Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS

Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS Ogledni izvod kataloga je tukaj. - ZAPS


5.1dekleva gregorič arhitektishowroom pertotodgovorni projektant aljoša dekleva, uida m.arch (aa dist)projektivno podjetje dekleva gregorič arhitekti d.o.o.soavtorji tina gregorič udia m. arch (aa dist),elisabeth koller abs.arh.lokacija / leto izgradnje muggia / trieste, italy / 2007velikost območja / objekta - / 330 m2tip objekta notranja opremathe open-minded client was looking for an alternative to the conventionalbathroom shop where one can find hundreds of ready-made wannabe bathrooms.the question was how to challenge the obvious and allow customers to playa substantial role in the showroom. we proposed a series of custom madesteel mobile elements: trolleys for toilets, sinks, bath and tubs in orderfor customers to try out individual bathroom ideas in the scale of 1:1. themobiles and all other furniture are custom-made out of special raw 4mmthick steel with exposed welding. the showroom consists of the laboratory,entrance gallery and office space. the laboratory is organized in 3stripes: parking (for mobiles), working (salesmen workspaces), testing (emptyfield as a graph paper for testing various bathroom proposals or to havetemporary exhibition). such an experiment allows the user to check or evenchange his dream bath arrangement before mounted on site. the entrancegallery serves as a lobby with 3d custom-made tile displays presentingvarious formats, structures and colors of mosa tiles and a color-wallexhibiting the mosa colors. all cubes work as catalogue storage and thetall cubes act as counter either for discussing or serving drinks at events.custom glass-wall delineates the managers’ office-space and service. sucha laboratory showroom embeds the continuous spatial transformation andmost of all integration of the user in the active 1:1 design process. sincethis is a renovation of a former storage we wrapped the laboratory with theneutral white curtain to unify the space, to control the amount of naturalor artificial light and to improve acoustics. the curtain also hides what isusually the central part of any tile showroom - thousands of tile samplesin meters and meters of slim drawers.

5.2prenova gostilne krona predstavlja ponovno umestitev gostinske vsebine vzgradbo, ki je v centru mesta verjetno najbolj okarakterizirala naseljeskozi daljšo zgodovino. nekoč hotel z okrepčevalnico, tako za potnike inkonje med dunajem in trstom, danes pa gostilna pod prostori mestne hiše.meji na lendavski park in “križišče” v centru mesta, kje je bilo še pred letimoč “ukrasti” granitno kocko rimske poti. danes ponuja dober obed in kvalitetenpožirek iz lendavskih goric, ali pa trenutek za popldanski oddih vsenci mestnih brez. tako je oblikovanje s poskusom mešanja starega z novim,konzervativnega z modernim in temnega s svetlim postreglo vsakdanjemugostu, domačinu kot obiskovalcu.maja kardoš, udiagoran dominko, udiaprenova gostilnekrona v lendaviodgovorni projektant goran dominko, udiaprojektivno podjetje kubico domino arhitekti d.o.o.lokacija / leto izgradnje lendava, 2008velikost območja / objekta 250 m2tip objekta notranja oprema

5.1dekleva gregorič arhitektishowroom pertotodgovorni pro<strong>je</strong>ktant aljoša dekleva, uida m.arch (aa dist)pro<strong>je</strong>ktivno pod<strong>je</strong>t<strong>je</strong> dekleva gregorič arhitekti d.o.o.soavtorji tina gregorič udia m. arch (aa dist),elisabeth koller abs.arh.lokacija / leto izgradn<strong>je</strong> muggia / trieste, italy / 2007velikost območja / ob<strong>je</strong>kta - / 330 m2tip ob<strong>je</strong>kta notranja opremathe open-minded client was looking for an alternative to the conventionalbathroom shop where one can find hundreds of ready-made wannabe bathrooms.the question was how to challenge the obvious and allow customers to playa substantial role in the showroom. we proposed a series of custom madesteel mobile elements: trolleys for toilets, sinks, bath and tubs in orderfor customers to try out individual bathroom ideas in the scale of 1:1. themobiles and all other furniture are custom-made out of special raw 4mmthick steel with exposed welding. the showroom consists of the laboratory,entrance gallery and office space. the laboratory is organized in 3stripes: parking (for mobiles), working (salesmen workspaces), testing (emptyfield as a graph paper for testing various bathroom proposals or to havetemporary exhibition). such an experiment allows the user to check or evenchange his dream bath arrangement before mounted on site. the entrancegallery serves as a lobby with 3d custom-made tile displays presentingvarious formats, structures and colors of mosa tiles and a color-wallexhibiting the mosa colors. all cubes work as catalogue storage and thetall cubes act as counter either for discussing or serving drinks at events.custom glass-wall delineates the managers’ office-space and service. sucha laboratory showroom embeds the continuous spatial transformation andmost of all integration of the user in the active 1:1 design process. sincethis is a renovation of a former storage we wrapped the laboratory with theneutral white curtain to unify the space, to control the amount of naturalor artificial light and to improve acoustics. the curtain also hides what isusually the central part of any tile showroom - thousands of tile samplesin meters and meters of slim drawers.

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