1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně

1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně 1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně


strojopisu vyznačujte jejich předpokládané Redakce považuje dodaný rukopis zaumístění v tištěném textu. Na zadní straně konečné znění práce. Větší změny přidole uveďte číslo, jméno autora a jasné korekturách nejsou přípustné. Prosímeoznačení, kde bude horní a dolní část abyste pečlivě zkontrolovali text, tabulky aobrázku. Texty k obrázkům se píší na legendy k obrázkům. Pro zkrácenízvláštní list. U českých rukopisů uvádějte publikační lhůty tiskárny je možno připojittexty k obrázkům i v angličtině.prohlášení, že autor netrvá na autorskékorektuře.L i t e r a t u r aSeznam odkazů na literaturu se připojí A d r e s a p r o z a s í l á n í p ř í s p ě v k ův abecedním pořadí na konci textu. Rukopisy zasílejte na adresu:Odvolání na literaturu uvádějte ve MUDr. Ivo Mařík, Csc.vlastním textu příslušnými čísly v Ambulatní centrum pro vady pohybovéhozávorkách ( ).aparátuV seznamu citované literatury uvádějte Olšanská 7údaje o knihách v pořadí: příjmení a 130 00 Praha 3.iniciály prvních tří autorů s případnýmdodatkem "et al.", název knihy, pořadí Jeden výtisk časopisu Pohybovévydání, místo vydání, nakladatel, rok ústrojí bude zaslán bezplatně prvnímuvydání, počet stran: Frost HM. The Laws of autorovi příspěvku. Další časopisy jeBone Structure. 4 ed. Springfield: možno objednat u vydavatele:C.C.Thomas, l964, 167 sincerely.Časopiseckou literaturu uvádějte tímto Adresa:způsobem: příjmení a iniciály prvních tří ORTOTIKA S.R.O.autorů (u více autorů pište za jménem U Invalidovny 7třetího autora et al.), název článku, název 186 00 Praha 8časopisu nebo jeho uznávaná zkratka, Tel./fax/zázn.: (02)24816481ročník, rok vydání, číslo, strany: Sobotka Z, nebo e-mail: ortotika@Mařík I. Remodelation and Regeneration of AMBULANTNÍ CENTRUM PRO VADYBone Tissue at some Bone Dysplasias. POHYBOVÉHO APARÁTUPohybové ústrojí, 2, 1995, č. l, s. 15 - 24. Olšanská 7Příspěvky ve sbornících (v knize) se 130 00 Praha 3uvádějí v pořadí: příjmení a iniciály Tel./fax: (02) 697 22 14prvních tří autorů, název článku, editor, e-mail: ambul_centrum@volny.cznázev sborníku, díl, místo, nakladatelství arok vydání, strany ve sborníku (knize):Mařík I, Kuklík M, Brůžek J. Evaluation ofgrowth and development in bonedysplasias. In: Hajniš K, ed. Growth andOntogenetic Development in Man. Prague:Charles University, l986, s. 39l-403.K o r e k t u r y74LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM VOL. 7, 2000, No.1

INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSSubject Matter of Contributionsare encouraged to write concisely. The firstThe journal Locomotor System will page of paper should be headed by the titlepublish the papers from the field of followed by the name(s) of author(s) andlocomotor apparatus of man which are his/her (their) affiliations. Furthermore,above all concerned with the function, the address of the author should bephysiological and pathological state of the indicated who is to receive correspondenceskeletal and muscular system on all levels and proofs for correction.of knowledge, diagnostical methods, The second page should contain a shortorthopaedic and traumatological problems, abstract about 100 words followed by therehabilitation as well as the medical keywords no more than 6. The proper texttreatment and preventive care of skeletal of original paper is laid out intodiseases. The object of interest are introduction, material and methods,interdisciplinary papers of paediatric results, discussion and if need beorthopaedics and osteology, further object acknowledgement. The reviews,of interest are problems of biomechanics, discussions and news from conferences arepathobiomechanics and biorheology. The without summaries and their lay-outjournal will accept the original papers of d e p e n d s o n t h e c h a r a c t e r o fhigh professional level which were not communication. The paragraphs shouldpublished elsewhere with exception of begin five free spaces from the left marginthose which appeared in an abbreviated and contain at least four rows.form. The editorial board will also acceptthe review articles, case reports and Illustrations and Tablesabstracts of contributions presented at Authors should supply illustrationsnational and international meetings and tables on separate sheets but indicatedevoted largely to locomotor system. The the desired location in the text. The figurespapers published in the journal are should include the relevant details and beexcerpted in EMBASE / Excerpta Medica. produced on a laser printer orContents and summaries of papers are professionally drawn in black ink onavailable at Internet: www.ortotika.cz. transparent or plain white paper. Drawingsshould be about twice the final sizeManuscript Requirementsrequired and lettering must be clear andManuscripts should be submitted in sufficiently large to permit the necessaryoriginal (we recommend to the authors to reduction of size. Photographs must be ofkeep one copy for eventual corrections), high professional quality. Figure legendstyped or printed double-spaced on one should be provided for all illustrations on aside of the page of size A4 with wide separate page and grouped in numericalmargins. The contributions submitted in the order of appearance. On the back of figures,well-known computer programs on disk their number and name of the author should(3.5" microdisks) are welcome. The be indicated.submitted disk will be returned.While no maximum length of Referencescontributions is prescripted, the authors References must be presented in aPOHYBOVÉ ÚSTROJÍ, ročník 7, 2000, č. 1 75

INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORSSubject Matter of Contributionsare encouraged to write concisely. The firstThe journal Locomotor System will page of paper should be headed by the titlepublish the papers from the field of followed by the name(s) of author(s) andlocomotor apparatus of man which are his/her (their) affiliations. Furthermore,above all concerned with the function, the address of the author should bephysiological and pathological state of the indicated who is to receive correspondenceskeletal and muscular system on all levels and <strong>pro</strong>ofs for correction.of knowledge, diagnostical methods, The second page should contain a shortorthopaedic and traumatological <strong>pro</strong>blems, abstract about 100 words followed by therehabilitation as well as the medical keywords no more than 6. The <strong>pro</strong>per texttreatment and preventive care of skeletal of original paper is laid out intodiseases. The object of interest are introduction, material and methods,interdisciplinary papers of paediatric results, discussion and if need beorthopaedics and osteology, further object acknowledgement. The reviews,of interest are <strong>pro</strong>blems of biomechanics, discussions and news from conferences arepathobiomechanics and biorheology. The without summaries and their lay-outjournal will accept the original papers of d e p e n d s o n t h e c h a r a c t e r o fhigh <strong>pro</strong>fessional level which were not communication. The paragraphs shouldpublished elsewhere with exception of begin five free spaces from the left marginthose which appeared in an abbreviated and contain at least four rows.form. The editorial board will also acceptthe review articles, case reports and Illustrations and Tablesabstracts of contributions presented at Authors should supply illustrationsnational and international meetings and tables on separate sheets but indicatedevoted largely to locomotor system. The the desired location in the text. The figurespapers published in the journal are should include the relevant details and beexcerpted in EMBASE / Excerpta Medica. <strong>pro</strong>duced on a laser printer orContents and summaries of papers are <strong>pro</strong>fessionally drawn in black ink onavailable at Internet: www.ortotika.cz. transparent or plain white paper. Drawingsshould be about twice the final sizeManuscript Requirementsrequired and lettering must be clear andManuscripts should be submitted in sufficiently large to permit the necessaryoriginal (we recommend to the authors to reduction of size. Photographs must be ofkeep one copy for eventual corrections), high <strong>pro</strong>fessional quality. Figure legendstyped or printed double-spaced on one should be <strong>pro</strong>vided for all illustrations on aside of the page of size A4 with wide separate page and grouped in numericalmargins. The contributions submitted in the order of appearance. On the back of figures,well-known computer <strong>pro</strong>grams on disk their number and name of the author should(3.5" microdisks) are welcome. The be indicated.submitted disk will be returned.While no maximum length of Referencescontributions is prescripted, the authors References must be presented in aPOHYBOVÉ ÚSTROJÍ, ročník 7, <strong>2000</strong>, č. 1 75

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