Aruanne - Säästva Eesti Instituut, SEI Tallinn

Aruanne - Säästva Eesti Instituut, SEI Tallinn

Aruanne - Säästva Eesti Instituut, SEI Tallinn

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KirjandusÜRO kliimakonventsiooni osaliste 13.-ndalt maailmakonverentsiltBali, Nusa Dua kuurort, Indoneesia, 3 – 14 detsember 2007Käesolevas nimistus esitatud raamatud ja materjalid on <strong>Eesti</strong> KeskkonnaühendusteKoja esindaja Tiit Kallaste poolt kaasa toodud 13.-ndalt üleilmselt kliimakonverentsiltBalis ning nendega on võimalik tutvuda <strong>Säästva</strong> <strong>Eesti</strong> Instituudis.1. Climate Change 2007. THE PHYSICAL SCIENNCE BASIS. WorkingGroup I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Summary for Policymakers,Technical Summary and Frequently Asked Questions. IPCC. ISBN 92-9169-121-6. 142 p.2. Climate Change 2007. IMPACTS, ADAPTATION ANDVULNERABILITY. Working Group II Contribution to the FourthAssessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Summary for Policymakers and Technical Summary. IPCC. ISBN 92-9169-121-6. 93 p.3. Climate Change 2007: MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE. WorkingGroup III Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Summary for Policymakers andTechnical Summary. IPCC. ISBN 92-9169-121-6. 108 p.4. Climate Change 2007. SYNTHESIS REPORT. Summary forPolicymakers. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.,(Subject to final copy-edit).5. State of Environment Report in Indonesia 2002 – 2006. The State Ministryof Environment. www.menlh.go.id6. Energy Technologies at the Cutting Edge. International Energy TechnologyCollaboration. IEA Implementing Agreements. OECD/IEA, IEA Publications,2007, 109 p.7. Greenhouse Gas Market 2007. Building Upon a Solid Foundation: TheEmergence of a Global Emissions Trading System. Ed. By David Lunsford.IETA. 143 p.8. Key World Energy Statistics 2007.OECD/IEA, 2007, 78 p.9. Progress on adaptation to climate change in developed countries. Ananalysis of broad trends. Frederic Gagnon-Lebrun and Shardul Agrawala.OECD, 2006. 61 p10. Emissions Trading: Trends and Prospects. Julia Reinaud and CedricPhilibert, IEA, 2007. OECD/IEA, 2007. 42 p.11. Global Wind Energy Outlook 2006. Text edited by: Crispin Aybrey,Angelika Pullen, Arthouros Zervos, Sven Teske. Global Wind Energy Council2006. 59 p.12. Global Wind 2006 Report. Global Wind Energy Council 2006 Text editedby: Angelika Pullen and Meera Ghani Eneland. 56 p.21

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