letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Tavano, Sergio , born on March 13, 1928. Professor of Early Christian and ByzantineArchaeology, University of Trieste. Corresponding Member since June7, 2001.Home: Via Margotti 9, IT-34170 Gorizia.Office: Dipartimento di Storia e Storia dell'arte, Università degli studi di Trieste,Via Economo 4, IT-34123 Trieste, Phone: +39 040/ 676-7617.Wakounig, Marija , born on March 19, 1959. Historian, Associate Professor at theInstitute for Eastern-European History at the University of Vienna. SASACorresponding Member since May 5, 2011.Home: Klopstockgasse 49/9, A-1170 Wien, Avstrija.Office: Universität Wien, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Spitalgasse2, Hof 3 (Campus), 1090 Wien, Avstrija.SECTION TWOFull MembersPhilological and Literary SciencesBernik, France , Ph. D., D. h. c. University of Maribor, born on May 13, 1927. ScientificAdviser at the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Sciences,SASA Scientific Research Centre, retired. Associate Member since June 6,1983, Full Member since April 23, 1987. President of the Slovenian Academyof Sciences and Arts from May 14, 1992 to April 25, 2002, Honorary Memberof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences nad Arts since June 12, 2003.Home: Židovska ulica 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 425-03-65.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-51, Fax:+386 1/ 425-34-23, E-mail: ana.batic@sazu.si.Gantar, Kajetan , Ph. D., born on October 11, 1930. Emeritus Professor of LatinLanguage and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since May 27, 1993, Full Member since May 27, 1997. Vice-Presidentof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts from May 6, 1999 to May 5,2005. Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 of the Law on the SASAfrom April 22, 2008 to May 5, 2011.Home: Rusjanov trg 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 540-90-60, E-mail:kajetan.gantar@siol.net.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-44, Fax:+386 1/ 425-64-92, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone:+386 1/ 241-14-14, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37.Inkret, Andrej , D. Sc., born on April 29, 1943, Professor Emeritus of Dramaturgyand History of Drama, Academy of Theatre, Radio and Television, Universityof Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since June 12, 2003, Full membersince May 21, 2009.298

Home: Zvonarska ulica 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-67-19, E--mail: andrej.inkret@sedmica.net.Kmecl, Matjaž , D. Sc., born on February 23, 1934. Professor of Slovenian LiteraryHistory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, retired. Associate Membersince May 27, 1997, Full Member since June 12, 2003.Home: Pot v Čeželj 14, SI-1231 Ljubljana Črnuče, Phone: +386 1/ 537-40-14.Kos, Janko , Ph. D., born on March 9, 1931. Emeritus Professor of ComparativeLiterature and Literary Theory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since March 10, 1977, Full Member since June 6, 1983.Home: Pleteršnikova 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 436-80-99.Krašovec, Jože , Sc.B.D., Ph.D., Th.D. and Anth. Rel. D., born on April 20, 1944.Professor of Biblical Sciences, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana.Associate Member since May 30, 1991, Full Member since June 6, 1995.Home: Dolničarjeva 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 434-01-98, Fax:+386 1/ 433-04-05.Office: Faculty of Theology, Poljanska 4, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/434-58-10, Fax: +386 1/, 434-58-54, E-mail: joze.krasovec@guest.arnes.si.Matičetov, Milko , Ph. D., born on September 10, 1919. Scientific Adviser at theInstitute of Slovene Ethnology, SASA Scientific Research Center, retired. AssociateMember since June 6, 1995, Full Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Langusova 19, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 426-51-86.Moravec, Dušan , B. A. (Philosophy), born on October 4, 1920. Director of theTheatre Museum in Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since March 25,1976, Full Member since April 24, 1981.Home: Zvonarska 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 251-67-92.Orešnik, Janez , Ph. D., Emeritus Professor, born on December 12, 1935. Professorof Germanic Comparative Grammar and General Linguistics, Faculty ofArts, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since April 23, 1987, FullMember since May 27, 1993.Home: Janežičeva 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 51/622-732, E-mail: janez.oresnik@sazu.si.Office: Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 241-14-22, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37, E-mail: janez.oresnik@sazu.si.Paternu, Boris , Ph. D., born on June 5, 1926. Emeritus Professor of Literature,Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since March 29,1979, Full Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Videmska 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 505-46-28, E-mail: pirjevec.paternu@gmail.com.Simoniti, Primož , Ph. D., born on December 28, 1936, Emeritus Professor of LatinLanguage and Literature. Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since June 7, 2001, Full Member since June 1, 2007.299

Tavano, Sergio , born on March 13, 1928. Professor of Early Christian and ByzantineArchaeology, University of Trieste. Corresponding Member since June7, 2001.Home: Via Margotti 9, IT-34170 Gorizia.Office: Dipartimento di Storia e Storia dell'arte, Università degli studi di Trieste,Via Economo 4, IT-34123 Trieste, Phone: +39 040/ 676-7617.Wakounig, Marija , born on March 19, 1959. Historian, Associate Professor at theInstitute for Eastern-European History at the University of Vienna. SASACorresponding Member since May 5, <strong>2011</strong>.Home: Klopstockgasse 49/9, A-1170 Wien, Avstrija.Office: Universität Wien, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Spitalgasse2, Hof 3 (Campus), 1090 Wien, Avstrija.SECTION TWOFull MembersPhilological and Literary SciencesBernik, France , Ph. D., D. h. c. University of Maribor, born on May 13, 1927. ScientificAdviser at the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Sciences,SASA Scientific Research Centre, retired. Associate Member since June 6,1983, Full Member since April 23, 1987. President of the Slovenian Academyof Sciences and Arts from May 14, 1992 to April 25, 2002, Honorary Memberof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences nad Arts since June 12, 2003.Home: Židovska ulica 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 425-03-65.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-51, Fax:+386 1/ 425-34-23, E-mail: ana.batic@<strong>sazu</strong>.si.Gantar, Kajetan , Ph. D., born on October 11, 1930. Emeritus Professor of LatinLanguage and Literature, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since May 27, 1993, Full Member since May 27, 1997. Vice-Presidentof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts from May 6, 1999 to May 5,2005. Member of the Presidency pursuant to Art. 22 of the Law on the SASAfrom April 22, 2008 to May 5, <strong>2011</strong>.Home: Rusjanov trg 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 540-90-60, E-mail:kajetan.gantar@siol.net.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-61-44, Fax:+386 1/ 425-64-92, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone:+386 1/ 241-14-14, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37.Inkret, Andrej , D. Sc., born on April 29, 1943, Professor Emeritus of Dramaturgyand History of Drama, Academy of Theatre, Radio and Television, Universityof Ljubljana, retired. Associate Member since June 12, 2003, Full membersince May 21, 2009.298

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