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ZLATI SVINČNIK S PODROČJA ARHITEKTURE IN KRAJINSKE ARHITEKTUREThe Golden Pencil Award for Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureŽirija, ki smo jo sestavljali Petra Čeferin, Hans Ibelings, Tom Kovač inRobert Schäfer, <strong>je</strong> za nagrado zlati svinčnik letos izbrala pet pro<strong>je</strong>ktov.Sklenili smo, da pri odločanju ne bomo upoštevali desetih kategorij, gledena katere so bila prispela dela predložena in razvrščena. Zagovarjamostališče, da <strong>je</strong> šlo v izhodišču za preveč nagrad in da <strong>je</strong> to treba omejiti,menimo pa tudi, da se pri številnih pro<strong>je</strong>ktih arhitekturno in urbanističnonačrtovan<strong>je</strong> ter notran<strong>je</strong> oblikovan<strong>je</strong> neločljivo prepletajo in da so me<strong>je</strong>med temi področji največkrat povsem zabrisane. Naše stališče <strong>je</strong>, dav večini primerov pomena pro<strong>je</strong>kta ne moremo oziroma ne bi smeliome<strong>je</strong>vati s tipološkimi ali disciplinarnimi razmejitvami.Ugotovili smo še, da dela, ki so se potegovala za nagrado zlati svinčnik,ne pokrivajo celotnega spektra sodobne slovenske arhitekturne produkci<strong>je</strong>,saj nekateri uspešni biroji in posamezniki iz lokalne arhitekturneskupnosti niso bili zastopani niti z enim pro<strong>je</strong>ktom. Žirija poleg tega zobžalovan<strong>je</strong>m ugotavlja, da pri niti enem od petih nagra<strong>je</strong>nih pro<strong>je</strong>ktov negre za javno naročilo. In vendar imajo vsaj nekateri od nagra<strong>je</strong>nih pro<strong>je</strong>ktov,ki imajo zasebnega naročnika, eksplicitno javno naravo in pomen. Petenakovrednih nagrad zlati svinčnik podelju<strong>je</strong>mo naslednjim pro<strong>je</strong>ktom:The jury consisting of Petra Čeferin, Hans Ibelings, Tom Kovač and RobertSchäfer, has selected five pro<strong>je</strong>cts for this year’s Golden Pencil Award.The jury has decided not to follow the ten categories according to whichthe entries were submitted and classified. In addition to our doubt overthe proliferation of prizes, we believe that in many pro<strong>je</strong>cts architecture,urbanism and interior design are inseperately connected and that theborders between these (sub)disciplines are often unclear. The jury believesthat in most cases the significance of a pro<strong>je</strong>ct can’t or oughtn’t be confinedby typological or disciplinary limits.Also, the entries for the Golden Pencil Award do not completely cover theentire panorama of contemporary Slovene architectural production, assome succesful offices or individual architects from the local architecturalcommunity are not represented with any entry. The jury also regrettablynotices that none of the five awarded pro<strong>je</strong>cts are public commissions.However, some of the selected pro<strong>je</strong>cts that were privately commissionedhave an explicitely public relevance.Five equal Golden Pencil Awards are given to the following pro<strong>je</strong>cts:38

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