letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


LIBRARYIn 2011, work in the SASA library was carried out in accordance to plans. Processinglibrary material, the core and foundation of our work proceeded withoutinterruptions. The Library staff processed 6.466 units and weeded 2.424 units. Atthe end of the year, the Library fund comprised a total of 537.693 units. The SASALibrary dispatched 6.635 units in the field of own publications as part of exchangewithin Slovenia and abroad. The Library welcomed 324 new members, so by theend of 2011 the SASA Library numbered 2.746 members. In addition to processinglibrary material, the following key projects were successfully completed:- Introduction of an electronic publication exchange system, which will enablethe staff to re-direct their time saved to other tasks;- Introduction of an automatic exchange in SRC SASA institute libraries andtrained institute library administrators for the use of this segment in the CO-BISS3 system;- Intensive efforts in the domain of weeding irrelevant material, that resultedin 2.424 weeded units;- Printing library card catalogue cards for the SRC SASA institute librarieswas discontinued and it was decided that the Library only retain the primarySASA Library card catalogue as central records of all material, regardless ofits location within the SASA Library;- For the Karst Research Institute, the SASA Library processed 566 units of theInstitute's considerably old, but previously unprocessed library material;- For the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of SRC SASA, the Library processedabout 80 units of older material that required appropriate processingand tagging in accordance with the archivist guidelines for processing antiquarianmaterial;- all tasks related to the preparation of the General COBISS Glossary and verificationof typologies of bibliographic records in the COBIB.SI database;- put on an exhibition entitled Čaropis na pisanicah, pirhi in risbe ornamentoviz zapuščine Ivana Jagra (Easter Egg magic, Easter eggs and ornament drawingsfrom the legacy of Ivan Jager), (in the SASA Prešeren Hall, 5. May –7. June2011);- based on the successful presentation of the digital edition of the SlovenianBiographical Lexicon prepared by the SASA Library, the Slovenian Academyof Sciences and Arts with SRC SASA signed agreements with BayerischeStaatsbibliothek, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, StiftungHistorisches Lexicon der Schweiz and Historische Kommission bei der Baye-322

ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften on the inclusion of biographical datacomprised in the digital version of the Slovenian Biographical Lexicon intothe international biographical portal (Biographie-Portal, http://www.biographie-portal.eu/);- continued scanning and digitalising documents as part of preparation for theestablishment of the SASA Digital LibraryI would like to express special gratitude to my colleague Simona Frankl, whosubstituted for me during my maternity leave. Throughout my absence, our cooperationwas exemplary.Petra Vide OgrinHead of SASA Library323

ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften on the inclusion of biographical datacomprised in the digital version of the Slovenian Biographical Lexicon intothe international biographical portal (Biographie-Portal, http://www.biographie-portal.eu/);- continued scanning and digitalising documents as part of preparation for theestablishment of the SASA Digital LibraryI would like to express special gratitude to my colleague Simona Frankl, whosubstituted for me during my maternity leave. Throughout my absence, our cooperationwas exemplary.Petra Vide OgrinHead of SASA Library323

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