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Social media marketing as the new paradigm… 153Charlesworth 21 seems to be the most complete and adjusted to the needs ofstudy: “Social media marketing (SMM) is a term used to encompass any onlinemarketing strategy or tactic which uses Social Media as the medium for itscommunication. Although it can include advertising on social media sites, it ismore commonly used in the context of either viral marketing or social mediaoptimization. Further use of social media is where the marketer engages in discoursewith members of the general public (i.e. potential customers) in virtualcommunities or submits to elements of consumer generated media”.There are three basic elements included in this definition that demands thefurther explanation: social media medium, its channels in the form of onlinesocial networks and Social Media Optimization (that will be defined in the partof the analysis of the SMM strategy). 22Among many definitions of Social Media, the most accurate one wasestablished by company Tech ER: people having conversations by means ofnew technology on the base of the content generated by Internet users. The mainplatform or communication channel of Social Media are social networks definedas the open system in the permanent development that involves the individualsidentified by similar problems and needs who are organized in order to boosttheir common and individual resources. Each social network operates as a socialstructure based on the organizational dispositions of human beings interrelatedby the relations of production, consumption, experience and power. The onlinesocial network implies few common characteristics that determine its definitionfrom technological and behavioral point of view: web based service that allowto construct public (or semi-public profile) that allows to articulate the list ofusers with whom a particular owner of profile is sharing his connections, andapart from it visualize and track it, together with the ones of the “friends”,within limited system of a given network (the nature or nomenclature of theconnections may vary depending on the network). 2321 Ch. Charlesworth (2007) in his work Key Concept in e-Commerce in: Ch. Charlesworth, InternetMarketing. A Practical Approach, Elsevier, Oxford 2009, p. 287.22 About the user generated media that are based on User Generated Content (UGC), due to thelimits of the work, it is recommendable to consult the work of A.M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein, Usersof the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media, “Business Horizons” 2010,Vol. 53, p. 59–68.23 D.M. Boyd, N.B. Ellison, Social Network Sites: Definition, history and scholarship, “Journalof Computer-Mediated Communication” 2007 after: Report Las Redes Sociales en Internet, elaboratedby Observatorio Nacional de Las Telecomunicaciones y de la SI (ONTSI), December2011, http://www.ontsi.red.es/ontsi/.

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