letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


versity of Zagreb. Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences andArts. Corresponding Member since June 12, 2003.Home: Savska cesta 1 a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Phone: +385 1/ 482-94-07, E-mail:vmardes@math.hr.Mavretič, Anton , born on December 11, 1934. Professor and Researcher at theCenter for Space Physics at Boston University. Corresponding Member sinceJune 1, 2007.Home: 34 Liberty St., MA 01760, US-Natick, Phone: +1 508/ 655-6579.Office: E-mail: mavretic@bu.edu.Müller, Karl-Alexander , born on April 20, 1927. Professor of Solid-State Physics,University of Zurich. Nobel Prize for Physics, 1987. Corresponding Membersince April 23, 1987.Office: University of Zurich, Institute of Physics, Winterthurerstrasse 190,CH-8057 Zurich, Phone: +41 1/ 635-57-49, Fax: +41 1/ 635-57-04.Povh, Bogdan , born on August 20, 1932. Scientific Member, Member of Collegium,and Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg,and Professor at the Heidelberg University. Corresponding Membersince March 10, 1977.Office: Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik, p.f. 103980, D-69029 Heidelberg,Phone: +49 622 1/ 516-272-270, Fax: +49 622 1/ 51-65-40, E-mail: bogdan.povh@ampr-hd.mpg.de.Rao, Chintamani Nages Ramachandra , born on June 30, 1934. Professor of Chemistry,President of the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research,Bangalore. Corresponding Member since April 24, 1981.Office: Indian Institute of Science, IN-Bangalore 560012, E-mail: cnrrao@incasr.ac.in.Scott, James Floyd , born on May 4, 1942. Full Professor of Physics, Director of researchat Cavendish Laboratory, Physics Department at Cambridge University.Fellow of the Royal Society of London since 2008, SASA CorrespondingMember since May 5, 2011.Home: Thorndyke, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0LG, U. K. Phone:44(0)1223-277793 (home), E-mail: jfs32@hermes.cam.ac.ukOffice: Department of Physics (QM), Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University,J. J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, U. K.Severn, Roy Thomas , born on September 6, 1929. Professor of Earthquake Engineeringand Structural Dynamics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University ofBristol, retired. Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering. CorrespondingMember since June 12, 2003.Office: Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, Department of Civil Engineering,University of Bristol, Queen’s Building, University Walk, GB-BristolBS81TR, E-mail: r.t.severn@bristol.ac.uk.308

Villadsen, John , born on June 12, 1936. Professor of Biotechnology, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, Lyngby. Corresponding Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Phone: +45 49/ 707-709.Office: BioCentrum-DTU, Søltofts Plads, Building 223, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby,Phone: +45 45/ 25 668, Fax: +45 45/ 88 4148, E-mail: jv@biocentrum.dtu.dk.Waugh, John S. , born on April 25, 1929. Professor of Physical Chemistry at theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Corresponding Membersince May 18, 1989.Office: MIT 6-235, MA 02139, US-Cambridge, E-mail: jswaugh@mit.edu.SECTION FOURFull MembersNatural SciencesDrovenik, Matija , D. Sc., born on February 14, 1927. Emeritus Professor of Mineralogy,Ore, Coal and Petroleum Deposits, Ore & Coal Microscopy, Facultyof Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since March 23, 1978, Full Member since April 23, 1987. Secretary--General of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts from May 14, 1992to May 6, 1999.Home: Pohorskega bataljona 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-34-35.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-48, Fax:+386 1/ 425-34-23, E-mail: sazu@sazu.si.Gams, Ivan , D. Sc., born on July 5, 1923. Emeritus Professor of Geography, Facultyof Arts, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since March 23, 1978, FullMember since May 23, 1985.Home: Pohorskega bataljona 158, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-18-46, E-mail: ivan.gams@guest.arnes.si.Gogala, Matija , D. Sc., born on December 11, 1937. Retired Scientific Adviserand Director, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana; Professor ofAnimal Physiology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since May 30, 1991, Full Member since April 8, 1999. Secretary-Generalof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts from April 25, 2002 toMay 6, 2008. Vice-President of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Artsfrom May 6, 2008 to May 5, 2011. Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art.22 of the Law on the SASA since May 5, 2011.Home: Pot na Tičnico 6, SI-1351 Brezovica, Phone: +386 1/ 756-55-39.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-47, Fax:+386 1/ 425-64-92, E-mail: matija.gogala@guest.arnes.si.Kranjc, Andrej , D. Sc., born on November 5, 1943. Scientific Adviser, retired. EmeritusProfessor of Karstology, University of Nova Gorica. Associate Member309

versity of Zagreb. Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences andArts. Corresponding Member since June 12, 2003.Home: Savska cesta 1 a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Phone: +385 1/ 482-94-07, E-mail:vmardes@math.hr.Mavretič, Anton , born on December 11, 1934. Professor and Researcher at theCenter for Space Physics at Boston University. Corresponding Member sinceJune 1, 2007.Home: 34 Liberty St., MA 01760, US-Natick, Phone: +1 508/ 655-6579.Office: E-mail: mavretic@bu.edu.Müller, Karl-Alexander , born on April 20, 1927. Professor of Solid-State Physics,University of Zurich. Nobel Prize for Physics, 1987. Corresponding Membersince April 23, 1987.Office: University of Zurich, Institute of Physics, Winterthurerstrasse 190,CH-8057 Zurich, Phone: +41 1/ 635-57-49, Fax: +41 1/ 635-57-04.Povh, Bogdan , born on August 20, 1932. Scientific Member, Member of Collegium,and Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg,and Professor at the Heidelberg University. Corresponding Membersince March 10, 1977.Office: Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik, p.f. 103980, D-69029 Heidelberg,Phone: +49 622 1/ 516-272-270, Fax: +49 622 1/ 51-65-40, E-mail: bogdan.povh@ampr-hd.mpg.de.Rao, Chintamani Nages Ramachandra , born on June 30, 1934. Professor of Chemistry,President of the Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research,Bangalore. Corresponding Member since April 24, 1981.Office: Indian Institute of Science, IN-Bangalore 560012, E-mail: cnrrao@incasr.ac.in.Scott, James Floyd , born on May 4, 1942. Full Professor of Physics, Director of researchat Cavendish Laboratory, Physics Department at Cambridge University.Fellow of the Royal Society of London since 2008, SASA CorrespondingMember since May 5, <strong>2011</strong>.Home: Thorndyke, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0LG, U. K. Phone:44(0)1223-277793 (home), E-mail: jfs32@hermes.cam.ac.ukOffice: Department of Physics (QM), Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University,J. J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, U. K.Severn, Roy Thomas , born on September 6, 1929. Professor of Earthquake Engineeringand Structural Dynamics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University ofBristol, retired. Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering. CorrespondingMember since June 12, 2003.Office: Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, Department of Civil Engineering,University of Bristol, Queen’s Building, University Walk, GB-BristolBS81TR, E-mail: r.t.severn@bristol.ac.uk.308

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