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Šolsko polje, letnik XXI, številka 5– 6discourse, which takes what are in fact constructed differences for grantedwithout investigating their historical background or socio-political contextof their emergence, functions as a discourse of “normativity and power”(Wendy Brown, 2006).Key words: multiculturalism, immigrants, tolerance discourse, culturalracism, power, culture, depoliticisationZdenko KodeljaNičelna tolerancaToleranca oz. strpnost je bila razglašena za eno najpomembnejših kulturnih,političnih in moralnih vrednot, na katerih je utemeljena evropska dimenzijavzgoje in izobraževanja. Če poleg tega upoštevamo še zelo široko soglasjeo tem, da morata vzgoja in izobraževanje podpirati strpnost, potem sezdi, da je toleranca v vzgoji in izobraževanju očitna in nedvomna vrednota.Toda po drugi strani obstaja prav tako široko soglasje, da je na<strong>si</strong>lje v šoliv moralnem smislu tako veliko zlo, da ne sme biti tolerirano. Zato ni niti netolerantnostvedno nekaj slabega niti ni toleranca vedno nekaj dobrega. Netolerantnost,ki jo kaže učitelj v odnosu do na<strong>si</strong>lnega ravnanja učencev v šoli,je mogoče razumeti kot vrlino in kot njegovo moralno obvezo ter zakonskodolžnost. Po drugi strani pa se ekstremna strpnost do takšnega zla, kot je na<strong>si</strong>lje,spremeni v pregreho, ko na primer učitelj dopusti, da postane nedolženučenec žrtev fizičnega ali verbalnega na<strong>si</strong>lja sošolcev. Zdi se torej, da je politika»ničelne tolerance« pravilna, čeprav so bile posledice njene uporabe vZDA mnogokrat problematične, neučinkovite in krivične.Ključne besede: ničelna toleranca, vzgoja, na<strong>si</strong>lje, šolaZero toleranceTolerance has been declared one of the most important political, culturaland ethical values on which the European dimen<strong>si</strong>on of education is based.If we also con<strong>si</strong>der the very general agreement that education must promotetolerance, then it seems that tolerance in education is an obvious and unquestionablevalue. Yet, there is also a wide consensus that violence in schoolis something so morally wrong that it must not be tolerated. Therefore, neitheris all intolerance something bad not is all tolerance something good.The intolerance shown by a teacher towards students’ violent behaviour inschool could be understood as a virtue and as his moral obligation and legalduty. On the other hand, extreme toleration towards such evil like violencebecomes a vice, for example, when a teacher makes it pos<strong>si</strong>ble for an innocentstudent to become a victim of other students’ phy<strong>si</strong>cal or verbal violence. It210

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