letopis sazu 2011

letopis sazu 2011 letopis sazu 2011


Matija GogalaTISKANE OBJAVEGogala M.: Po zvočnih sledeh za gorskimi škržadi v Evropi in Aziji. Ljubljana: Slovenskaakademija znanosti in umetnosti, IV. razred za naravoslovne vede,2011. 160 str., ilustr., zvd.Gogala M., Trilar T., Drosopoulos S.: Two new species and a new genus of Cicadettini(Hemiptera, Cicadidae) from the Greek island of Evia. Dtsch. entomol. Z.,2011, letn. 58, št. 1, str. 105–117, ilustr.Gogala M.: Netopirji uporabljajo tudi magnetno orientacijo. Proteus, jan. 2011,letn. 73, št. 5, str. 227.Gogala M. (keynote): Sound or vibration, an old question of insect communication.Entomologentagung DgaaE, Section 17: Symposium: Vibrational communicationin Arthropods – A comparative approach. Berlin, 23. 3. 2011 - Abstracts:203.Trilar T., Gogala M.: Present status of mountain cicadas (Cicadetta montana s. lato)in Europe. V: 13 th international meeting, Missouri, June 4-7, 2011. Invertebratesound and vibration : 13 th international meeting, University of Missouri, Columbia,USA, June 4-7 2011. [Missouri: University of Missouri, 2011], str. 91.Gogala M., Trilar T., Drosopoulos S.: Acoustically characterized endemic cicadaspecies from Greek island of Evia. The XXIII Meeting of the International BioacousticCouncil, La Rochelle, 12.–16. september 2011, Addendum, Poster 37.DRUGOGogala M. (član ur. odbora 1998–) Acta carsologica. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademijaznanosti in umetnosti; Postojna: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU,Inštitut za raziskovanje Krasa, 1974–.Gogala M. (član ur. odbora 1988–) Bioacoustics. Oxon (OX): AB Academic Publishers,1988–.Gogala M. (član ur. odbora 1995–) Entomologia Croatica. Zagreb: Hrvatsko entomološkodruštvo, 1995–.Gogala M. (član ur. odbora 1996–) Razprave – Slovenska akademija znanosti inumetnosti. Gogala M. (član ur. odbora 1996–) Razred za naravoslovne vede.Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1982–.Igor GrabecGrabec I.: Sculptures and Verses, Translated by Alan McConnell-Duff, Editedand published by Cultural Association »Mohorjan« Prevalje, 2011, umetniškodelo, prevod.Grabec I.: Estimation of experimental data redundancy and related statistics,Non-lin. Phen. In Compl. Sys., vol. 14, no. 2, str: 177–183, 2011.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Forecasting of Traffic Jam at a High-Way Bottleneck, Advancesin Complex systems, sprejeto 2011.142

Grabec I., Švegl F.: Forecasting of Traffic Jam at a High-Way Bottleneck, 19 th Int.Symp. On Electronics in Traffic – ISEP 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 28-29. 2011, CD - Proceedings ITS Connecting Transport, R10, Eds.: Anžek M.et al., Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia, Stegne 7, SI-1621 Ljubljana, SI,http://www.ezs-zveza.si.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Statistical forecasting of High-Way Traffic Jam, Int. Conf. AppliedStatistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25–28. 9. 2011, Program and Abstracts,pp 17, Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J. Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS2011Govekar E., Bezgovšek J., Grabec I.: Control of laser droplet generation from metalwire. V: Schmidt M. (ur.). Lasers in Manufacturing 2011 : proceedings ofthe Sixth International WLT Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich,Germany, May 23-26, 2011, (Physics procedia, vol. 12). Amsterdam: Elsevier,2011, str. 424–430, ilustr.Grabec I.: SEETRANS 2011 - Transport Research Oportunities for South East Europein the EU, Ljubljana, April 12-13, 2011, http://www.transslo-plus.si/en/ :Brokerage and Networking Event – Organization and Project Ideas: IgorGrabec , Project Idea: MOFOCRISTA,Thematic Workshops – Road and Intermodal Project Ideas Explanations: IgorGrabec , MOFOCRISTA – Modeling and forecasting of critical states in trafficflows,Thematic Workshops – Road and Intermodal Best Practice Project: Igor Grabec ,Forecasting of traffic flows and congestions development at bottlenecks onSlovenian high-ways network.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Forecasting development of traffic jam at a high-way bottleneck,COST action MP0801 – Physics of Competition and Conflicts, AnnualMeeting, Eindhoven, NL, 18-20. 5. 2011, internal report, http://www-f1.ijs.si/~tadic/COST_MP0801/ http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/mpns/Actions/MP0801.Grabec I., Borštnik Bračić A., Grabec I., Govekar E., Gradišek J., Mužič P., Susič E.,Švegl F.: Characterization and modeling of patterns by an intelligent system,1 st Int. Conf. Art, Science and technology: Interaction of Three Cultures, OrtBraude College, Karmiel, Israel, June 1, 2011, http://conferences.braude.ac.il/ArtIndustrial/default.aspx.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Statistical forecasting of high-way traffic jam, Int. Conf. AppliedStatistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25-28. 9. 2011, Program and Abstracts, p. 23,Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J. Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS2011.Borštnik Bračić A., Grabec I., Govekar E.: Modeling of Patterns by an IntelligentSystem, Int. Conf. Applied Statistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25.–28. 9. 2011,Program and Abstracts, p. 70, Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J.Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS2011.143

Grabec I., Švegl F.: Forecasting of Traffic Jam at a High-Way Bottleneck, 19 th Int.Symp. On Electronics in Traffic – ISEP <strong>2011</strong>, Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 28-29. <strong>2011</strong>, CD - Proceedings ITS Connecting Transport, R10, Eds.: Anžek M.et al., Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia, Stegne 7, SI-1621 Ljubljana, SI,http://www.ezs-zveza.si.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Statistical forecasting of High-Way Traffic Jam, Int. Conf. AppliedStatistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25–28. 9. <strong>2011</strong>, Program and Abstracts,pp 17, Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J. Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS<strong>2011</strong>Govekar E., Bezgovšek J., Grabec I.: Control of laser droplet generation from metalwire. V: Schmidt M. (ur.). Lasers in Manufacturing <strong>2011</strong> : proceedings ofthe Sixth International WLT Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich,Germany, May 23-26, <strong>2011</strong>, (Physics procedia, vol. 12). Amsterdam: Elsevier,<strong>2011</strong>, str. 424–430, ilustr.Grabec I.: SEETRANS <strong>2011</strong> - Transport Research Oportunities for South East Europein the EU, Ljubljana, April 12-13, <strong>2011</strong>, http://www.transslo-plus.si/en/ :Brokerage and Networking Event – Organization and Project Ideas: IgorGrabec , Project Idea: MOFOCRISTA,Thematic Workshops – Road and Intermodal Project Ideas Explanations: IgorGrabec , MOFOCRISTA – Modeling and forecasting of critical states in trafficflows,Thematic Workshops – Road and Intermodal Best Practice Project: Igor Grabec ,Forecasting of traffic flows and congestions development at bottlenecks onSlovenian high-ways network.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Forecasting development of traffic jam at a high-way bottleneck,COST action MP0801 – Physics of Competition and Conflicts, AnnualMeeting, Eindhoven, NL, 18-20. 5. <strong>2011</strong>, internal report, http://www-f1.ijs.si/~tadic/COST_MP0801/ http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/mpns/Actions/MP0801.Grabec I., Borštnik Bračić A., Grabec I., Govekar E., Gradišek J., Mužič P., Susič E.,Švegl F.: Characterization and modeling of patterns by an intelligent system,1 st Int. Conf. Art, Science and technology: Interaction of Three Cultures, OrtBraude College, Karmiel, Israel, June 1, <strong>2011</strong>, http://conferences.braude.ac.il/ArtIndustrial/default.aspx.Grabec I., Švegl F.: Statistical forecasting of high-way traffic jam, Int. Conf. AppliedStatistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25-28. 9. <strong>2011</strong>, Program and Abstracts, p. 23,Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J. Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS<strong>2011</strong>.Borštnik Bračić A., Grabec I., Govekar E.: Modeling of Patterns by an IntelligentSystem, Int. Conf. Applied Statistics, Ribno (Bled), Slovenia, 25.–28. 9. <strong>2011</strong>,Program and Abstracts, p. 70, Statistical Soc. of Slovenia, Eds.: L. Lusa, J.Stare, http://conferences.nib.si/AS<strong>2011</strong>.143

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