Struktura poljoprivrednih gazdinstava - midas

Struktura poljoprivrednih gazdinstava - midas

Struktura poljoprivrednih gazdinstava - midas

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Popis poljoprivrede 2010 Agricultural Census 2010COMMENTS1. Economic size of agricultural holdingAs previously published in publications of Census of Agriculture 2010, there were enumerated48 870 of agricultural holdings of which only 46 business entities performing the agriculturalactivity. The total 48 870 of agricultural holdings possess 221 297.6 ha of total utilisedagricultural land, i.e. an average agricultural holding possesses 4.6 ha of agricultural land.According to the data from the Census of Agriculture 2010, labour force in agricultureexpressed in the annual work unit (AWU) is 47 042.72 AWU.Table 1.1. Agricultural holdings by utilised agricultural land area, economic size, andlabour forceMONTENEGRONumber ofholdingsUtilisedagriculturalland haha byholdingEconomic sizeof agriculturalholdingsEconomicsize peragriculturalholdingEconomicsize per ha ofagriculturalholdingsLabour forceon agriculturalholdings(AWU)Agricultural holdings 48870 221297.6 4.6 125817765.2 2574.54 559.68 47042.72Family agriculturalholdings48824 212724.4 4.4 109319482.4 2239.1 513.9 46473.03Business entities 46 8573.2 186.4 16498282.8 358658.3 1924.13 569.69Standard Output (SO) of an agricultural product (crop or livestock) is the average monetaryvalue of the agricultural output at farm-gate price. The sum of the individual SO of all theagricultural products present on the holding, and expressed in Euro is “Economic size ofagricultural holding”. The total value of economic size of agricultural holdings in Montenegroexpressed in Euro is 125 817 765.2 or in average EUR 2 574.54 per agricultural holding. Anaverage value of economic size of family agricultural holdings is EUR 2 239.1, i.e. EUR 513.9per ha of family agricultural holding.Zavod za statistiku Crne Gore 41 Statistical Office of Montenegro

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