letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Home: Schützenstrasse 22, D-72070 Tübingen-Hirschau, Phone: +49 70/ 71-791289.Flotzinger, Rudolf , born on September 22, 1939. Director of the Institute of Musicology,University of Graz. Corresponding Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Hans-Mauracher-Str. 81, AT-8044 Graz.Gombocz, Wolfgang L. , born on September 28, 1946, Professor of History of Philosophy,University of Graz, Corresponding Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Riesstrasse 362, AT-8010 Kainbach bei Graz, Phone: +43 316/ 302-324.E-mail: wum@utanet.at.Office: Institut für Philosophie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Heinrichstrasse26, AT-8010 Graz. Fax: +43 316/ 380-2304, Phone: +43 316/ 380-9705,E-mail: gombocz@kfunigraz.ac.at.Kahl , Hans-Dietrich, Ph.D., born on June 4, 1920. Professor of History, Instituteof History, University of Giessen, retired. Corresponding Member since June12, 2003.Home: Sandfeld 13, D-35396 Giessen.Košak, Silvin , born on March 10, 1942, Ph.D. in Archaeology. Associate Professorof ancient orientalistics and hittitology, retired. Scientific co-worker ofthe Academy of Literature and Science in Mainz, Germany. CorrespondingMember since May 21, 2009.Home: Berliner Strasse 27, D-55131 Mainz, E-mail: silvin.kosak@adwmainz.deLuckmann, Thomas , born on October 14, 1927. Emeritus Professor of Sociology,University of Constance. D. h. c. University of Ljubljana, University of Linköping,National Technical University of Trodheim, University of Trier andUniversity of Buenos Aires. Corresponding Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Kirschstrasse 15, CH-8724 Gottlieben, Phone: +41 716/ 69-1317 or Ossiachberg2, AT-9551 Bodensdorf.Office: D-78464 Konstanz, Universität Konstanz, Universitätsstrasse 10.Menis, Gian Carlo , born on December 10, 1927. Professor of History, Archaeologyand Art History. Corresponding Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Via Ursinis Grande 179, IT-33030 Buja (Udine).Müller-Karpe , Hermann, born on February 1, 1925. Professor of Prehistory andAntiquity, University of Frankfurt on Main, retired. Corresponding Membersince May 27, 1993.Home: Seniorenresidenz Ars vivendi, Ockershäuser Allee 45 a, D - 35037Marburg.O'Loughlin, Niall, Ph. D., born on September 30, 1941. Musicologist, Senior Lecturerin Music and Director of the Arts Center at the Loughborough University,retired. Corresponding Member since June 1, 2007.Home: 350 Beacon Road, Loughborough, GB–Leicestershire, LE 11 2RD, E--mail: niall.oloughlin@hotmail.co.uk.296

Pavičević, Branko , born on March 2, 1922. Professor of History, Faculty of Arts,University of Podgorica, retired. Corresponding Member since March 10,1977.Home: Rista Stijovića 5, CRG-81000 Podgorica, or: Sindjelićeva 36/VII, SER-11000 Beograd, Phone: +381 11/ 439-096.Perović, Slobodan , born on September 10, 1932. Professor of Obligational Law,Faculty of Law, University of Beograd. Corresponding Member since April23, 1987.Home: Miročka 6/25, SER-11000 Beograd, Phone: +381 11 / 324-48-15.Office: Udruženje pravnika Srbije, Krunska 74, SER-11000 Beograd, Phone+381 11/ 244-69-10, E-mail: upj@eunet.yu or: jperovic@beotel.:yu.Rumpler, Helmut , born on September 12, 1935. Professor of Modern and AustrianHistory, University of Klagenfurt. Corresponding Member since May 27,1993.Home: Kornblumengasse 9, AT-9073 Viktring/Klagenfurt, Phone: +43 463/281-782.Stefanović, Dimitrije, born on November 25, 1929. Head of the Institute of Musicology,retired. Secretary General of the Serbian Academy of Sciences andArts, Beograd, Corresponding Member since April 23, 1987.Home: Džordža Vašingtona 28 a, SER-11000 Beograd, Phone: +381 11/ 3221-985.Office: SANU, Knez Mihailova 35, SER-11000 Beograd, Phone: +381 11/3342-400, E-mail: dimitr@eunet.yu.Straus, Jože , born on December 14, 1938. Professor Dr. Dres. h. c., ScientificMember and Director at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property,Competition and Tax Law, Munich. Doctor Honoris Causa, Universityof Ljubljana and University of Kragujevac. Marshal B. Coyne Visiting Professorof International and Comparative Law, George Washington UniversityLaw School, Washington. Recipient of the Science Award 2000 of theFoundation for the German Science. Corresponding Member since June6, 1995.Office: Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and TaxLaw, Marstallplatz 1, D-80539 München, Phone: +49 89/ 24-246-410, Fax:+49 89/ 24-246-506, E-mail: joseph.straus@ip.mpg.de.Supičić, Ivan , born on July 18, 1928. Professor at the Music Academy, Universityof Zagreb. Director of the Institute for Musicological Research, CroatianAcademy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, retired. Corresponding Member sinceApril 24, 1981.Home: Boškovičeva 9, HR-10000 Zagreb, Phone: +385 1/ 487-32-73.Office: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zrinski trg 11, HR-10000 Zagreb,Phone: +385 1/ 489-51-11.297

Home: Schützenstrasse 22, D-72070 Tübingen-Hirschau, Phone: +49 70/ 71-791289.Flotzinger, Rudolf , born on September 22, 1939. Director of the Institute of Musicology,University of Graz. Corresponding Member since May 23, 1985.Home: Hans-Mauracher-Str. 81, AT-8044 Graz.Gombocz, Wolfgang L. , born on September 28, 1946, Professor of History of Philosophy,University of Graz, Corresponding Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Riesstrasse 362, AT-8010 Kainbach bei Graz, Phone: +43 316/ 302-324.E-mail: wum@utanet.at.Office: Institut für Philosophie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Heinrichstrasse26, AT-8010 Graz. Fax: +43 316/ 380-2304, Phone: +43 316/ 380-9705,E-mail: gombocz@kfunigraz.ac.at.Kahl , Hans-Dietrich, Ph.D., born on June 4, 1920. Professor of History, Instituteof History, University of Giessen, retired. Corresponding Member since June12, 2003.Home: Sandfeld 13, D-35396 Giessen.Košak, Silvin , born on March 10, 1942, Ph.D. in Archaeology. Associate Professorof ancient orientalistics and hittitology, retired. Scientific co-worker ofthe Academy of Literature and Science in Mainz, Germany. CorrespondingMember since May 21, 2009.Home: Berliner Strasse 27, D-55131 Mainz, E-mail: silvin.kosak@adwmainz.deLuckmann, Thomas , born on October 14, 1927. Emeritus Professor of Sociology,University of Constance. D. h. c. University of Ljubljana, University of Linköping,National Technical University of Trodheim, University of Trier andUniversity of Buenos Aires. Corresponding Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Kirschstrasse 15, CH-8724 Gottlieben, Phone: +41 716/ 69-1317 or Ossiachberg2, AT-9551 Bodensdorf.Office: D-78464 Konstanz, Universität Konstanz, Universitätsstrasse 10.Menis, Gian Carlo , born on December 10, 1927. Professor of History, Archaeologyand Art History. Corresponding Member since May 27, 1997.Home: Via Ursinis Grande 179, IT-33030 Buja (Udine).Müller-Karpe , Hermann, born on February 1, 1925. Professor of Prehistory andAntiquity, University of Frankfurt on Main, retired. Corresponding Membersince May 27, 1993.Home: Seniorenresidenz Ars vivendi, Ockershäuser Allee 45 a, D - 35037Marburg.O'Loughlin, Niall, Ph. D., born on September 30, 1941. Musicologist, Senior Lecturerin Music and Director of the Arts Center at the Loughborough University,retired. Corresponding Member since June 1, 2007.Home: 350 Beacon Road, Loughborough, GB–Leicestershire, LE 11 2RD, E--mail: niall.oloughlin@hotmail.co.uk.296

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