letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


B) SASA ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS1. Library2. Department of International Relations and Scientific Coordination3. Cabinet of Academician France BernikC) COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS1. Council for Environmental Protection2. Council for Energetics3. Council for Slovenian Space Culture And Identity4. Committee for Ethnic Minorities Studies5. Committee for Sustainable Development6. Committee for Slovenian LanguageExpert Commission For Slovenian Language Issues7. Committee for Printing And Publications9. Commission for Statutory Issues10. Commission for Human RightsD) FOUNDATIONS1. Dr. Bruno Breschi Foundation2. Janez Vajkard Valvasor FoundationE) SASA MANAGEMENT292

MEMBERSOF THE SLOVENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTSSECTION ONEFull MembersHistorical and Social SciencesBratož, Rajko , D. Sc., born on February 17, 1952. Professor of Ancient History,Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Associate Member since June 6, 1995,Full Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Rožna dolina IV/39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 256-33-15.Office: Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 241-11-92, 231-18-14, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37, E-mail: rajko.bratoz@guest.arnes.si.Gabrovec, Stane , D. Archaeol. Sc., born on April 18, 1920. Head of the ArchaeologicalDepartment of the National Museum in Ljubljana, retired. AssociateMember since April 23, 1987, Full Member since May 30, 1991.Home: Hajdrihova 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 426-18-16.Hribar, Valentin , D. of Political Sciences, born on January 28, 1941. Professor of Phenomenologyand Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana,retired. Associate Member since June 6, 1995, Full Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Tomišelj 31 a, SI-1292 Ig, Phone: +386 059-939-439, E-mail: valentin.hribar@guest.arnes.si.Office: Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 241-10-06, Fax: +386 1/ 425-93-37.Mlinar, Zdravko , Ph. D., born on January 30, 1933. Emeritus Professor of SpatialSociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since April 24, 1981, Full Member since April 23, 1987Home: Pod topoli 93, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone. +386 1/28-31-032.Office: SASA, Novi trg 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 470-64-23, Fax:+386 1/ 425-34-23, E-mail: zdravko.mlinar@fdv.uni-lj.si.Mlinarič, Jože , Ph. D., born on March 13, 1935. Emeritus Professor of Historyof Feudalism, Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Maribor, retired. AssociateMember since June 6, 1995, Full Member since June 7, 2001.Home: Ljubljanska 3 a, SI-2000 Maribor, Phone: +386 2/ 331-13-94.Pavčnik, Marijan , D. Sc., born on December 8, 1946. Professor of Legal Theoryand Legal Philosophy, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. AssociateMember since June 12, 2003, Full Member since May 21, 2009.Home: Poljanski nasip 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Phone: +386 1/ 232-26-90 or+386 1/ 232-58-62.293

B) SASA ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS1. Library2. Department of International Relations and Scientific Coordination3. Cabinet of Academician France BernikC) COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS1. Council for Environmental Protection2. Council for Energetics3. Council for Slovenian Space Culture And Identity4. Committee for Ethnic Minorities Studies5. Committee for Sustainable Development6. Committee for Slovenian LanguageExpert Commission For Slovenian Language Issues7. Committee for Printing And Publications9. Commission for Statutory Issues10. Commission for Human RightsD) FOUNDATIONS1. Dr. Bruno Breschi Foundation2. Janez Vajkard Valvasor FoundationE) SASA MANAGEMENT292

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