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Summaryof qualified people who are expected toimplement successfully the offerred projectsand to control this process. It is known thatBrussels will not allocate a single Euro if thereare not qualified professionals available andhigh standard developed projects from theviewpoint of both form and contents. Thetask of the Ministry of Construction is tosupervise whether any and all requirementsare followed accordingly and not to returnthe unspent resources allocated from theEU funds. Concerning the subsidiarity,things are going better. Based on the qualitystandards of action plans, some regions weredelegated with direct competences regardingthe priorities; some regions were delegatedpartially, some of them were not delegatedwith such competences at all. It means, notto provide a school with computers when itsroof has to be repaired. The task of regions:to avoid such inappropriateness.Excerpt from an Interview withMr. Tibor Cabaj, the Chairman ofthe Parliamentary Committee forpublic administration and regionaldevelopment■ Your predecessor, Milan Hort (the SlovakDemocratic and Christian Union - DemocraticParty) chaired just the ParliamentaryCommittee for public administration.You were appointed the chairman of theCommittee for public administration andregional development.I can realize the enhanced powers ofthe Committee. In the previous electionperiod the regional development belongedto powers of the other separate committee.Members of the Committee headed by me,are trained professionally to handle thespecific issues. They already took part inprofessional stay in Brussels. In 2007 - 2013Slovakia will be allocated an amount of morethan 400 billion Slovak crowns from the EUfunds designed for regional development.Therefore, the deputies of the Committeefor public administration and regionaldevelopment should be those who are to bethe first ones to get acquainted with basicsteps in subject-matter and then to proceedwith it further afterwards.■ How do you assess the reform in publicadministration in its current shape?I was of completely different opinion ofthe reform in public administration thanthe former empowered representativeof the Government for decentralizationof public administration, ViktorNižňansky. The present governmentalcoalition resolved to proceed further indecentralization of public administration.After assessment of its current state I maysay that it is difficult to proceed furtherin something we disagreed with in thepast. That is why it will take its timewhile we evaluate it more thoroughly. Inour Committee we have created arena todiscuss the issue. We took part in a threedaymeeting attended by the Committeemembers and representatives of theregional authorities. Jointly, we analyzedthe situation in details and took themeasures to solve it.■ Will the Committee act and performlegislative activities regarding the abovesaid?We are just at the beginning of theelection period. First, the so-called travellingmap is to be designed by the Ministryof Justice as it is the body summarizingany and all the legislative activities of theGovernment. Then, it is the Committee‘sturn to deal with the issues of this kindafterwards. In fact, it is not the Committeewhich is focused on the legislation but theGovernment which is obliged to designperfect Bills which will pass in legislativeprocedure and afterwards only, theCommittee under its charges will deal withthe legislative issue. Notwithstanding, I donot exclude that if some amendments areto be designed, the Committee will dealwith it. Anyway, on floor of Parliament,legislative solution is treated specificallyas it is an accelerated procedure and theinter-ministerial comment procedureis avoided due to it when circulating adraft Bill for comments from executivedepartments and state bodies. Deputiesoften make bona fide errors. It happenedalready many times that a draft Bill wasadopted by Parliament but subsequently,it began to be reassessed and commentedby executive departments and state bodieswhen being circulated for comments, sothus, errors and imperfections in a draft Billwere found out. It is our wish to succeedjointly with executive bodies in designingthe legislation during four years in orderthe citizens will be satisfied. I mean that ifthey approach any authority or body theywill be served adequately, provided with adecision, resolution, information and theirapplications, matter, issues, whatsoeverwill be solved out properly. Staffed personsin regional self-governmental bodies andin state administration are not treateddifferently but they are paid from moneyof tax-payers.■ How do you assess the reform in publicadministration in its current shape?I was of completely different opinion ofthe reform in public administration thanthe former empowered representative of theGovernment for decentralization of publicadministration, Viktor Nižňansky. Thepresent governmental coalition resolvedto proceed further in decentralization ofpublic administration. After assessment ofits current state I may say that it is difficultto proceed further in something wedisagreed with in the past. That is why itwill take its time while we evaluate it morethoroughly. In our Committee we havecreated arena to discuss the issue. We tookpart in a three-day meeting attended by theCommittee members and representativesof the regional authorities. Jointly, weanalyzed the situation in details and tookthe measures to solve it.■OBJEDNÁVKAna predplatné asopisu<strong>EUROREPORT</strong> <strong>plus</strong> na rok 200611 výtlakov – letné dvojíslo v cene815 Sk vrátane poštovného.V prípade, že ste predplatiteom žiadameo potvrdenie objednávky na rok 2006.V prípade, že naalej nemáte záujem odoberaasopis, oznámte nám túto skutonostelefonicky na tel.: 02/50 10 25 50 – 54alebo faxom: 02/50 10 25 55Adresa na zasielanie písomných objednávok:IBSC, a.s., Jégého 2, 821 08 BratislavaMeno a priezvisko (firma):IO/I DPH:Adresa:Tel./Fax:Adresa na zasielanie asopisu:Objednávky na predplatné prijíma každá pošta a doruovate Slovenskej pošty.Objednávky do zahraniia vybavuje Slovenská pošta, a.s., Stredisko predplatnéhotlae, Námestie slobody 27, 810 05 Bratislava 15, e-mail: zahranina.tlac@slposta.skPeiatka a podpis:94 Október 2006 Časopis na prezentáciu Slovenska v Európskej únii

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