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Odvetnik <strong>67</strong> / jesen 2014 Avtorski sinopsis/Synopsises<strong>67</strong>doc. dr. Konrad PlauštajnerZloraba odvetnikove poklicne kvalifikacijeC-58/13 in C-59/13, Angelo Alberto Torresi in Pierfrancesco Torresi protiConsiglie dell` Ordine degli Avvocati di Mocerata, 17. julij 2014Italijanska državljana A. A. Torresi in P. F. Torresi <strong>st</strong>a diplomirala iz pravana univerzi v Italiji, nato pa še v Španiji. V Španiji <strong>st</strong>a pridobila poklicni naziv»abogado« in nekaj mesecev pozneje pri pri<strong>st</strong>ojni odvetniški zbornici vItaliji zaprosila za vpis v imenik odvetnikov za opravljanje poklica odvetnikav Italiji pod poklicnim nazivom abogado, pridobljenim v Španiji. Njuna prošnjaje temeljila na italijanskih zakonih o izvajanju Direktive 98/5/ES z dne16. februarja 1998 za olajšanje trajnega opravljanja poklica odvetnika v drugidržavi članici kakor ti<strong>st</strong>i, v kateri je bila kvalifikacija pridobljena. Ker lokalnaodvetniška zbornica o njunih vlogah ni odločila v predpisanem roku, <strong>st</strong>avložila pritožbo na nacionalni odvetniški zbornici (CNF). Ta je med po<strong>st</strong>opkomodločila, da Sodišču EU v okviru po<strong>st</strong>opka predhodnega odločanja po<strong>st</strong>avivprašanje v zvezi z razlago omenjene direktive (člen 3), upoštevajoč tudinačeli, ki državljanom prepovedujeta »zlorabo pravic« in zahtevata »spoštovanjenacionalne identitete«.Sodišče EU je odločilo, da je treba člen 3 Direktive 98/5/ES z dne 16. februarja1998 razlagati tako, da ne gre za zlorabo, če državljan države članice EUv drugi državi pridobi poklicno kvalifikacijo odvetnika ter se vrne v svojo državoin tam želi opravljati poklic pod poklicnim nazivom, pridobljenim v državičlanici, v kateri je bila poklicna kvalifikacija pridobljena. Za ob<strong>st</strong>oj zlorabemorajo biti podani povsem konkretni objektivni in subjektivni elementi.doc. dr. Konrad PlauštajnerAbuse of lawyer’s professional titleC-58/13 in C-59/13, Angelo Alberto Torresi, Pierfrancesco Torresi v. Consigliedell’ Ordine degli Avvocati di Mocerata, 17. julij 2014Italian nationals A. A. Torresi and P. F. Toressi each obtained a university degreein law in Italy. Thereafter, they obtained in Spain its recognition as equivalentto the Spanish degree in law in Italy. This then allowed them to be enrolledas ‘abogado ejerciente’ by the Bar of Santa Cruz in Tenerife. A few months laterthey then reque<strong>st</strong>ed the Bar Council of Macerata, Italy, that they be enrolledin the special section of the Bar Regi<strong>st</strong>er for lawyers qualified abroad. Their applicationswere based on the Italian law implementing the Lawyers’ E<strong>st</strong>ablishmentDirective which allows lawyers to practice under their home-country titlein other Member States.Since the Bar Council did not take a decision within the prescribed period, MessrsTorresi lodged appeals before the Consiglio Nazionale Forense (CNF) (NationalBar Council) which has asked the Court of Ju<strong>st</strong>ice whether the directive preventsMember States, from refusing, on grounds of abuse of rights, to enter in the BarRegi<strong>st</strong>er, in the special section for lawyers qualified abroad, nationals of that MemberState who, soon after obtaining their professional title in another MemberState, return to their home Member State (Article 3 of the mentioned Directive).The Court held that: “Returning to a Member State in order to practise there theprofession of lawyer under the title obtained in another Member State does notcon<strong>st</strong>itute an abuse. For EU citizens, the possibility of choosing the Member Statewhere they acquire their title and the Member State where they practice their professionis inherent in the exercise of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by theTreaties.”

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