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Povzetki/Abstractsseems, therefore, that the idea of “zero tolerance” policies is a right one, althoughthe results of its application in practice in the USA have been manytimes problematic, inefficient and unjust.Key words: Zero tolerance, education, violence, schoolMarie-Hélène Estéoule-ExelPoetika Odnosa: nauki Éduarda Glissanta, pesnika, odKaribov do Vse-SvetaÉduard Glissant, pesnik, romanopisec in esejist iz Guadeloupa (FrancoskiAntili) se je zavezal preučevanju posebnosti karibske identitete, to jeidentitete brez korenin, oblikovane po modelu »suženjske ladje«, natovorjenes črnskimi sužnji, pripeljanimi z vseh koncev Afrike. Ti ljudje niso imelinobene skupne kulture, ker tudi niso imeli nikakršnega skupnega utemeljitvenegamita. Njihova rizomska identiteta se je pozneje oblikovala v ograjenemkraju, ki je hkrati kraj neštetih možnosti; takšen kraj je plantaža. Pojav,ki se imenuje kreolizacija, ni posledica križanja, marveč posledica povsemnepredvidljivega mešanja. Glede na to Éduard Glissant skozi prizmo branjaDeleuza in Guattarija predlaga pojem Poetika Odnosa, s čimer misli na drugačnorazmerje do Drugega, razmerje, ki nikakor ni odvisno od odnosa medvladajočim in vladanim. Znotraj tega odnosa bi se utegnila skrivati tudi pojmovnadvojica strpnost – nestrpnost.Ključne besede: suženjstvo, Karibi, identitete, Drugost, poezija, strpnost.Lessons of Éduard Glissant, Poet, from the Caribbean toTout-MondeÉduard Glissant, poet, novelist and essayist from Guadeloupe, (French Antilles)devoted himself to studying the Carribean identity which carries theinscriptions of rootlessness and displacement and is haunted by the ghostlyimages of “negro boat”, a slave ship that brought captured Africans to the Carribeanshores from different parts of Africa. As these people had no commonculture, they had no common founding myth either. Their rhizome identitydeveloped later in an enclosed place, which happens to be a place of a largenumber of pos<strong>si</strong>bilities. Such a place is a plantation. The phenomenon knownas creolisation is not a consequence of crossbreeding but unplanned mixing.Within this context and by drawing on the works of Deleuze and GuattariÉduard Glissant introduces the notion of Poetics of Relation, which establishesa different relation to the other. This is a relation that no longer builds or forthat matter depends on the hierachical relationship between the ruler and theruled but rests upon a new concept of tolerance and intolerance.Key words: slavery, the Caribbean, identity, Otherness, poetry, tolerance.211

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