letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Home: Ilirska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 232-24-96.Office: Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zaloška 4, SI-1104Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-70-83, Fax: +386 1/ 543-70-21, E-mail: marjan.kordas@mf.uni-lj.si.Skalerič, Uroš , D. Sc., born on April 9, 1945. Professor at the Chair of diseases oforal cavity and parodontology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana.Expert director of the Clinic of Stomatology in Ljubljana. AssociateMember since June 12, 2003, Full Member since May 21, 2009.Home: Ul. bratov Jančar 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 510-82-28.Office: Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, SI-1000 Ljubljana,Hrvatski trg 6, Phone: +386 1/ 300-21-10, Fax: +386 1/ 522-25-04, E-mail:uros.skaleric@mf.uni-lj.si.Sketelj, Janez , D.Sc., born on June 23, 1947. Professor of Pathophysiology, Head ofthe Institute of Pathophsyiology. Associate Member since June 7, 2001, FullMember since June 1, 2007.Home: Jesihov štradon 47, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 427-56-26.Office: Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zaloška 4, SI-1104Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-70-46, Fax: +386 1/ 543-70-21, E-mail: janez.sketelj@mf.uni-lj.si.Strle, Franc , D. Sc., born on February 18, 1949. Professor of Infectology at theFaculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Head of the Clinic of InfectiousDiseases and Febrile Illnesses and Chairman of the Research Council ofthe University Medical Centre in Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 12,2003, Full Member since May 21, 2009.Home: Kmečka pot 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 517-12-91.Office: Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses, Japljeva 2, SI-1525Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 522-26-10, Fax: +386 1/ 522-24-56, E-mail: franc.strle@kclj.si.Svetina, Saša , D. Sc., born on October 16, 1935. Professor of Biophysics, Faculty ofMedicine, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 6, 1995, FullMember since June 7, 2001, Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 ofthe Law on the SASA from November 4, 2004 to April 22, 2008.Home: Gradišče 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 425-24-08, Mobile: +38641/ 778-235.Office: Institute of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana,Lipičeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-76-02, Fax: +386 1/ 543-76-01, E-mail: sasa.svetina@mf.uni-lj.si.Trontelj, Jože , D. Sc., born on June 1, 1939. Senior Medical Adviser, Professorof Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and the Ljubljana College of Medicine,University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 30, 1991, Full Membersince June 6, 1995. Vice-President of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and318

Arts from April 25, 2002 to May 6, 2008. President of the Slovenian Academyof Sciences and Arts since May 6, 2008.Home: SI-1355 Polhov Gradec 99, Phone: +386 1/ 364-50-09, Mobile: +386 41/576-218.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-20, Fax:+386 1/ 425-34-39, E-mail: joze.trontelj@sazu.si. Clinic of Neurophysiology,University Medical Centre, Zaloška 7, SI-1525 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 522-15-00, 522-15-25, Fax: +386 1/ 522-15-33, E-mail: joze.trontelj@kclj.si.Associate MembersČerček, Bojan , Ph. D., born on September 20, 1949. Cardiologist, Professor at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles, and Director of the Coronary CareUnit at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, L. A. Associate Member since June1, 2007.Home: 4319 Manson Avenue, Woodlandhills, CA 91364, USA.Office: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, 8700 Beverly Boulevard, Division ofCardiology, Room 5534, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA, tel.: + 1/ 310-423-38-36, faks: +1/ 310-423-02-45, E-mail: bojan.cercek@cshs.org.Lamovec, Janez , D. Sc., born on April 14, 1941. Researcher at the Institute of Oncologyin Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 1, 2007.Home: Ul. Bratov Učakar 132, SI-1000 Ljubljana.Ofifice: Onkološki inštitut, Zaloška 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 587-97-19, E-mail: jlamovec@onko-i.si.Peterlin, Matija , D. Sc., born on July 4, 1947. Professor of Medicine, Microbiologyand Immunology, University of California, San Francisco. Associate Membersince May 5, 2005.Home: 14 Hill Point Avenue, San Francisco, US-CA 94117. Phone: +1 415/665-2071.Office: University of California San Francisco (UCSF), Box 0703, 3 rd and ParnassusAves., San Francisco, US-CA 94143-0703. Phone: +1 415/ 502-1902, +1415/ 502-1905, Fax: +1 415/ 502-1901, E-mail: matija.peterlin@ucsf.edu.Rozman, Blaž , MD, Ph D, born on September 29, 1944. Professor of Internal Medicine,Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member sinceMay 5, 2005.Home: Dermastjeva 17, SI-1235 Radomlje, Phone: +386 1/ 534-65-66.Office: University Medical Center, Clinical Department of Rheumatology,Vodnikova 62, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 522-55-33, Fax: +386 1/ 522-55-98. E-mail: kc.lj.rozman@siol.net.319

Home: Ilirska 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 232-24-96.Office: Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zaloška 4, SI-1104Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-70-83, Fax: +386 1/ 543-70-21, E-mail: marjan.kordas@mf.uni-lj.si.Skalerič, Uroš , D. Sc., born on April 9, 1945. Professor at the Chair of diseases oforal cavity and parodontology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana.Expert director of the Clinic of Stomatology in Ljubljana. AssociateMember since June 12, 2003, Full Member since May 21, 2009.Home: Ul. bratov Jančar 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 510-82-28.Office: Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, SI-1000 Ljubljana,Hrvatski trg 6, Phone: +386 1/ 300-21-10, Fax: +386 1/ 522-25-04, E-mail:uros.skaleric@mf.uni-lj.si.Sketelj, Janez , D.Sc., born on June 23, 1947. Professor of Pathophysiology, Head ofthe Institute of Pathophsyiology. Associate Member since June 7, 2001, FullMember since June 1, 2007.Home: Jesihov štradon 47, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 427-56-26.Office: Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zaloška 4, SI-1104Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-70-46, Fax: +386 1/ 543-70-21, E-mail: janez.sketelj@mf.uni-lj.si.Strle, Franc , D. Sc., born on February 18, 1949. Professor of Infectology at theFaculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Head of the Clinic of InfectiousDiseases and Febrile Illnesses and Chairman of the Research Council ofthe University Medical Centre in Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 12,2003, Full Member since May 21, 2009.Home: Kmečka pot 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 517-12-91.Office: Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses, Japljeva 2, SI-1525Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 522-26-10, Fax: +386 1/ 522-24-56, E-mail: franc.strle@kclj.si.Svetina, Saša , D. Sc., born on October 16, 1935. Professor of Biophysics, Faculty ofMedicine, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 6, 1995, FullMember since June 7, 2001, Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 ofthe Law on the SASA from November 4, 2004 to April 22, 2008.Home: Gradišče 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 425-24-08, Mobile: +38641/ 778-235.Office: Institute of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana,Lipičeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-76-02, Fax: +386 1/ 543-76-01, E-mail: sasa.svetina@mf.uni-lj.si.Trontelj, Jože , D. Sc., born on June 1, 1939. Senior Medical Adviser, Professorof Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and the Ljubljana College of Medicine,University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 30, 1991, Full Membersince June 6, 1995. Vice-President of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and318

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