Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS


ČASTNI ČLAN ZAPS / Honorary Member of zapsdr. Viktor PustPo podelitvi častnega članstva številnim, ki smo bili iz najrazličnejšihrazlogov deležni te časti, menim, da je res že čas, da bi to – za mnogesimbolično – odlikovanje podelili možu, ki ima za današnjo raven organiziranostistrok, ki se ukvarjajo z urejanjem prostora, gotovo največzaslug. Vsi vemo, za koga gre, čeprav bo morda kdo to le stežka priznal,ob tem, ko sem sodeloval pri prizadevanjih za strokovno zbornico oddavnih prvih začetkov, pa sem prepričan, da brez dr. Viktorja Pusta danesne dosegli, kar smo.Having conferred honorary membership on many of us who have received thishonour, I believe it is time we conferred this – to many particularly symbolic –award on the man who deserves most credit for the level of organization of themany professions involved in spatial planning. We all know who I am talkingabout. It may be difficult for some to acknowledge this, but I took part in thepursuit of building a professional chamber myself, from its very inceptionmany years ago, and I am convinced that we would not be where we are todaywithout Dr. Viktor Pust.Kdo med nami bi bil – ali bolje je tedaj bil – pripravljen popolnoma vsesvoje strokovno delovanje v vlogi arhitekta – projektanta zamenjati zafunkcijo predsednika matične sekcije arhitektov, ki pred trinajstimi letini obetala posebne prihodnosti, kaj šele, da bi od nje lahko pričakovaldostojen zaslužek? Zanesljivo pa si lahko predvideval množico zapletov,nerazumevanja, nasprotovanj, utrujajočih prepričevanj, bolj ali manjodkritih sporov na vseh straneh in komaj kaj upanja na uspeh. Le povsemzanesenjaški idealist je lahko dolge ure teden za tednom presedel v vladnipalači pri redigiranju zakonov o gradnji objektov, ki so jih nato v skupščinirazni lobiji izmaličili do neprepoznavnosti (to vem, ker sva tam sedeladrug ob drugem) in le še bolj zagnan trmoglavec je lahko v naslednjih letihpreživel vse do noči in naslednje noči trajajoče upravne odbore IZS in priWho of us would be willing – or better, would have been willing at the time– to give up his/her entire professional career as an architect-designer for thepost of president of the central section of architects, one which did not holdany promise of any special opportunities, those thirteen years ago – let alonedecent earnings? One thing you could be sure of, however, were any number ofcomplications, lack of understanding, antagonism, tedious arguments, more orless open conflict on all sides, and very little hope of success. Only a completely“crazy” idealist would sit long hours week after week in the government palacerevising facility construction acts that were later only to be twisted and distortedby different lobbies in the Assembly to the degree that they were no longerrecognizable (which I well know because we sat there side by side); and only aneven more stubborn fellow was able to spend so many nights in the years that28

tem niti za las popustil od svojega neustavljivega teženja v samostojnozbornico arhitektov vseh vrst (tako da so se na koncu prej utrudili vsidrugi). Seveda se je v vseh teh letih primerila tudi kakšna nerodnost,nedoslednost, takšni in drugačni spodrsljaji. Toda brez tega ne gre, sajsmo živi in vsak od nas je drugačen, hvala bogu.followed, at IZS board meetings and not let go of the idea of an independentchamber of architects (until everyone else got tired first). Naturally, we havealso seen various inconsistencies and lapses of one kind or another. But we aredifferent people, thank goodness, and as long as we are alive those will alwaysbe with us, too.Ob tem pa nikakor ne gre prezreti, da se za takšno pot ni odločil nekdo,ki se je stroke naveličal ali ki v njej ni dosegel ničesar. To ne nazadnjezgovorno potrjuje bogat delovni opus: prva nagrada in izvedba območjaterasastih blokov, s približno 1800 stanovanji na Kosezah (kot avtor urbanistično-arhitekturnerešitve, v letih 1968–1976); naselje 80 stanovanjskihenot v Sneberjah (1971–1975); naselje 96 enot socialnih stanovanj v Mostahin Kašlju; približno 250 vrstnih hiš v Trzinu in Mostah; 14 vrstnih hišz notranjim atrijem v Trzinu (1978–1983); naselje 52 družinskih hiš vČrnučah na podlagi prve nagrade na natečaju (1989–1992), kar so polegštevilnih objav v strokovni literaturi, docenture na FAGG od leta 1983 do1993, raziskovalnih nalog in dvakratnega ustanovnega predsedništva (takomatične sekcije arhitektov v IZS in kot samostojne zbornice arhitektov)samo nekatere od sledi, ki jih je njegovo delovanje – po mnogih letihbivanja in dela v Franciji – pustilo Sloveniji.Having said that, we must not overlook the fact that this was not a decisionmade by one who failed to achieve anything in his profession or had simplygrown tired of it; and his extensive opus is proof of that:The first prize and implementation of terraced blocks of flats with some 1800flats in Koseze (as the author of the urban-architectural design solution 1968-76); a settlement consisting of 80 flat units in Sneberje (1971-75); a settlementconsisting of 96 social flats in Moste and Kašelj; about 250 terraced houses inTrzin and Moste; 14 terraced houses with an interior atrium in Trzin (1978-83);a settlement consisting of 52 family houses in Črnuče following first prizein a tender (1989-92). Together with numerous publications in professionalliterature, his service as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture(FAGG) between 1983 and 1993, his research work and presidency of the CentralSection of Architects at IZS, as well as in the independent chamber of architects,these represent only a few of the footprints that his work has left in Sloveniafollowing the many years he spent living and working in France.29Obrazložitev je sestavil Janez Lajovic, univ. dipl. ing. arh.Nomination explanation prepared by Janez Lajovic, BSc Arch

ČASTNI ČLAN <strong>ZAPS</strong> / Honorary Member of zapsdr. Viktor PustPo podelitvi častnega članstva številnim, ki smo bili iz najrazličnejšihrazlogov deležni te časti, menim, da <strong>je</strong> res že čas, da bi to – za mnogesimbolično – odlikovan<strong>je</strong> podelili možu, ki ima za današnjo raven organiziranostistrok, ki se ukvarjajo z urejan<strong>je</strong>m prostora, gotovo največzaslug. Vsi vemo, za koga gre, čeprav bo morda kdo to le stežka priznal,ob tem, ko sem sodeloval pri prizadevanjih za strokovno zbornico oddavnih prvih začetkov, pa sem prepričan, da brez dr. Viktorja Pusta danesne dosegli, kar smo.Having conferred honorary membership on many of us who have received thishonour, I believe it is time we conferred this – to many particularly symbolic –award on the man who deserves most credit for the level of organization of themany professions involved in spatial planning. We all know who I am talkingabout. It may be difficult for some to acknowledge this, but I took part in thepursuit of building a professional chamber myself, from its very inceptionmany years ago, and I am convinced that we would not be where we are todaywithout Dr. Viktor Pust.Kdo med nami bi bil – ali bol<strong>je</strong> <strong>je</strong> tedaj bil – pripravl<strong>je</strong>n popolnoma vsesvo<strong>je</strong> strokovno delovan<strong>je</strong> v vlogi arhitekta – pro<strong>je</strong>ktanta zamenjati zafunkcijo predsednika matične sekci<strong>je</strong> arhitektov, ki pred trinajstimi letini obetala posebne prihodnosti, kaj šele, da bi od n<strong>je</strong> lahko pričakovaldosto<strong>je</strong>n zaslužek? Zanesljivo pa si lahko predvideval množico zapletov,nerazumevanja, nasprotovanj, utrujajočih prepričevanj, bolj ali manjodkritih sporov na vseh straneh in komaj kaj upanja na uspeh. Le povsemzanesenjaški idealist <strong>je</strong> lahko dolge ure teden za tednom presedel v vladnipalači pri redigiranju zakonov o gradnji ob<strong>je</strong>ktov, ki so jih nato v skupščinirazni lobiji izmaličili do neprepoznavnosti (to vem, ker sva tam sedeladrug ob drugem) in le še bolj zagnan trmoglavec <strong>je</strong> lahko v naslednjih letihpreživel vse do noči in nasledn<strong>je</strong> noči trajajoče upravne odbore IZS in priWho of us would be willing – or better, would have been willing at the time– to give up his/her entire professional career as an architect-designer for thepost of president of the central section of architects, one which did not holdany promise of any special opportunities, those thirteen years ago – let alonedecent earnings? One thing you could be sure of, however, were any number ofcomplications, lack of understanding, antagonism, tedious arguments, more orless open conflict on all sides, and very little hope of success. Only a completely“crazy” idealist would sit long hours week after week in the government palacerevising facility construction acts that were later only to be twisted and distortedby different lobbies in the Assembly to the degree that they were no longerrecognizable (which I well know because we sat there side by side); and only aneven more stubborn fellow was able to spend so many nights in the years that28

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