1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně

1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně 1/2000 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně


Fig.3. Superficial layer ofnewly formed cartilage isthicker than the original one.Rather high cellularity andpoor ECM, also two stripesof chondrocytes (arrows)from the bone to the surfaceof a defect are present.Hematoxylin and eosin,magnif. x 40.Fig.3a. The very youngcartilage is illustrated on thisdetail of the Fig.3. Theisogenetic groups of thechondrocytes are in thedeeper layers. Hematoxylinand eosin, magnif. x 250.Fig.4. The central part of thedefect with newly formedtissue. The aggrecans (darkcolour) are mainly on abottom of the defect.MOVAT and methylgreen,magnif. x 200.38LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM VOL. 7, 2000, No.1

Fig.5. The defect extendedinto the subchondral bone.The thick layer of cartilagerich on aggrecans was builtup around walls of thedefect (arrows). MOVATa f t e r o x i d a t i o n a n dmethylgreen, magnif. x100.Obr.5aObr.6Fig.5a. Detail of the Fig. 5 - newly formed cartilage on the bone surface. Dark structuresare aggrecans. MOVAT after oxidation and methylgreen, magnif. x 200.Fig.6. Electrophoresis gels stained with coomassie blue showing (1) collagen from richon aggrecans the implant, 9 weeks after surgery, (2) acid soluble collagen.POHYBOVÉ ÚSTROJÍ, ročník 7, 2000, č. 1 39

Fig.3. Superficial layer ofnewly formed cartilage isthicker than the original one.Rather high cellularity andpoor ECM, also two stripesof chondrocytes (arrows)from the bone to the surfaceof a defect are present.Hematoxylin and eosin,magnif. x 40.Fig.3a. The very youngcartilage is illustrated on thisdetail of the Fig.3. Theisogenetic groups of thechondrocytes are in thedeeper layers. Hematoxylinand eosin, magnif. x 250.Fig.4. The central part of thedefect with newly formedtissue. The aggrecans (darkcolour) are mainly on abottom of the defect.MOVAT and methylgreen,magnif. x 200.38LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM VOL. 7, <strong>2000</strong>, No.1

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