letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Institute among our Austrian colleagues who care about friendly relations withSlovenia.We held some consultations in connection with the use of Slovenian and foreignlanguages in Slovenian universities. We are discovering that the otherwiseunavoidable internationalization of tertiary studies may also bring unfavourableconsequences. We are concerned about the unjustified restriction of the rightsof Slovenian students and the risk of lag in the development of Slovenian professionaland scientific terminology. It is possible to prevent much of this by appropriatepolicies. The universities or their faculties themselves must play a key rolein safeguarding language rights and legitimate interests. Discussions, the aim ofwhich is to produce some kind of memorandum on the use of Slovenian in professionsand science, (will) continue.2011 was an election year. Unfortunately, there were fewer openings than required.Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to greet three new Associate, three new Fulland five new Corresponding Members. Let me again remind you of our (new)possibility to elect advisers, who can offer valuable assistance in our projects.With their knowledge and experience, they add essential qualities; their associationwith the Academy can give them additional authority in their own specialfield of expertise and at the same time enhance the influence of the Academy.We have begun discussions on possible internal reorganization of the Academy.We have set a time framework because we wish to agree on possible changesin the structure of the Sections before the start of procedures for the next election,i.e., in the next 8 months. As you know, our plan is to restrict ourselves to such reorganizationsas can be achieved by modifications of the statute. For the time beingwe do not want to touch upon the Law on SASA. For this task, we have expanded theexisting statutory commission, which now includes representatives of all Sections.Next year, more precisely on 12 th November 2013, we are organising a festiveceremony on the 75 th anniversary of SASA. Last year, a working group for preparativearrangements was appointed. The group has already started working.As you may recall, two years ago we froze our plan to prepare a statement onhuman rights violations in the former State. Not all Academy members seemed tobe pleased with the decision. Last year, I was invited to speak at the European Dayof Remembrance of Victims of Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes. I also respondedto a request to take part in an international conference on the possibilitiesand meaning of reconciliation in Celje and Ljubljana. The speeches, which I gavein my own name, have been printed. Despite efforts to achieve reconciliation, inwhich numerous distinguished individuals from various parts of the society tookpart, the atmosphere, because of unclarified, unevaluated actions of the authorities,remained unchanged, or appears even more uneasy than in previous years.There is no doubt that such a situation is to the detriment of the country and thenation, as well as individuals. Perhaps it would be right for the Academy to con-28

sider trying again and preparing a new statement, in which a benevolent appealfor just reconciliation and mutual forgiveness would be at the forefront. Manyexpect it of us; certainly it would attract attention. If it were communicated withsufficient consideration and respect for the highly sensitive issues, it might be acceptableto many people on both sides of the divide, which for such a long time hasso painfully stood between us. It would seem of utmost importance that we leaveto the upcoming generations the truth without embellishment, and historical factswithout apology for crimes, whoever may have committed them. Among the ethicaland legal messages, there must also be unequivocal moral condemnation of allpast and future authorities who choose revenge instead of just punishment.Last year was also fruitful with regard to publishing activities. SASA independentlypublished 4 books, while a further 4 were published jointly. Seven issuesof periodicals were published and a further 3 jointly financed. Three collections ofpapers from conferences (which were) held at the Academy, were published, whilean additional 4 issues of Collected Works of Slovenian Poets and Writers werejointly published. The work of digitalizing the literary legacy of Taras Kermaunercontinues.Among the particularly fine events in the life of the Academy are the traditionalreceptions for our members on their personal jubilees. Last year Full MembersTine Hribar , Marko Marijan Mušič , Zinka Zorko , Janko Kos , Janez Matičič ,Boris Paternu , Ivan Bratko , Janez Peklenik , Marjan Kordaš , Dušan Hadži , MihaTišler , Jože Toporišič , Kajetan Kovič , Zorko Simčič , Ivan Kreft , Marijan Pavčnik ,Mitja Zupančič , Primož Simoniti and Associate Members Janez Lamovec andTomaž Šalamun celebrated their round anniversaries.Last year, the Academy also hosted a series of symposia, discussions on newliterary editions and other meetings (at SASA). Most of the important events arepublished on our website.There are an ever-increasing number of invitations to various conferences,symposia and festive gatherings with requests for addresses or lectures; 35 suchrequests addressed to the President last year were accepted. Various mass mediaoften approach the Academy for opinions, comments or interviews or they reporton our work upon their own initiative. The media holds up a mirror to us – theimage often bent and distorted, but nevertheless a mirror. As has already beensaid, a large part of our appearances in the press and other media is presentedin our weekly reports. That is no small amount, and this also bears witness tothe Academy becoming more and more involved in public scientific, cultural andpolitical life.The Academy properly marked the 20 th anniversary of Slovenia’s independencewith a high-profile symposium, organized by Section One with the cooperationof external lecturers. In addition, a number of lectures, articles andother publications of our members discussing the successes and failures of the29

sider trying again and preparing a new statement, in which a benevolent appealfor just reconciliation and mutual forgiveness would be at the forefront. Manyexpect it of us; certainly it would attract attention. If it were communicated withsufficient consideration and respect for the highly sensitive issues, it might be acceptableto many people on both sides of the divide, which for such a long time hasso painfully stood between us. It would seem of utmost importance that we leaveto the upcoming generations the truth without embellishment, and historical factswithout apology for crimes, whoever may have committed them. Among the ethicaland legal messages, there must also be unequivocal moral condemnation of allpast and future authorities who choose revenge instead of just punishment.Last year was also fruitful with regard to publishing activities. SASA independentlypublished 4 books, while a further 4 were published jointly. Seven issuesof periodicals were published and a further 3 jointly financed. Three collections ofpapers from conferences (which were) held at the Academy, were published, whilean additional 4 issues of Collected Works of Slovenian Poets and Writers werejointly published. The work of digitalizing the literary legacy of Taras Kermaunercontinues.Among the particularly fine events in the life of the Academy are the traditionalreceptions for our members on their personal jubilees. Last year Full MembersTine Hribar , Marko Marijan Mušič , Zinka Zorko , Janko Kos , Janez Matičič ,Boris Paternu , Ivan Bratko , Janez Peklenik , Marjan Kordaš , Dušan Hadži , MihaTišler , Jože Toporišič , Kajetan Kovič , Zorko Simčič , Ivan Kreft , Marijan Pavčnik ,Mitja Zupančič , Primož Simoniti and Associate Members Janez Lamovec andTomaž Šalamun celebrated their round anniversaries.Last year, the Academy also hosted a series of symposia, discussions on newliterary editions and other meetings (at SASA). Most of the important events arepublished on our website.There are an ever-increasing number of invitations to various conferences,symposia and festive gatherings with requests for addresses or lectures; 35 suchrequests addressed to the President last year were accepted. Various mass mediaoften approach the Academy for opinions, comments or interviews or they reporton our work upon their own initiative. The media holds up a mirror to us – theimage often bent and distorted, but nevertheless a mirror. As has already beensaid, a large part of our appearances in the press and other media is presentedin our weekly reports. That is no small amount, and this also bears witness tothe Academy becoming more and more involved in public scientific, cultural andpolitical life.The Academy properly marked the 20 th anniversary of Slovenia’s independencewith a high-profile symposium, organized by Section One with the cooperationof external lecturers. In addition, a number of lectures, articles andother publications of our members discussing the successes and failures of the29

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