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WELLNESS CENTER ORHIDELIAenotA, brutoHIŠE NA JURČKOVIjože peterkoč, udiaWellness center Orhidelia v Podčetrtku, ki sta ga pro<strong>je</strong>ktirala birojaEnota in Bruto, <strong>je</strong> posebej očiten primer uspešnega prepleta različnihpodročij oblikovanja prostora. Pro<strong>je</strong>kt združu<strong>je</strong> arhitekturno, krajinskoin notran<strong>je</strong> oblikovan<strong>je</strong>, ki se izražajo v izrazito geometrijskem <strong>je</strong>ziku.Čeprav žirija ne pozna podrobnosti sodelovanja med arhitekti in krajinskimiarhitekti v tem pro<strong>je</strong>ktu, lahko na podlagi rezultata trdi, da gre zauspešen interdisciplinarni pro<strong>je</strong>kt. V primerjavi s površinskim bliščem,ki <strong>je</strong> značilen za večino toplic in počitniških kompleksov – v Sloveniji indrugod –, ta kompleks dokazu<strong>je</strong>, da n<strong>je</strong>govi snovalci svo<strong>je</strong> arhitekturnoposlanstvo <strong>je</strong>ml<strong>je</strong>jo resno.Niz treh hiš v predmestju Ljubljane, ki jih <strong>je</strong> zasnoval Jože Peterkoč,<strong>je</strong> prepričljiva rešitev za lokacijo, ki <strong>je</strong> sicer pri<strong>je</strong>tna, a po ničemer neizstopa. Zgornji del vsake od treh hiš <strong>je</strong> zasnovan tako, da razbija masivnostcelotnega ob<strong>je</strong>kta, spodnji, poenoten del pa ga povezu<strong>je</strong> v celoto.Kakovostno oblikovan<strong>je</strong> notranjosti in visok standard končne obdelavezagotavljajo udobno bivalno okol<strong>je</strong> v vsaki posamezni stanovanjski enoti.Žirija smatra pro<strong>je</strong>kt kot dragocen tudi zato, ker bi ga bilo mogoče kotpredmestni prototip – nespremen<strong>je</strong>nega ali s prilagoditvami – uporabititudi v drugačnih kontekstih.The Wellness Orhidelia in Podčetrtek, designed by the Enota architecturaloffice and Bruto landscape-architects, is the most obvious example ofsuccesful merging of different disciplines. This pro<strong>je</strong>ct is architecture, landscapeand interior design at the same time, articulated in an outspokengeometrical vocabulary. Although the jury does not know how architectand landscape architect actually collaborated, it considers it anyhow ofimportance that this is an interdisciplinary pro<strong>je</strong>ct. Compared to the glitzysuperficiality of many spas and resorts – in Slovenia and elsewhere – thiscomplex reveals a serious concern for architecture.The row of three houses in a suburban Ljubljana setting, designed bythe architect Jože Peterkoč, offers a convincing solution for this nice butrather unassuming location. The upper part of each of the three housesbreaks up the scale of the pro<strong>je</strong>ct, while the lower level creates unity. Thequalities of the interior space and the high standard of its finishing makeeach dwelling a comfortable living environment. The jury also appreciatesthis pro<strong>je</strong>ct because it can be considered a suburban prototype that can beused, repeated or modified in different conditions.39

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