letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Home: Javorjev drevored 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 283-10-60, E--mail: primoz.simoniti@guest.arnes.si.Stanonik, Janez , Ph. D., born on January 2, 1922. Professor of English and AmericanLiterature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, retired AssociateMember since April 24, 1981, Full Member since April 23, 1987.Home: Zvonarska 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-66-92.Toporišič, Jože , D. Sc., born on October 11, 1926. Professor of Slovenian LiteraryLanguage and Theory of Style, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, retired.Associate Member since May 30, 1991, Full Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Šarhova 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-11-97.Office: Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 241-10-00, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37.Zadravec, Franc , Ph. D., born on September 27, 1925. Emeritus Professor of SlovenianLiterary History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since March 29, 1979, Full Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Prijateljeva 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-88-20.Zorko, Zinka , D. Sc., born on February 24, 1936, Emeritus Professor of Historyand Dialectology of the Slovenian Language, Faculty of Pedagogy, Universityof Maribor. Associate Member since June 12, 2003, Full member since May21, 2009.Home: Spodnja Selnica 3, SI-2352 Selnica ob Dravi, Phone: +386 2/ 671-91-18.Office: Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Phone: +386 2/ 229-36-34, Fax: +386 2/ 261-81-80, E-mail: zinka.zorko@uni-mb.si.Corresponding MembersCooper, Henry R. Jr., born on September 30, 1946. Professor and Head of Departmentof Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Bloomington,Indiana. Corresponding Member since June 6, 1995.Home: 2420 Boston Road, Bloomington, US-Indiana 47401-5067.Office: Indiana University, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures,Ballantine Hall 502, 1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, US-Indiana47405-7013, Phone: +1 812/ 855-2608, Fax: +1 812/ 855-2107, E-mail: cooper@indiana.edu.Dimnik, Martin , born on October 6, 1941, CSB, B.A., M.A. (Toronto), M.Div. (TorontoSchool of Theology), D.Phil. (Oxford), Senior Fellow at the Pontifical Instituteof Mediaeval Studies Kievan Rus, 9 th to 13 th century; History of Medieval Slavsin the Balkans, (PIMS), Toronto. Corresponding Member since May 5, 2011.Office: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen’s Park Cr. E., Toronto,Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4, Tel. (416) 926-7137.300

Giesemann, Gerhard , born on July 14, 1937. Professor of Slavic Languages andLiterature, Institute for Slavic Studies, The Justus Liebig University, Giessen.Corresponding Member since May 18, 1989.Home: Paul-Hutten-Ring 31, D-35415 Pohlheim 5, Phone: +49 6403-63802.Hannick, Christian , born on September 3, 1944. Head of Department of SlavicPhilology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg. CorrespondingMember since June 1, 2007.Home: Am Trimmelter Hof 70, D-54296 Trier.Office: Institut für Slavistik, Lehrstuhl für Slavische Philologie, UniversitätWürzburg, Domerschulstrasse 13, D-97070 Würzburg, Phone +49 931/ 312-863, Fax: +49 931/ 312-107, E-mail: hannick@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de.Lauer, Reinhard , born on March 15, 1935. Head of Seminar of Slavic Philologyand Professor at the Georg-August University in Gottingen. Associate Membersince June 12, 2003.Office: Seminar für slawische Philologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,Humboldtallee 19, D-37073 Göttingen, Phone: +49 551/ 394-702, Fax:+49 551/ 394-707, E-mail: rlauer@gwdg.de.Martinović, Juraj , born on May 24, 1936. Professor of Slovenian Literature, Facultyof Arts, University of Sarajevo. Corresponding Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Bolnička 30, BA-71000 Sarajevo.Office: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Račkog 1, BA-71000 Sarajevo,E-mail: jumar@bih.net.ba.Moskovich, Wolf , born on April 7, 1936. Professor at the Department of Russianand Slavic Studies of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. CorrespondingMember since May 5, 2005.Home: POB 7823, Jerusalem 91078, Izrael, E-mail: wmoskovich@yahoo.com.Neuhäuser, Rudolf , born on June 17, 1933. Professor of Slavic Philology, Instituteof Slavic Languages and Literature, University of Klagenfurt. CorrespondingMember since June 6, 1995.Home: Italienerstrasse 39/10, AT-9500 Villach.Office: Institut für Slawistik, Universität Klagenfurt, Universitätsstrasse 65-67, AT-9010 Klagenfurt, Phone: +43 463/ 270-03-18, Fax: +43 463/ 270-03-22.Pohl, Heinz Dieter , born on September 6, 1942. Professor of General and DiachronicLinguistics, University of Klagenfurt. Corresponding Member sinceMay 5, 2005.Home: Limburggasse 21, AT-9073 Klagenfurt, Phone: +43 463/ 913-001, +43664 433 5436, Faks: +43 463/ 281-330, El. pošta: heinz.pohl@chello.at.Office: Universität Klagenfurt, Universitätsstrasse 65-67, AT-9020 Klagenfurt,Phone: +43 463/ 270-028-12 / 2802, Faks: +43 463/ 270-028-99.Prunč, Erich , born on October 15, 1941. Professor of Translational Studies at theUniversity of Graz. Corresponding Member since June 1, 2007.301

Home: Javorjev drevored 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 283-10-60, E--mail: primoz.simoniti@guest.arnes.si.Stanonik, Janez , Ph. D., born on January 2, 1922. Professor of English and AmericanLiterature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, retired AssociateMember since April 24, 1981, Full Member since April 23, 1987.Home: Zvonarska 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-66-92.Toporišič, Jože , D. Sc., born on October 11, 1926. Professor of Slovenian LiteraryLanguage and Theory of Style, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, retired.Associate Member since May 30, 1991, Full Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Šarhova 18, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 534-11-97.Office: Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 241-10-00, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37.Zadravec, Franc , Ph. D., born on September 27, 1925. Emeritus Professor of SlovenianLiterary History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since March 29, 1979, Full Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Prijateljeva 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-88-20.Zorko, Zinka , D. Sc., born on February 24, 1936, Emeritus Professor of Historyand Dialectology of the Slovenian Language, Faculty of Pedagogy, Universityof Maribor. Associate Member since June 12, 2003, Full member since May21, 2009.Home: Spodnja Selnica 3, SI-2352 Selnica ob Dravi, Phone: +386 2/ 671-91-18.Office: Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Phone: +386 2/ 229-36-34, Fax: +386 2/ 261-81-80, E-mail: zinka.zorko@uni-mb.si.Corresponding MembersCooper, Henry R. Jr., born on September 30, 1946. Professor and Head of Departmentof Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Bloomington,Indiana. Corresponding Member since June 6, 1995.Home: 2420 Boston Road, Bloomington, US-Indiana 47401-5067.Office: Indiana University, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures,Ballantine Hall 502, 1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Bloomington, US-Indiana47405-7013, Phone: +1 812/ 855-2608, Fax: +1 812/ 855-2107, E-mail: cooper@indiana.edu.Dimnik, Martin , born on October 6, 1941, CSB, B.A., M.A. (Toronto), M.Div. (TorontoSchool of Theology), D.Phil. (Oxford), Senior Fellow at the Pontifical Instituteof Mediaeval Studies Kievan Rus, 9 th to 13 th century; History of Medieval Slavsin the Balkans, (PIMS), Toronto. Corresponding Member since May 5, <strong>2011</strong>.Office: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen’s Park Cr. E., Toronto,Ontario, Canada M5S 2C4, Tel. (416) 926-7137.300

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