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Zeszyt naukowy - całość

Zeszyt naukowy - całość


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Commercial blogs as an information activity area 167– private blogs: typical diaries written by the biggest number of blog participants,– professional blogs: written by journalists, politicians, independent expertsin order to promote themselves and create an image of an expert ina particular field,– partner blogs: they result from the cooperation between private personsand companies (a person running a private blog agrees to promotea specific brand in exchange of the remuneration),– corporate blogs – run by companies or on their behalf in order to communicatewith internet users. 14Due to the nature of the content one may differentiate:– textual blog: news, self-help books, diaries, books,– videoblog: contains a video,– photoblog: contains photos,– audiolog: contains audio recordings,– miniblog: contains short posts e.g. on Twitter,– link log: contains links.As far as corporate blogs are concerned one may divide them according totheir functionality, thematic scope and authorships. 15One may differentiate according to functionality criterion: sales blogs, imagerelated and customer service oriented. While creating a business blog it isworthwhile defining its strategic direction at the beginning and focusing itscontent on the main thematic scope.Sales blogs are created when the company wants to generate greater sales(e.g. introducing a new product in the market). Such blog plays a major rolein evolving customer loyalty – it is regularly updated and run in a direct andinformal way and it may maintain permanent customers. Typical tools usedin such blog are the following: subscription to a newsletter, promotionale-mailing informing about novelties and interesting promotions which maymake users come back to the website.Image related blogs are primarily focused on creating a corporate image orspecific products. They are useful in “warming” a corporate image in the marketand in rebranding. In case of companies with a good position they may promotethe company as a leader in the industry. Creation of a leader’s image may be14K. Łazowska-Widz, Blogi jako narzędzie komunikacji marketingowej w świetle badań empirycznych,http://www.swiatmarketingu.pl/index.php?rodzaj=01&id_numer=598602 (2.02.2012).15 G. Mazurek, Blogi i wirtualne społeczności – wykorzystanie w marketingu, Wolters Kluwerbusiness, Kraków 2008, p. 52–53.

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