol1995; 34: 797-802.-Larson B., So7. -Wysowski tic factors D.: Uterine uterine sarcoma leiomyosarcoma: associated with a clinicopathologictamoxifen use. N Engl J Med 2002; 46: 1832-1833.study of 143 cases. The Radiumhemmet series 1936-8. -Giuntoli 1981. R.L., Acta Metzinger Oncol 1990; D.S., Di 29: Marco 185-191. C.S., et al.: Retrospective review of 208 patients with leiomyosarcomaof the uterus: prognostic indicators, surgical managementand adjuvant therapy. Gynecol Oncol 2003; 89:460-469.24. -Major F.J., Bmyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performedfor presumed uterine liomyomas. Am J Obstet Gynecol1990; 162: 968-976.9. Hendrickson 25. M.R., Tavassoli F.A., Kempson R., et al.: Friedrich M.Mesenchyme tumors and related lesions. In: TavassoliF.A., Devilee P., editors. Pathology and genetics oftumors of the breast and female genital organs. Lyon:IARC Press; 2003; pp.223-249.leiomyomata with subsequent pregnancy. Zentralbl Gynekol1998; 70: 348-350.26. Van Dinh T.uterus. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982; 144: 817-823.10. -Nordal 27. R.R., Kristensen G.B., Kaern J., et al.: The pro -Davis A.M.:gnostic significance of stage, tumor size, cellular atypiaand DNA ploidy in uterine leiomyosarcoma. Acta Oncol1995; 34: 797-802.28.sults in a series of 1150 cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol1952; 63: 592-604.Spies J.B., S11. Bell S.W., after Kempson uterine artery R.L., embolization Hendricson M.R.: for leiomyomas. Problematic Obstetuterine smooth muscle neoplasm: a clinicopatholigic studyof 213 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 1994; 74: 196-201. 29. -Dinh T.A., OGynecol 2002; 100: 873-880.12. Parker ment W.H., of Fu uterine Y.S., leiomyosarcoma: Berek J.S.: Uterine results sarcoma for a in 10-yearpatients operated on for presumed leiomyoma and rapidlygrowing leiomyoma. Obstet Gynecol 1994; 82:414-418.30.experience (1990-1999) at the Massachusetts GeneralHospital. Gynecol Oncol 2004; 92: 648-652.-Mayerhofer K13. Lefebvre myosarcoma G., Vilos G., of the Allaire uterus: C., a et clinicopathologic al.: The management multicenterof uterine leiomyomas. J Obstet Gynecol Can 2003; 25: study of 71 cases. Gynecol Oncol 1999; 74: 196-201.396-418.31. Clement P.B14. -Kido A., PB, Togashi Young K., RH, Koyama editors, T., Tumors et al.: and Diffusely tumor-like enlar lesionsged uterus: evaluation with MR imaging. Radiographics2003; 23: 1423-1439.of the uterine corpus and cervix. New York: ChurchillLivingstone, 1993; pp. 265-328.15. Szklaruk 32. J., Tamm E.P., Choi H., et al.: MR imaging of -Rotmensch Jcommon and uncommon large pelvic masses. Radiographics2003; 23: 403-424.tion of uterine leiomyomata. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1993;42: 47-59.42 <strong>Farmaceutyczny</strong>Przegląd <strong>Naukowy</strong>copyright © 2008 Grupa dr. A. R. KwiecińskiegoISSN 1425-5073

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