letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


since June 6, 1995, Full Member since June 7, 2001. Secretary-General of theSlovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since May 6, 2008.Home: Cesta v Podboršt 12, p. p. 4959, SI-1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče, Phone: +3861/56-33-485.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-28, Fax:+386 1/ 425-64-92. E-mail: kranjc@sazu.si.Kreft, Ivan , D. Sc., born on November 23, 1941. Professor of Genetics, BiotechnicalFaculty, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 27, 1997,Full Member since June 12, 2003.Home: Kremžarjeva 36, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 517-44-29, Fax:+386 1/ 517-14-88.Office: Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone:+386 1/3203261, E-mail: ivan.kreft@guest.arnes.si.Maček, Jože , D. Agr. Sc., D. Econ., D. Hist. Sc., born on October 28, 1929. EmeritusProfessor of Phytopathology and Phytopharmacology, Biotechnical Faculty,University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 18, 1989, Full Membersince June 6, 1995, Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 of the Lawon the SASA from November 27, 2003 to April 22, 2008.Home: Jerančičeva 12, SI-1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid, Phone: +386 1/ 512-35-31.Pleničar, Mario , D. Sc., born on August 5, 1924. Professor of Geology, Biostratigraphyand Geological Mapping, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology,University of Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since April 24, 1981,Full Member since May 30, 1991.Home: Prešernova 10, SI-4240 Radovljica, Phone: +386 4/ 531-49-49, E-mail:mario.plenicar@gmail.com.Office: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Tehnology, University of Ljubljana,Department of Geology, Privoz 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/244 54 13.Turnšek, Dragica , D. Sc., born on August 6, 1932. Palaeontologist, Scientific Adviserat the Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, SASA Scientific ResearchCentre, Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since May 23, 1985, FullMember since May 27, 1993.Home: Tugomerjeva 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 505-59-17.Office: Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana,Phone: +386 1/ 470-63-73.Vrišer, Igor , D. Sc., born on January 13, 1930. Emeritus Professor of Social Geographyand Regional Planning, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since April 23, 1987, Full Member since May 27, 1993.Home: Murgle 205, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1 283 43 98.Zorec, Robert , D. Sc., born on January 23, 1958. Professor of Pathophysiology,Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana.Associate Member since June 7, 2001, Full Member since June 1, 2007.310

Home: Brdnikova 31, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 256-13-84.Office: Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zaloška 4, SI-1104Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-70-80, Fax: +386 1/ 543-70-21, E-mail: robert.zorec@mf.uni-lj.si.Zupančič, Mitja , D. Sc., born on December 25, 1931. Phytocoenologist, ScientificAdviser at the Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, SASA Scientific ResearchCentre, Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since May 27, 1993, Full Membersince June 7, 2001.Home: Trubarjeva 61, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 432-41-66.Office: Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone:+386 1/ 470-63-24, +386, Fax: +386 1/425-33-24.Associate MembersAvšič-Županc, Tatjana, D. Sc., born on July 11, 1957. Professor of Microbiologyand Immunology, University of Ljubljana, Medical Faculty, Institute ofMicrobiology and Immunology. Associate Member since June 1, 2007Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Facultyof Medicine, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 1, 2007.Home: Močilnikarjeva 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 529-20-87.Office: Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical Faculty, Zaloška4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 543-74-50, Fax: +386 1/ 543 74 01, E--mail: tatjana.avsic@mf.uni-lj.si.Kiauta, Boštjan , D. Sc., born on January 20, 1937. Emeritus Professor of Cytotaxonomyand Cytophilogeny of Invertebrates, State University in Utrecht, theNetherlands. Associate Member since June 1, 2007.Home: Murnikova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 425-87-73; ; Callunastraat6, NL-5853 GA Siebengewald, The Netherlands, tel.: NL-(0)485-442772, E-mail: mbkiauta@gmail.com.Sket, Boris , PhD, born on July 30, 1936. Full Professor, scientific Consultant atthe Department of Biology at the Faculty of Biotechnology at the Univesity ofLjubljana. Associated SASA Member since May 5, 2011.Office: Department of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology, p. o. BOX 2995,1001 Ljubljana, tel. 320-33-63, e-mail: boris.sket@bf.uni-lj.si.Corresponding MembersBosák , Pavel, born on August 14, 1951. Karstologist, Geologist, Sedimentologist,Professor of Earth Sciences. Corresponding Member since May 5, 2005.Office: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Geological Institute, Prague,E-mail: bosak@gli.cas.cz.311

since June 6, 1995, Full Member since June 7, 2001. Secretary-General of theSlovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts since May 6, 2008.Home: Cesta v Podboršt 12, p. p. 4959, SI-1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče, Phone: +3861/56-33-485.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-28, Fax:+386 1/ 425-64-92. E-mail: kranjc@<strong>sazu</strong>.si.Kreft, Ivan , D. Sc., born on November 23, 1941. Professor of Genetics, BiotechnicalFaculty, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 27, 1997,Full Member since June 12, 2003.Home: Kremžarjeva 36, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 517-44-29, Fax:+386 1/ 517-14-88.Office: Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone:+386 1/3203261, E-mail: ivan.kreft@guest.arnes.si.Maček, Jože , D. Agr. Sc., D. Econ., D. Hist. Sc., born on October 28, 1929. EmeritusProfessor of Phytopathology and Phytopharmacology, Biotechnical Faculty,University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since May 18, 1989, Full Membersince June 6, 1995, Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 of the Lawon the SASA from November 27, 2003 to April 22, 2008.Home: Jerančičeva 12, SI-1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid, Phone: +386 1/ 512-35-31.Pleničar, Mario , D. Sc., born on August 5, 1924. Professor of Geology, Biostratigraphyand Geological Mapping, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology,University of Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since April 24, 1981,Full Member since May 30, 1991.Home: Prešernova 10, SI-4240 Radovljica, Phone: +386 4/ 531-49-49, E-mail:mario.plenicar@gmail.com.Office: Faculty of Natural Sciences and Tehnology, University of Ljubljana,Department of Geology, Privoz 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/244 54 13.Turnšek, Dragica , D. Sc., born on August 6, 1932. Palaeontologist, Scientific Adviserat the Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, SASA Scientific ResearchCentre, Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since May 23, 1985, FullMember since May 27, 1993.Home: Tugomerjeva 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 505-59-17.Office: Ivan Rakovec Institute of Palaeontology, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana,Phone: +386 1/ 470-63-73.Vrišer, Igor , D. Sc., born on January 13, 1930. Emeritus Professor of Social Geographyand Regional Planning, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since April 23, 1987, Full Member since May 27, 1993.Home: Murgle 205, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1 283 43 98.Zorec, Robert , D. Sc., born on January 23, 1958. Professor of Pathophysiology,Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana.Associate Member since June 7, 2001, Full Member since June 1, 2007.310

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