Rozděleni minulostí - Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV

Rozděleni minulostí - Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV

Rozděleni minulostí - Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV

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383fourth chapter “President Václav Havel and the Burden of(Communist) Past. Lustrations as a Political and MoralProblem, 1989–1992” focuses especially on the issue of so calledlustrations, i.e. screening of high rank officials for their pastinvolvement with the secret service, and the role that VáclavHavel played in this <strong>pro</strong>cess. The fifth chapter “The Pasts ThatDivide: The Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party, 1989–1992”gave name to the whole book. It maps the individual streams ofpost-1989 social democratic movement (the “restitution group”,the “continuity group”, and the “new group”) and their inabilityto create a shared perspective of the past. The sixth chapter “TwoModes of ‘Christian Politics’. Czechoslovak Peoples Party andChristian Democratic party in the First Half of the 1990s” dealswith two different subjects: the Peoples Party and its dealing withthe troubling heritage as a state-socialist “puppet party” and thepost-dissident miniscule Christian Democratic Party and itsanti-communist agenda. The seventh chapter “ConservativeCounterrevolution.: Civic Democratic Alliance and Post-Communist Transformation” looks at the radical policy ofa small right-wing post-dissident party that initiated many ofthe policies of “dealing with the past” and tied them withneoliberal economic policies. The eighth chapter “TheMarginal Parties: Fate of ‘The Small’ in the 1990s – CzechoslovakSocialist Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Society forMoravia and Silesia” narrates the stories of three marginalparties that failed to influence main-stream politics, andtherefore, paradoxically, <strong>pro</strong>vide valuable insight into thepolitical culture of the 1990s. The ninth chapter “‘Sweep ThemAll into the Vltava River’: Shifts in the RevolutionaryDiscourse of the Union for the Republic – Republican Party ofCzechoslovakia” discusses the shift of the extreme-right partyand its leader Miroslav Sládek from virulent anti-communismto populist chauvinism. The last chapter “The Stigma of thePast, Family Ties: The First Ten Years of Czech Communismafter the Changes of 1989” deals with the internal struggle of383

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