Revija 1, 2012 - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve

Revija 1, 2012 - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Revija 1, 2012 - Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve


Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo / Ljubljana 63 / 2012 / 1Why punish? How much? : a reader on punishment / edited byMichael Tonry. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford UniversityPress, 2011. - XVII, 433 str. – Sg. 8301Zeno-Zencovich, V.: Sex and the contract : from infamouscommerce to the market for sexual goods and services / byVincenzo Zeno-Zencovich. - Leiden ; Boston : MartinusNijhoff Publishers, 2011. - XIV, 141 str. – Sg. 8286PravoBaker, D. J.: The right not to be criminalized: demarcatingcriminal law’s authority / Dennis J. Baker. - Farnham ;Burlington : Ashgate, cop. 2011. - XI, 297 str. – Sg. 8264Crime and corruption in organizations : why it occurs andwhat to do about it / [edited by] Ronald J. Burke, EdwardC. Tomlinson and Cary L. Cooper. - Farnham : Gower ;Burlington : Ashgate, cop. 2011. - XVII, 361 str. – Sg. 8283Crime and criminal behavior / general editor William J.Chambliss. - Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, cop. 2011. - XV,323 str. – Sg. 8262Criminal justice system in the Czech Republic / ZdeněkKarabec, Jiří Vlach et al.; translated by Daniel Soukup.- 1st ed. - Prague : Institute of Criminology and SocialPrevention, 2011. - 108 str. – Sg. 8291Die Rechtpraxis des Ermittlungsverfahrens nach derStrafprozessreform : eine rechtstatsächliche Untersuchung/ von Alois Birklbauer ... [et al.]. - Wien ; Graz : NWV,Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2011. - 502 str. – Sg. 8279Goetz, K.: An introduction to internet-based financial investigations: structuring and resourcing the search for hiddenassets and information / Kimberly Goetz. - Farnham; Burlington : Gower, cop. 2011. - XIV, 230 str. – Sg. 8300Hinduja, S.: Bullying beyond the schoolyard : preventing andresponding to cyberbullying / Sameer Hinduja, Justin W.Patchin. - Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, cop. 2009. -XVI, 254 str. – Sg. 8258Internet and surveillance : the challenges of Web 2.0 and socialmedia / edited by Christian Fuchs... [et al.]. - New York ;London : Routledge, 2012. - XX, 331 str. – Sg. 8256Murphy, P.: Murphy on evidence / Peter Murphy, RichardGlover. - 12th ed. - Oxford; New York : Oxford UniversityPress, cop. 2011. - LXVI, 717 str. – Sg. 8285Rethinking rape law : international and comparative perspectives/ edited by Clare McGlynn and Vanessa E. Munro.– Abingdon : Routledge, 2011. - XV, 347 str. – Sg. 8297Razumevanje prava v družbi : [razumevanje prava in krizapravne kulture v družbi, medijska pojavnost prava insodstva, primeri dobre prakse odnosov z javnostmi ---]: zbornik člankov / [avtorji člankov Matej Accetto ... [etal.] ; uredil Gregor Strojin]. - Ljubljana : Polis, zavod zapromocijo razumevanje prava, 2011 (Rogaška Slatina :Podoba). - 157 str. – Sg. 8278Williams, A. J.: The ethos of Europe : values, law and justicein the EU / Andrew Williams. - Cambridge ; New York :Cambridge University Press, 2010. - VIII, 358 str. – Sg.8259Psihologija, sociologijaBeyond prejudice : extending the social psychology of conflict,inequality and social change / edited by John Dixonand Mark Levine. – Cambridge ; New York : CambridgeUniversity Press, 2012. - XI, 333 str. – Sg. 8294Conflict and crisis communication : principles and practices/ edited by Carol A. Ireland, Martin J. Fisher and GregoryM. Vecchi. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2011. - XIX,215 str. – Sg. 8299Filozofija, politikaAfter Yugoslavia : identities and politics within the successorstates / edited by Robert Hudson and Glenn Bowman. -Houndmills ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2012.- 264 str. – Sg. 8271Malabou, C.: Bodi moje telo! : dialektika, dekonstrukcija, spol/ Catherine Malabou ; izbrala in uredila, [spremna beseda]Eva D. Bahovec ; [prevod Jelka Kernev Štrajn ... et al.].- Ljubljana : Krtina, 2011 ([Ljubljana] : Formatisk). - 215str. – Sg. 8272RaznoDevine, J.: Making your school safe : strategies to protect childrenand promote learning / John Devine and JonathanCohen ; foreword by Maurice J. Elias. – New York ;London : Teachers College Press, cop. 2007. - XX, 124 str.– Sg. 827380

Nove knjigeGlasgow, N. A.: What successful schools do to involve families: 55 partnership strategies / Neal A. Glasgow, PaulaJameson Whitney. - Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press ;[Reston, VA] : National Association of Secondary SchoolPrincipals, cop. 2009. - XIX, 190 str. – Sg. 8257Kvarkadabra pri zdravniku : znanstvene zgodbice iz zakulisjamedicine / [uredila Jure Derganc in Helena Lenasi]. -Ljubljana : Kvarkadabra, 2011. - 360 str. - 8274Le Messurier, M.: Cognitive behavioral training : a how--to guide for successful behavior / Mark Le Messurier. -Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, cop. 2006. - 344 str. – Sg.8289Sharp, G.: Sharp’s dictionary of power and struggle : languageof civil resistance in conflicts / Gene Sharp ; with theassistance of April Carter and Bruce Jenkins ; and a forewordby Adam Roberts. - Oxford ; New York : OxfordUniversity Press, cop. 2012. - XXII, 345 str. – Sg. 8293Zupančič, B.M.: Tembatsu : druga od suhih krav / Boštjan M.Zupančič. - Strasbourg : samozal., 2011 (Domžale : MediaPrint Gostič). - 253 str. – Sg. 8270--------------------------------------------------------------------Knjige, označene z *, so v knjižnici MNZ.Seznam pripravili Alenka Peterka in Ana Volovlek81

Nove knjigeGlasgow, N. A.: What successful schools do to involve families: 55 partnership strategies / Neal A. Glasgow, PaulaJameson Whitney. - Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press ;[Reston, VA] : National Association of Secondary SchoolPrincipals, cop. 2009. - XIX, 190 str. – Sg. 8257Kvarkadabra pri zdravniku : znanstvene zgodbice iz <strong>za</strong>kulisjamedicine / [uredila Jure Derganc in Helena Lenasi]. -Ljubljana : Kvarkadabra, 2011. - 360 str. - 8274Le Messurier, M.: Cognitive behavioral training : a how--to guide for successful behavior / Mark Le Messurier. -Thousand Oaks : Corwin Press, cop. 2006. - 344 str. – Sg.8289Sharp, G.: Sharp’s dictionary of power and struggle : languageof civil resistance in conflicts / Gene Sharp ; with theassistance of April Carter and Bruce Jenkins ; and a forewordby Adam Roberts. - Oxford ; New York : OxfordUniversity Press, cop. <strong>2012</strong>. - XXII, 345 str. – Sg. 8293Zupančič, B.M.: Tembatsu : druga od suhih krav / Boštjan M.Zupančič. - Strasbourg : samo<strong>za</strong>l., 2011 (Domžale : MediaPrint Gostič). - 253 str. – Sg. 8270--------------------------------------------------------------------Knjige, označene z *, so v knjižnici MNZ.Seznam pripravili Alenka Peterka in Ana Volovlek81

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