Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS


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PROSTORSKO NAČRTOVANJE MED JAVNOSTJO, ZAKONODAJO, POLITIKO IN KAPITALOMSpatial Planning Between the Public, Legislation, Politics and Capitalkandidirati za nagrade zbornice? Koliko pomembnih borb v korist javnihinteresov smo vendar izpeljali v teh letih in kaj lahko zdaj pokažemo?Koliko šte<strong>je</strong>, da smo preprečili nekaj nesmislov, ki si jih <strong>je</strong> morda nek<strong>je</strong>umislila neka politična pamet?Vprašanja, o katerih bo gotovo še tekla razprava, ko se bodo v prihodn<strong>je</strong>razstavljala in nagra<strong>je</strong>vala dela kolegov v zbornici. In vprašanja, ki jihimajo podobne evropske ocen<strong>je</strong>valne komisi<strong>je</strong>, ko se odločajo, ali najnagradijo končni rezultat (na primer urbanistično ali planersko rešitev aliizvedbo), naj ra<strong>je</strong> posebej pohvalijo pristop k vodenju pro<strong>je</strong>kta, ki <strong>je</strong> zagotoviluspešno vpeljavo pro<strong>je</strong>kta v prostor, ali morda kombinacijo obo<strong>je</strong>ga.Interdisciplinarna in mednarodna ocen<strong>je</strong>valna komisija, v kateri letosnamenoma ni bilo članov zbornice, lahko ob<strong>je</strong>ktivno oceni prispela delain nagradi najboljše. Ti prepoznani najboljši primeri iz prakse so lahkostroki v spodbudo in referenco, saj so pripravl<strong>je</strong>ni v našem prostoru, vprimerljivih razmerah. Obenem lahko ocen<strong>je</strong>valna komisija sporoči šedruga opažanja, pomanjkljivosti pri razpisovanju nagrad ali predstavitviizdelkov. Morda bo treba spremeniti Pravilnik o podel<strong>je</strong>vanju priznanj<strong>ZAPS</strong> ali več narediti za to, da se k oddaji pro<strong>je</strong>ktov pritegne več članovzbornice.stop to a few absurdities that some political mind(s) somewhere had devised?These are questions that remain to be discussed some time in the future, whenour colleagues’ work is exhibited and awarded in the Chamber. These togetherwith the questions similar European evaluation committees face when decidingwhether to confer an award for a final product (such as urban design orplanning solution, or implementation) or rather give commendation for thatapproach to pro<strong>je</strong>ct management that facilitated successful implementationof the pro<strong>je</strong>ct into space; or perhaps a combination of both.2. This year the international interdisciplinary evaluation committee can – deliberatelywithout any members of the Chamber – offer an ob<strong>je</strong>ctive evaluationof the works submitted and award the best. These practical examples thatwere recognized as the most successful can serve as both motivation for theprofession as well as a reference, for they were developed in our environmentin a comparable situation.At the same time the Committee communicates other observations, and inconsistenciesin competition rules or in the presentation of the products. Maybethe Competition Rules for <strong>ZAPS</strong> Awards should be amended or perhaps moreshould be done in order to move more Chamber members to submit theirpro<strong>je</strong>cts.Nagra<strong>je</strong>van<strong>je</strong> prispeva k dviganju standardov strokovnega dela in spodbujaprostorske načrtovalce zbornice h kakovostnejšemu delu. Spodbujajavno razpravo o vlogi in pomenu prostorskega načrtovanja. Družbenaklima že dolgo ni ugodna, stroka <strong>je</strong> izgubila svoj trden položaj ob razpaduskoraj vseh velikih urbanističnih zavodov v Sloveniji pred desetlet<strong>je</strong>ma.Uveljavitev dveh novih prostorskih zakonodaj v kratkem času <strong>je</strong> razmereše zapletla, obetajo se že spremembe te zakonoda<strong>je</strong>. V sodobnih tržnihrazmerah, ki jih neredko zaznamu<strong>je</strong> še politična nezrelost, samo strokovniargumenti niso dovolj, da bi lahko obranili strokovno dobre rešitve in zagotavljan<strong>je</strong>javnih interesov. Nujni sta širša javna osveščenost in podpora.Razstava in nagrada sta priložnost, da naredimo korak naprej v prizadevanjihza prepoznavnost in aktivnejšo vlogo stroke v družbi. Da se kot zbornicain matična sekcija prostorskih načrtovalcev bolj javno izpostavimo,aktivno odzovemo na aktualno problematiko in se pri svo<strong>je</strong>m delovanjuv skupno korist povečanja prepoznavnosti in vloge stroke v družbi boljpovežemo s sorodnimi institucijami in fakultetami.3. The awards contribute to a higher level of standards in professional practiceand encourage spatial planners from the Chamber to strive for higher quality intheir work. They stimulate public debate on the role and significance of spatialplanning. The social climate has not been favourable for quite some time, andthe profession has lost the firm position it once held, when almost all of thelarge urban institutes in Slovenia disintegrated two decades ago. Enforcementof two new spatial legislation policies within a short period of time further complicatedthe situation, and there are more changes to the existing legislationalready underway. Under the current market conditions – which are more oftenthan not exacerbated by political immaturity – professional arguments aloneare not enough to preserve professionally-sound solutions and serve the publicinterest. What we need is general public awareness and support.Together the exhibition and the award present an opportunity to make a stepforward in our efforts for both the recognition and a more active role of theprofession within society. Toward wider public exposure for both the Chamberand the Central section of spatial planners we actively respond to current issuesand liaise even more closely with similar institutions and faculties for thecommon benefit, which is the recognition of the significance of our professionwithin society.13

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