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13 TH INTERNATIONAL COURSELearning and teaching aboutpatient centred clinical care inmodern crosscultural comunitiesin general/family practiceorganized by Slovene family medicine society- Slovenian medical association, Department offamily practice - University Ljubljana, Departmentof family practice - University Maribor, Institute offamily medicineKRANJSKA GORA7−11, September 2004PROGRAMME:Tuesday, September 7, 2004Introduction to the course8.00−8.30 Arrival and registration, JankoKersnik8.30−9.00 Welcome, introduction to thecourse, Janko Kersnik9.00−9.30 Introduction by the participants,Janko Kersnik9.30−10.15 Introduction to medicalanthropology, Yonah Yaphe10.15−10.45 Coffee break10.45−12.30 Personal experiences withdifferent communication styles,Group leaders12.30−14.30 Lunch14.30−15.00 Introduction to communicationpatterns, Manfred Maier16.00−16.30 Coffee break16.30−17.00 What to teach about crossculturalaspects of communication, Groupleaders17.00−17.30 Plenary: presentations of ideasfrom working groups, ManfredMaier18.00 Reception by major of KranjskaGora in a museum, sport activities,Nena Kopčavar GučekWednesday, September 8, 2004Patient ceterdness, paternalism, partnership8.45–9.00 Plenary, Jaime Correia de Sousa9.00–9.45 Partnership – an escape fromdoctor’s responsibility, JaimeCorreia de Sousa9.45–11.00 Building doctor patient relationship,Group leaders11.00–11.30 Coffee break11.30–13.00 Group work – selection of atopic (nationality, culture, sexualorientation, values, handicaps),Group leaders13.00–14.30 Lunch14.30–15.00 Medically unexplained healthproblems – MUPS, Amanda Howe15.00–17.00 Group work, Group leaders16.00–16.30 Coffee break17.00–17.30 Plenary: presentations of ideasfrom working groups, AmandaHowe19.00 Dancing lessons, waterpolo game,Nena Kopčavar GučekThursday, September 9, 2004Recognising and resolving disagrement inthe consultation8.45–9.00 Plenary, Janko Kersnik9.00–9.45 Recognising and resolvingdisagreement in the consultation,Janko Kersnik9.45–11.00 Exercise recognising disagreementin the consultation, Group leaders11.00–11.30 Coffee break11.30–13.00 Group work: Selection of teachingmethod, Group leaders13.00–14.30 LunchPROGRAMI14.30–15.00 How to deal with doctors andpatients with different values,Manfred Maier, Amanda Howe15.00–19.00 Exercise, field work in Bled, Groupleaders19.00–20.00 Visit to Bled, wine inspection and asurprise, Nena Kopčavar GučekFriday, September 10, 2004Ethics from ethnical viewpoint8.45–9.00 Plenary, Manfred Maier9.00–9.45 Cross cultural medical ethics,Manfred Maier9.45–11.00 Exercise different doctor’s values inthe light of medical ethics, Groupleaders11.00–11.30 Coffee breakSTROKOVNIH SREČANJ11.30–13.00 “Joker session”: How to develop apersonal learning plan, Igor Švab13.00–14.30 Lunch14.30–15.00 How to communicate in a foreignlanguage, Amanda Howe15.00–16.30 Group work: preparation forpresentations15.45–16.15 Coffee break17.00–19.00 Conference19.00 Reception20.30 DinnerSaturday, September 11, 2004Conference9.00–18.00 Conference19.00 DepartureThe course is aiminga at family doctors,tutorsm, trainers, mentors, trainees and allinterested in questions that modern societyposses to us. The course will be held inEnglish, no simultanesus presentations will beavailable.Course directors: Janko Kersnik (Slovenia),Yonah Yaphe (Israel), Manfred Maier (Austria),Jaime Correia de Sousa (Portugal), AmandaHowe (Great Britain)Resource persons: Igor Švab (Slovenia), JanosSzabo (Hungary), Mladenka Vrcić Keglević(Croatia), Mateja Bulc (Slovenia), GianluigiPasserini (Italy)Social programme: Nena Kopčavar GučekLocal support: Janko Kersnik, Leopold ZonikSocial events: Pe-conference: sightseeing,mountain trip etc. Participants have to applythrough the hotel. Igor will probably organisea short walking trip on Sunday for the coursedirectors and group leaders (as every year) forthose who will arrive earlier.During conference: dancing lessons, vineinspection, waterpolo, farewell dinner etc.General information: The course will be heldin Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Kranjska Gora isa tourist resort in the Northwest of Sloveniaon the border to Italy and Austria and iseasily accessible by car, train or plane. Thecourse fee is set at 200 EUR and will includecourse materials, organisation of the course,conference attendance and the participation inexciting social events. For Slovene participantsfree acces is available through the donation ofKRKA, d.d., which supports this internationalcourse. Detailed programme is available onSlovene Family Medicine Society and 2004 ISIS

98PROGRAMI STROKOVNIH SREČANJUpadates of the programme, homework,suggested readings and other information willbe also available at learn more about meeting place visit andabout the venue hotel Larix visit We suggestan early room booking through the mainregistration office by letting them know you areparticipating the conference and/or the course:Hotel Larix, Borovska cesta 99, 4280 KranjskaGora, T: +386 4 588 41 00, F: +386 4 588 4470, E: participants should send their applicationsuntil August 25 to the following address:Janko Kersnik, Koroska 2, 4280 KranjskaGora, Slovenia, E:,T: +386 4 588 46 01, F: +386 4 588 46 10,W: or prof.Igor Švab, Department of Family Medicine,Poljanski nasip 58, P.O. Box: 2218, 1000Ljubljana, Slovenia, T: +386 1 438 69 15, F:+386 1 438 69 10, E: Igor.Svab@mf.uni-lj.siAT THE CROSSROADS OF THEEDUCATION1 st annual meeting of GP/FMteachers in Europeorganized by Slovene family medicine society- Slovenian medical association, Department offamily practice - University Ljubljana, Institute ofpublic health of the Republic of Slovenia, Instituteof family medicineKRANJSKA GORA10−11, September 2004PROGRAMME:Friday, September 10 th 200416.00−17.00 Arrival and registrationChair: Yonah Yaphe (IZ)The EURACT teaching agenda. Igor Švab (SLO)Is there a method beyond education to changepractice. Gianluiggi Passerini (I)17.00−19.00 Opening of the conferenceWelcomeISIS julij 2004An introduction to the conferenceKeynote Lectures19.00−21.00 Informal Get TogetherSaturday, September 11 th 20049.00−10.30 Panel SessionChair: Janko Kersnik (SLO)What is different about teaching GP/FM? YonahYaphe (IZ)Do we need new models of teaching? ManfredMaier (A)11.00−11.30 Coffee break11.30−13.00 Workshops and Parallel SessionsPresentations6 presentationsChair: GianluiggiPasserini (I)13.00−14.30 LunchWorkshop1Workshop2Workshop314.30−16.00 Workshops and Parallel SessionsPresentations6 presentationsChair: JaimeCorreia deSousa (P)Workshop416.00−16.30 Coffee breakWorkshop5Workshop616.30−17.30 Panel SessionChair: Manfred Maier (A)A challenge: Being a role model for the studentsin your practice. Jaime Correia de Sousa (P)How to get the salt from the everyday experienceof colleagues in the practices? GianluiggiPasserini (I)17.30−18.00 Closing of the 1st annual meetingof GP/FM teachers in EuropeSubmitted papers: “Recruitment to GP training inour deanery” Roger Price, Adviser, PostgraduateGP Education Leicester, Northamptonshire &Rutland Deanery EnglandAims of the conference: The conference isaiming at the educators in primary care whoare involved in teaching at university or practicelevel and will be held in English. The main aimis to exchange the experiences and to proposeeffective strategies, models, curricula andmethods of teaching GP/FM at undergraduateand postgraduate level. During the conferencethere will be a mixture of invited lectures,presentations, panel discussions, posterpresentations and group work. The modulesproduced during the 13 th international coursewill be presented to the conference audience.Programme committee: Janko Kersnik(Slovenia), Igor Švab (Slovenia), Yonah Yaphe(Israel), Manfred Maier (Austria), Jaime Correiade Sousa (Portugal), Amanda Howe (GreatBritain), Gianluigi Passerini (Italy)Social programme: Nena Kopčavar GučekLocal support: Janko KersnikPatronage: The conference is organised bySlovene Family Medicine Society and underthe patronage of the European Academy ofTeachers in General Practice (EURACT) andwith the support of the EURACT service functiontask force. EURACT council members also serveas additional resource persons.General information:The conference will be held in Kranjska Gora,Slovenia. Kranjska Gora is a tourist resort in theNorthwest of Slovenia and is easily accessibleby car, train or plane. The conference fee is 100EURO. We have chosen an array of interestingkeynotes and have invited distinguishedspeakers to cover the issues. We invite you tosend an abstract for the parallel presentationor for the workshop. Three workshops willbe covered by the products of the course onteaching patient centred care.To learn more about meeting place visit andabout the venue hotel Larix visit We suggestan early room booking through the mainregistration office by letting them know you areparticipating the conference and/or the course:Hotel Larix, Borovska cesta 99, 4280 KranjskaGora, T: +386 4 588 41 00, F: +386 4 588 44 70,E: and workshops on the topic ofthe conference are welcomed. Abstracts for thepresentations and workshops not exceeding250 words should be send in word format bye-mail to the programme committee by theJune 20. The address is The programme committee will decideon the acceptance of the proposed abstractsand will decide the format of the presentation.The presenting author will be notified on thedecision by the end of July. The decision ofthe committee is final. The abstracts will bepublished on the webpages www.drmed-mb.organd interested participants should send theirapplications until August 20 to the followingaddress: Janko Kersnik, Koroska 2, 4280Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, E:, T: +386 4 588 46 01, F: +386 4 588 4610, W: orprof. Igor Švab, Department of Family Medicine,Poljanski nasip 58, P.O. Box: 2218, 1001Ljubljana, Slovenia, T: +386 1 438 69 15, F:+386 1 438 69 10, E: Igor.Svab@mf.uni-lj.siI am interested in the participation/I willpartiipate to the conference and I would liketo receive further information on the detailedprogramme to the above address.

98PROGRAMI STROKOVNIH SREČANJUpadates of the programme, homework,suggested readings and other information willbe also available at learn more about meeting place visit andabout the venue hotel Larix visit We suggestan early room booking through the mainregistration office by letting them know you areparticipating the conference and/or the course:Hotel Larix, Borovska cesta 99, 4280 KranjskaGora, T: +386 4 588 41 00, F: +386 4 588 4470, E: participants should send their applicationsuntil August 25 to the following address:Janko Kersnik, Koroska 2, 4280 KranjskaGora, Slovenia, E:,T: +386 4 588 46 01, F: +386 4 588 46 10,W: or prof.Igor Švab, Department of Family Medicine,Poljanski nasip 58, P.O. Box: 2218, 1000Ljubljana, Slovenia, T: +386 1 438 69 15, F:+386 1 438 69 10, E: Igor.Svab@mf.uni-lj.siAT THE CROSSROADS OF THEEDUCATION1 st annual meeting of GP/FMteachers in Europeorganized by Slovene family medicine society- Slovenian medical association, Department offamily practice - University Ljubljana, Institute ofpublic health of the Republic of Slovenia, Instituteof family medicineKRANJSKA GORA10−11, September 2004PROGRAMME:Friday, September 10 th 200416.00−17.00 Arrival and registrationChair: Yonah Yaphe (IZ)The EURACT teaching agenda. Igor Švab (SLO)Is there a method beyond education to changepractice. Gianluiggi Passerini (I)17.00−19.00 Opening of the conferenceWelcomeISIS julij 2004An introduction to the conferenceKeynote Lectures19.00−21.00 Informal Get TogetherSaturday, September 11 th 20049.00−10.30 Panel SessionChair: Janko Kersnik (SLO)What is different about teaching GP/FM? YonahYaphe (IZ)Do we need new models of teaching? ManfredMaier (A)11.00−11.30 Coffee break11.30−13.00 Workshops and Parallel SessionsPresentations6 presentationsChair: GianluiggiPasserini (I)13.00−14.30 LunchWorkshop1Workshop2Workshop314.30−16.00 Workshops and Parallel SessionsPresentations6 presentationsChair: JaimeCorreia deSousa (P)Workshop416.00−16.30 Coffee breakWorkshop5Workshop616.30−17.30 Panel SessionChair: Manfred Maier (A)A challenge: Being a role model for the studentsin your practice. Jaime Correia de Sousa (P)How to get the salt from the everyday experienceof colleagues in the practices? GianluiggiPasserini (I)17.30−18.00 Closing of the 1st annual meetingof GP/FM teachers in EuropeSubmitted papers: “Recruitment to GP training inour deanery” Roger Price, Adviser, PostgraduateGP Education Leicester, Northamptonshire &Rutland Deanery EnglandAims of the conference: The conference isaiming at the educators in primary care whoare involved in teaching at university or practicelevel and will be held in English. The main aimis to exchange the experiences and to proposeeffective strategies, models, curricula andmethods of teaching GP/FM at undergraduateand postgraduate level. During the conferencethere will be a mixture of invited lectures,presentations, panel discussions, posterpresentations and group work. The modulesproduced during the 13 th international coursewill be presented to the conference audience.Programme committee: Janko Kersnik(Slovenia), Igor Švab (Slovenia), Yonah Yaphe(Israel), Manfred Maier (Austria), Jaime Correiade Sousa (Portugal), Amanda Howe (GreatBritain), Gianluigi Passerini (Italy)Social programme: Nena Kopčavar GučekLocal support: Janko KersnikPatronage: The conference is organised bySlovene Family Medicine Society and underthe patronage of the European Academy ofTeachers in General Practice (EURACT) andwith the support of the EURACT service functiontask force. EURACT council members also serveas additional resource persons.General information:The conference will be held in Kranjska Gora,Slovenia. Kranjska Gora is a tourist resort in theNorthwest of Slovenia and is easily accessibleby car, train or plane. The conference fee is 100EURO. We have chosen an array of interestingkeynotes and have invited distinguishedspeakers to cover the issues. We invite you tosend an abstract for the parallel presentationor for the workshop. Three workshops willbe covered by the products of the course onteaching patient centred care.To learn more about meeting place visit andabout the venue hotel Larix visit We suggestan early room booking through the mainregistration office by letting them know you areparticipating the conference and/or the course:Hotel Larix, Borovska cesta 99, 4280 KranjskaGora, T: +386 4 588 41 00, F: +386 4 588 44 70,E: and workshops on the topic ofthe conference are welcomed. Abstracts for thepresentations and workshops not exceeding250 words should be send in word format bye-mail to the programme committee by theJune 20. The address is The programme committee will decideon the acceptance of the proposed abstractsand will decide the format of the presentation.The presenting author will be notified on thedecision by the end of July. The decision ofthe committee is final. The abstracts will bepublished on the webpages www.drmed-mb.organd interested participants should send theirapplications until August 20 to the followingaddress: Janko Kersnik, Koroska 2, 4280Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, E:, T: +386 4 588 46 01, F: +386 4 588 4610, W: orprof. Igor Švab, Department of Family Medicine,Poljanski nasip 58, P.O. Box: 2218, 1001Ljubljana, Slovenia, T: +386 1 438 69 15, F:+386 1 438 69 10, E: Igor.Svab@mf.uni-lj.siI am interested in the participation/I willpartiipate to the conference and I would liketo receive further information on the detailedprogramme to the above address.

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