Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS


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Petra Ostanek, univ. dipl. inž. arh.,predsednica matične sekci<strong>je</strong> arhitektovPresident of the Central Section of ArchitectsJAVNA GRADNJAPublic WorksJavna gradnja za<strong>je</strong>ma pomemben del urbanistične, arhitekturnein krajinsko arhitekturne produkci<strong>je</strong>, ki v daljših časovnih obdobjihsoodliku<strong>je</strong> prostor in kulturno podobo naroda. Javna gradnja se izvaja sproračunskimi sredstvi, s katerimi <strong>je</strong> treba preudarno razpolagati, zato <strong>je</strong>kakovostno in smotrno oblikovan<strong>je</strong> urbanističnih ureditev, arhitekture inkrajinske arhitekture strateški cilj <strong>ZAPS</strong>. Poslanstvo zbornice <strong>je</strong> varovan<strong>je</strong>javnega interesa za kakovostno arhitekturo in okol<strong>je</strong> ter spodbujan<strong>je</strong>kakovostnega in trajnostnega načrtovanja gra<strong>je</strong>nega prostora in krajine.Public works are an important part of urban design, architecture and landscapearchitecture production, which in the long run contributes to a comprehensiveimage of space as well as to the cultural image of the nation. Public works arefinanced by government budgets, so these funds should be used wisely andreasonably. Sound, quality urban design, architecture and landscape architectureare therefore a strategic goal pursued by <strong>ZAPS</strong>, whose mission is to protectthe public interest as regards quality architecture and the environment, and topromote quality sustainable planning of both built-up space and the landscape.Vrednost oddanih javnih naročil za javne investici<strong>je</strong> <strong>je</strong> v letu 2007 popodatkih Ministrstva za finance obsegala 1,2 milijarde evrov oziroma 3,3odstotka BDP. Velik del te vrednosti obsegajo infrastrukturni ob<strong>je</strong>kti,ki so gra<strong>je</strong>ni neučinkovito in negospodarno, najnižja cena <strong>je</strong> še vednoprevladujoče merilo izbire izvajalcev gradn<strong>je</strong> in v veliko primerih tudipro<strong>je</strong>ktantov. Investitorji gradn<strong>je</strong> podcenju<strong>je</strong>jo prvo fazo – pro<strong>je</strong>ktiran<strong>je</strong>,ki <strong>je</strong> majhen strošek celotne investici<strong>je</strong>, vendar določa n<strong>je</strong>no oblikovnovrednost in gospodarnost izvedbe.Zakon o javnih naročilih (ZJN-2) ne predvideva sankcij za kršitel<strong>je</strong>, ki seizogibajo izvedbi javnih nateča<strong>je</strong>v in oddajo del za pro<strong>je</strong>ktiran<strong>je</strong> izvajajoz razpisi po posameznih delih ali fazah. Področ<strong>je</strong> javne gradn<strong>je</strong> <strong>je</strong> v vsehfazah od pro<strong>je</strong>ktiranja do izvedbe neure<strong>je</strong>no, finančno neučinkovito inne spodbuja kakovostnih posegov v prostor.Pomembne naloge <strong>ZAPS</strong> na tem področju so urejan<strong>je</strong> razmer gledepomanjkljive in neuskla<strong>je</strong>ne zakonoda<strong>je</strong>, promoviran<strong>je</strong> in strokovnoizvajan<strong>je</strong> nateča<strong>je</strong>v ter sleden<strong>je</strong> izvajanja nagra<strong>je</strong>nih del in nagra<strong>je</strong>van<strong>je</strong>strokovno izstopajočih izvedb. <strong>ZAPS</strong> <strong>je</strong> skupaj z naročniki javnih nateča<strong>je</strong>vv letu 2007 izvedla 13, v letu 2008 14, v letu 2009 pa 5 javnih nateča<strong>je</strong>v, 8<strong>je</strong> aktualnih nateča<strong>je</strong>v.According to the Ministry of Finance, the value of submitted public procurementtenders in 2007 amounted to 1.2 billion EUR, which constitutes 3.3% ofGNP. A substantial proportion of this amount has been invested in infrastructuralfacilities that have been constructed ineffectively and uneconomically,with the lowest bid still being the overriding criterion in the selection ofcontractors, and often of developers as well. Investors underestimate the firstphase – the design that, although it represents only a modest cost in the overalltotal investment budget, nevertheless demonstrates its design value and thecost-effectiveness of its implementation.The Public Procurement Act (ZJN-2) does not provide penalties for those offenderswho avoid public tenders and instead subcontract design work throughtenders for individual phases. The domain of public works is unregulated andfinancially inefficient through all phases, from design to implementation, andas such does not encourage quality interventions in public space.In this respect <strong>ZAPS</strong>’ operations involve dealing with insufficient and inconsistentlegislation, the promotion of professional public procurement, andthe monitoring of the implementation of awarded pro<strong>je</strong>cts and awardingprofessionally outstanding realizations. In cooperation with public purchasers<strong>ZAPS</strong> administered 13 public tenders in 2007, 14 in 2008 and 5 in 2009. Eightpublic tenders are currently in process.Razvoj, neodvisnost in ugled dejavnosti arhitekture, krajinskearhitekture in urejanja prostora so pomemben del poslanstva <strong>ZAPS</strong>, ki bopripomogel tudi k kakovosti, učinkovitosti in številčnosti javnih gradenj.The development, independence and reputation of architecture, landscapearchitecture and spatial planning all play a significant part in <strong>ZAPS</strong>’ mission,which contributes to the quantity, quality and effectiveness of public works.9

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